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Maybe Naomi was in need of one of those romance books, to ‘tide her over’ until her Prince Charming realised what a catch he had. Gina was about to tell her about herlunchtime indulgence when Naomi snapped back into trainer mode and pointed to the mat.

‘Okay, enough of this schmalzy stuff, onto the floor to stretch those quads, girl!’

Five minutes later, her muscles buzzing with that rewarding post-exercise sensation, Gina signed out, sculled half a bottle of water, and headed for the V.I.P. showers. She was a Platinum Member; the highest level membership in the centre, a fact that made her very proud, but not so much her husband. He didn’t see the point in spending large amounts of money just to have unlimited use of all facilities, a personal trainer, free onsite parking, a twenty-five percent discount in the fitness shop,andaccess to the luxurious V.I.P. showers. Why pay when you could jog in the park for free without anyone pressuring you,andtake a shower in the privacy of your own home? Of course, Marvin never did that, but according to him that wasn’t the point.

As the satisfying pressure of warm water ran down her back, Gina was reminded of the shower scene in Her After-Hours Boyfriend, and she shivered. It’d been ages since she’d had that kind of passion. In fact, she didn’t think she’deverhad that kind of passion. Did it even exist in real life? Probably not. See, the book was already setting her up for disappointment. Still, she was anxious to know what would happen next.

Gina dried off and got dressed, bundling her sweaty clothes into her gym bag and swinging her handbag over her shoulder, when she realised she hadn’t checked her phone since she’d turned it to silent at lunchtime. She plucked it from her bag and entered her pin number.

One new voicemail:‘Hi, Gina, it’s Joanna from DrHardy’s office. Can you please call to make an appointment? She’d like to discuss your latest test results.’


“Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal.”

~ Mario Andretti

Two weeks had passed since the first Life Makeover Club meeting and Cara still hadn’t done her homework. Trying to find the time and energy to dosomething different for herselfwas about as likely as finding the Holy Grail. She’d managed to exhume some paper and drawing pencils out of the drawer a few days ago, but that was as far as she’d got. At least she’d made a start on her vision board though, until Jacob had drawn on the pictures she’d cut out. The lady being pampered in a salon with cucumbers over her eyes had grown a beard and a fancy moustache, and the cucumbers had transformed into big googly eyes. The image of a beach at sunset now had stick figures going skinny dipping, and a priceless work of art being unveiled by an acclaimed artistwas now a painting of The Wiggles. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was annoyed, Cara would have been quite proud of her son’s artistic talents.

She hoped at least one of her children would inherit her creative abilities and be able to make use of them in life. Cara felt she’d missed that opportunity. After falling pregnant at nineteen during her second year of Graphic Design at university, her artistic lifestyle was replaced by nappies, breastfeeding, and sleep deprivation. A couple of years later – surprise! Pregnant again. And then again. Her creative pursuits had become limited to finger painting and papier maché, which she enjoyed doing with the kids, but weren’t as satisfying as the artworks she’d created in the past.

It was time to change that.

With the kids playing in the living room, Cara escaped to the kitchen table and picked up the pencil. She glanced around the room, tapping the pencil against her chin, and her favourite photo of Jacob caught her eye. She placed the frame in front of her on the table, her son’s smile triggering her own. Gently, she stroked the paper with the pencil, the familiar scratching sound bringing back memories from years ago...

During high school, friends would pay her five dollars for a drawing of their favourite celebrity, and she’d enjoyed the attention and acknowledgment. She wasn’t only popular for her artistic abilities; blessed with a petite figure, pretty face, and naturally curly blonde hair, she garnered much attention from boys. From the time puberty hit she was rarely without a boyfriend, right up until the time she married Pete. Although Pete didn’t share any of her lectures at university, him being in the final year of a Paramedic degree, she’d seen him around and thought he was cute with his ever-present smile, gentle green eyes, and short sandy hair. Plus, he wasneither too short nor too tall, which was a bonus for Cara, who, at only five foot, often had a sore neck from looking up at people all her life. At the end of Cara’s first year, Pete sat next to her on the train one day, despite plenty of other seats being available. By the time they arrived at the university they’d exchanged phone numbers, and Cara agreed to attend the opening of a new nightclub with him on the weekend. From that moment they were inseparable, and the times they shared over summer break were some of Cara’s happiest memories.

‘Muuumm!’ Jacob yelled, jolting Cara from her reminiscing. ‘Toby keeps messing up my twains!’

She put the pencil down and peered into the living room. ‘Toby, why don’t you sit on the lounge for a while with some toys? Let Jacob set up the trains by himself for now.’

Toby’s chin quivered and a tired wail escaped his lungs, accompanied by fresh tears from his eyes.

‘Oh, man!’ Cara’s chair skidded as she stood. ‘It’s okay, pumpkin. You’re just tired aren’t you?’ She walked into the living room, pulled the box of toys and books out from under the coffee table and tempted her crying son with his favourite book, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’,which Cara could read blindfolded by now. Toby’s cries became sniffles, and when Cara sat on the lounge he lifted his knee onto her lap, climbing and nudging until he was snuggled beneath her arm.

‘Muuumm!’ Jacob yelled. ‘I can’t find Thomas. Where’s my Thomas twain?’

‘No need to yell, Jakey, I’m right here. Go have a look under your bed.’ Cara opened the book and read to Toby.

‘Muuumm!’ Jacob yelled from the bedroom. ‘It’s not here! Where’s Thomas?’

‘Mummy’s trying to read to Toby. I’ll have a look when I’m finished, okay?’

He came out and stamped his foot. ‘But I want it nowwww!’

‘Jacob Collins. I said I’ll have a look when I’m finished reading. Now, do something else for a while.’ Cara had been told to beware of the Terrible Two’s, but no one thought to mention the Frustrating Fours. Lily had also been difficult at age four, and now her brother continued the tradition. Of all her babies, Toby had been the most difficult. God help her whenheturned four.

Upon hearing his surname, Jacob must have known his mum meant business, and trudged off to the kitchen. A minute later he scurried out and dashed into his bedroom. The home phone rang. Luckily, Cara was on the last page of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ so she finished up and rushed into the kitchen before the phone went to the answering machine.

‘This is emergency services, we just received a call from this number, is everything okay?’

‘What? Oh no ... Jacob,’ Cara said, a hand on her forehead. ‘I’m sorry, my son must have called. His dad works for the ambulance service, he probably thought he could speak to him,’ she explained, her voice wobbly with embarrassment.

‘Well, as long as everything’s okay. Be sure to explain to him what Triple 0 is for, as I’m sure you’re aware, we need to be available for real emergencies.’

‘Yes, absolutely. I’m so sorry to waste your time. I’ll go and speak to him right now.’

‘Jaaacoobb!’ This time Cara yelled. She sat him down and talked about his dad’s job, and how he couldn’t help sickpeople in time if kids called Triple 0 when it wasn’t an emergency.

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