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‘Can I just say ... this club has been the best thing I’ve ever done in my life,’ Gina revealed. ‘Thank you, Liz. Who knows, maybe I’ll write a bestseller one day too.’

‘I wouldn’t be at all surprised. Thanks, Gina.’ Liz sidled up to her and put an arm around her. ‘Now, I have another announcement.’

‘More good news? Is Brad Pitt waiting outside the door to meet us? Or Hugh Jackman?’ Miranda joked.

Or Henry Cavill?Cara remembered her visualisation fantasy from one of the meetings.

‘How’d you guess?’ Liz chuckled. ‘No, afraid not.’ She cleared her throat. ‘I know that some of you have been wondering what will happen next year now that your time in the club has come to an end. Well, I’ve been working hard on a secret project, and now I am happy to tell you that you’re all going to be the founding members of my Life Makeover Graduates Club. If you want to, that is!’

‘Whatever it is, I’m in!’ said Miranda, and Cara agreed.

‘It’s not a club like this one, it’s more of an online network. Only for those who’ve completed the twelve-month program. You’ll get a password to access the members website which will have lots of resources to help you continue making the most of your life, and there’ll be occasional workshops and webinars run by myself and guest speakers, and maybe even a yearly retreat.’ Liz’s cheeks glowed a warm pink. ‘The online membership will be at no cost to you, as founding members, though future graduates will pay a small yearly fee if they wish to be a part of it.’

Even better!Excitement danced through Cara’s body, filling her with an exuberant energy she hadn’t felt in a long time. ‘Wow, thanks, Liz. That sounds amazing.’

‘It feels like Christmas!’ Miranda said.

‘Hey, don’t talk to me about Christmas,’ said Cara. ‘I’m still cleaning up from the one we just had.’ She went to nudge her in the ribs but, remembering they’d been broken in the not-too-distant past, lightly slapped her on the arm instead.

‘Anyway,’ Liz said. ‘I’ll email you all with the details soon. Now, I have something for all of you.’ She moved to the side table where her bunch of flowers lay next to a box. Lifting the lid, she withdrew some papers. ‘I’m going to call you up one at a time and present you with a graduation certificate. I know this isn’t a degree or diploma, but what you’ve all been through and achieved this year is worthy of a certificate in my opinion.’

‘Oh, how cool!’ Cara jiggled in her seat as though she had turned into Miranda. This was a nice substitute for the Graphic Design degree she had missed out on. And it actually meant more to her.

Liz picked up the first certificate. ‘Before you collect your certificate, I’d like you to tell the group the main lesson you’ve learned this year. If there’s one thing; one simple piece of wisdom you could take away from all this, what would it be? Gina, you’re first.’

‘Are we going up in order of how punctual we are?’ Cara leaned back and threaded her hands behind her head as though gearing up for a long wait.

Liz laughed. ‘I hadn’t planned it that way,’ she thumbed through the pile of certificates, ‘but now that you mention it, you are in fact lucky last.’ Shesmiled.

‘Just as I thought.’ Cara smiled.

Gina stood, drawing a deep breath. ‘The main thing I’ve learned is to have the courage to follow your heart, and be true to yourself and your passions.’ Gina accepted her certificate and the group applauded.

‘Miranda?’ Liz raised her eyebrows, and Miranda stood.

‘It sounds so obvious, but I realised how important it is to be happy with yourself, before you can be happy with another person. Also, I’ve learned you need to accept people for who they are, not for who you want them to be, and ... oh, sorry,onething I’ve learned. Okay, I’ll stop now!’ Miranda giggled as Liz handed her the certificate.

More certificates were received, and more words of wisdom imparted, until finally, Cara stood.

‘Now for our better-late-than-never member: Cara.’ Liz chuckled, hugging an arm around her as she approached.

Cara was prepared for this, as Pete had asked her recently what she’d got out of the club. ‘I’ve learned that peace and happiness don’t come from somewhere else. I kept searching for something outside of me to bring me happiness, but I had it inside all along, I just had to awaken it. I’ve learned to find the peace in each moment; in the chaos of life, and to make my own needs a priority, as well as my family’s,’ she said, then added, ‘I really should write this out and stick it on the fridge, if there’s any room!’

‘Good idea, and well said, Cara.’

Cara accepted the cool laminated certificate in her hands, and a tingle of achievement shot up her arm. Her smile grew as more applause filled the room.

Liz sat and picked up her glass. ‘I think it’s time for a toast. To all of you, and your new lives!’ She held up her glass.

‘No, Liz, tousandournew lives,’ Cara corrected.

‘To us!’ Liz gave a single confident nod of her head, and everyone raised their glasses towards the middle of the table with a symphony of clinks.

‘To us!’

Heads leaned back as champagne was swallowed, and Liz stood. ‘Before we officially end this evening’s celebration, I have one more task I need you to do.’

‘More homework?’ Miranda asked, as the women eyed each other with curiosity.

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