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‘Mysterious Grandma Brings Joy to Sydney.’

There was a photo of Liz, and a photo of Grandma Joy with her smiling eyes. At the bottom was a small photo of Zoe, who’d written the article.

‘I sure did, Zoe. It turned out wonderful!’ Liz exclaimed. ‘And I’ve already had a lot of emails and phone calls from people who’ve read it.’

‘Oh, I didn’t know it’d been printed yet,’ Rebecca said.

‘Me neither, give me a squiz.’ Shauna sidled up to Zoe.

‘I haven’t seen it yet either.’ Miranda was unable to read it properly as it moved around while everyone tried to look. ‘Is it online too?’

‘Yes, but I think for subscribers only. Instead of all of you fighting over it, why don’t I read it out loud?’ Zoe chuckled.

‘Great idea.’ Liz motioned for Zoe to sit in the Hot Seat.

Zoe pushed her glasses higher up on her nose. She told how these mysterious ‘words of wisdom’ cards from Grandma Joy were being left in random places around the city, for a few lucky people to find, and how Liz Ashford had brought her grandmother’s wisdom to life through The Life Makeover Club. The article also asked for people to come forward if they’d found one of the cards, and to send through or share on social media a photo of themselves holding the card, and a note on where they found it and what it meant to them.

‘...If you happen to be one of the lucky people to find a gold-rimmed card lying around, you may just find the answer you’ve been seeking, or the reassurance that you’re on the right path. Read it, act on it, and pass it forward. And as Grandma Joy would say: ‘Make the most of your life NOW.All you ever have is now, and then now, and now. See? It’s gone so quickly.’’ Zoe finished reading the article, and accepted a hug from Liz.

‘Thank you, Zoe. I’m sure Grandma Joy is dancing with delight in heaven,’ Liz joked. ‘I can just see it in my mind!’

Miranda wondered if her dad was looking down on her with pride. She wasn’t sure if she believed in life after death, but some of the self-improvement books she’d read had encouraged the belief in it; that we were all just collections of energy, and would disperse into the universe after death. She liked to think so, to have hope that her father still existed in some way.

Everyone congratulated Zoe on a job well done, and Rebecca handed Zoe a business card, telling her to get in contact should she ever wish to do a story on Successful Women in Real Estate.

‘Speaking of newspapers,’ Molly said. ‘I’ve just hired a copywriter to create an advertisement for Glamour Pets, and I’m going to put it in the lifestyle lift-out of the Sunday newspaper. I’m also going to splurge on ad space in a magazine for affluent retirees, and do a social media campaign. See if I can drum up some extra business.’

‘You go girl.’ Rebecca gave her thumbs up.

‘Let us know how it goes,’ Shauna said. ‘I’m trying to create some flyers and ads for the environmental empowerment workshops I’m planning to promote. But maybe I should get professional help writing the ad. Trying to sum up in only a few words what I can teach people is tough!’

‘Sure, I’ll send you the copywriter’s details,’ Molly said.

‘Sounds like you’re all moving ahead in leaps and bounds,’ Liz said. ‘By the way, has anyone heard from Gina?She hasn’t returned my calls, although she did send an email a while ago saying she’d be back when she can.’

I wonder if she’s left her husband?Miranda thought.

Heads shook and shoulders shrugged. They waited a few moments, then Liz encouraged everyone to open their gifts. ‘I handpicked them all, hope you like them.’ Liz had given each of them a unique Christmas decoration.

‘Oh, how beautiful!’ Miranda held hers up with a smile. It was a fairy holding a heart in her hands. Cara’s was a miniature framed painting of a Christmas scene, and Gina’s lay unopened on the remaining chair. The women thanked Liz, and took their seats.

‘With only two months left of your membership to The Life Makeover Club, let’s see where everyone is at. First though, I wanted to confirm with all of you the date for our graduation dinner. How is the twentieth of January?’ Liz scanned the room.

‘I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow, let alone in January, but it sounds good to me, Liz!’ said Cara. ‘I’ll confirm who’s available for babysitting ASAP.’

‘I’m making it a priority, so I’m fine with that date,’ said Miranda, giving a thumbs-up sign.

The door clicked open and Gina Longwood entered the room, dressed in black pants and a grey shirt, her skin pale.

‘Gina!’ Liz approached her. ‘It’s great to see you! Have a seat, we were just confirming the twentieth of January for our graduation dinner, how’s that for you?’

Gina removed her phone from her bag and tapped away on the screen. ‘I’ll be there.’

‘Great! Oh, and this is a little gift for you.’ Liz handed her the package.

‘Thanks, Liz,’ Gina said, slipping it into her bag. ‘I’ll open it later. Sorry I’m late, and sorry I’ve been absent.’

‘No problem, we’re just glad to see you.’

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