Page 19 of Shank

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Zodak faced him fully. “Is your King a god?”

“He is,” he confirmed. “The Greatest of all gods.”

“I know of many gods,” Zodak said. “But I have never met a man whose god communed with him the way yours does.”

He gave an almost shy grin. “I might be his favorite,” he whispered.

Zodak knew he teased and found such a thing comical. “So, you are a pet of a god?”

“At least a star pupil, I think.”

“So then you are a favored son of a god and you wish…to work with me,” he remembered. “Why did you pick me for such a task as this, Seer?” Zodak had to ask again.

The man took in a deep breath and shrugged. “I guess ‘cause you’re a mutt like me. Only a tad bit uglier.”

Zodak’s laughter burst forth and the sound shocked his ears. He stared soberly at the Seer, awe bringing forth gasps. “Seer…Ilaughed,” he said, astonished.

Seer put his strong hand on his shoulder, that invisible light present in his smiling eyes. “You did.”

Zodak realized the Seer had wanted exactly that and wondered if he had other powers. “Are you controlling me, Seer?” The idea he might didn’t sit well in his circuits.

“Never, Zodak. My God believes in free will and so do I. I would never try to force you to do a single thing you didn’t want to. But I will not hesitate to kick your ass if you prevent me from exercising my own.”

Zodak’s lips spread at him. “You are jesting with me, man of light. Because you think I am more powerful than you. But…you would be very wrong. Even though I have not seen your power in its fullness, I feel its might.”

He gave a single nod, appearing surprised. “Does this mean I get to lead our little rescue mission?”

“I am a protector, Seer. This requires me to walk ahead of you.”

“And I am your protector Zodak. This will require me to walk... beside you.”

Beside him. “I like this, Seer.”

“My family and friends call me Samuel.”

Zodak looked into his serene gaze. “But I am neither.”

“We will be brothers from different mothers as they say.”

Zodak contemplated his words and the electrical fireworks they caused. “The Kings call me brother in this way. I have other family like this on the streets where they found me.”

He nodded. “Must’ve been some meeting.”

“It was,” he recalled eagerly. “While I tried to kill King Alerik, he showed me his gift of knowing. Like you, in a way. And King Vex showed me his gift of locking my powers. But it was King Lore’s gift that convinced me they were speaking the truth.”

“Ah, yes,” Seer said. “King Lore has vocal gifts.”

“Astounding vocal gifts,” Zodak said. “I only realized later that he could have misused them with convincing lies. I chose to give them the opportunity to prove otherwise. And they did. Without their help, I would still be on the streets avoiding the eyes of every human I meet. Now, I am free to roam as I please, free to use my powers as I please. My only remaining enemy is controlling how the powers affect me. And it would seem that the more control I have using them, the more powerful they are. Which makes it more dangerous.”

“To others,” Seer remembered.

“Yes. And to myself. Too much darkness at once leaves stains within me.”

“What do they do?”

“Make me…physically ill. Very foul of spirit.”

“Like a spiritual hangover,” Seer said.

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