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‘It happens to be really good!’ Heat crawled up the back of her neck. ‘And ... maybe if I had more romance in my life, I wouldn’t need to get it from a book!’ Gina stormed out of the kitchen before popping her head back around the corner. ‘Oh, and by the way, your toast popped up. You do know how to butter your own toast don’t you?’ With unfamiliar yet empowering confidence she marched out, slamming the door behind her.

Gina Longwoodjust told her husband where to shove it,would have been an appropriate Facebook status update if she’d had the guts to write it.

After what seemedlike the longest and most annoying morning ever, Gina gratefully accepted her sushi from Mr ‘Life’s Too Short & So Am I’ T-Shirt Man, and sat down to lunch with Naomi.

‘Maybe you should leave things the way they are, Nae. You’re happy together without being married. Look at Marvin and I, always getting on each other’s nerves.’ Gina had been listening to Naomi discussing whether to bring up the topic of marriage with her boyfriend, Ben.

‘You know what? You’re absolutely right. Things are great between us, but maybe it’s the ambitious streak in me, always aiming higher.’ Naomi pushed a slice of salmon and avocado sushi into her mouth. ‘I mean...’ she paused to swallow, ‘we’re living as though wearemarried. We have amortgage together, we sit in silence together reading the Sunday papers like a couple of oldies, and we even have a dog. All that’s missing is a picket fence and a marriage certificate, but there’s no rule that says we need those things to live ‘happily ever after’.’

‘Exactly.’ Gina straightened the rectangular serviette holder so it was at right angles to the edge of the table.

‘I’m just going to enjoy the great relationship we have, and see what happens over the next year.’ Naomi nodded. ‘Speaking of the next year, how’s this Life Makeover Club working out for you?’

‘It’s ... good. Still early days. But itishelping me clarify a few things in my life.’

‘Such as?’

‘Oh, the things I’m not happy with, and what I would rather have instead.’ Gina picked up a few stray grains of rice that had fallen onto the table and placed them in a row on the edge of her plate.

‘Such as?’ Naomi probed, smiling.

‘My job, for starters. I told you how my colleague got the promotion that should have been mine. And my boss, boy is he a pain!’ Gina looked over her shoulder to make sure he wasn’t nearby. ‘And today, I was changing the ink cartridges when the black one leaked all over the desk and carpet!’

‘Oh no!’

‘I tried to clean it, but all I did was spread the stain, so I’m waiting on a cleaner to come in this afternoon. And now, I’m behind schedule. And you know how much I hate to be behind schedule.’

‘Are you at least on schedule enough to come to the gym after work?’ asked Naomi. ‘It’ll be good to release some of that stress.’

‘Of course. Unless Brianna makes me stay late to finish the work I’m behind with.’ Gina’s phone beeped to remind her to take her iron tablet. She popped one into her mouth, downing it with a swish of orange juice.

‘You know, Geens, you should seriously think about changing jobs,’ Naomi suggested.

‘I’d love to. But there’s not much going at the moment.’

‘I don’t mean office work. Why don’t you try something completely different?’

The thought sent an uncomfortable ripple across her skin. ‘Like what? I’m not trained in anything else. This is all I’ve ever done. Plus, I’m nearly forty.’ Gina sat back in her chair, pushing her empty plate aside, and taking a sip of juice.

‘Gina, you’re only thirty-seven, and even when you are forty there’s no reason you can’t do something different.’ Naomi leaned over the table. ‘You’ve forgotten about another thing you’rereallygood at.’

‘What, organising my recipes into alphabetical files, and spilling ink all over the carpet?’ she joked.

Naomi shook her head and gently slapped Gina’s hand. ‘Fitness, woman! You’re my best client, you don’t even really need me to train you. You’d make a damn good personal trainer.’

‘Seriously?’ Gina’s eyes widened.


‘But ... I’m too shy.’ She lowered her head. ‘I couldn’t possibly yell at people like you do.’

‘Hey, watch it!’ Naomi slapped Gina’s hand again. ‘You don’t have to be outgoing and demanding to be a trainer, just enthusiastic and passionate about fitness,which you are, and enjoy helpingpeople.’

‘But ... I’d have to take time to become certified, and I’d be without income until I find a job. And gosh, we’re supposed to be trying for a baby! And ... and... Marvin would probably have a heart attack. He hates me training every day as it is, thinks I’m overdoing things.’ Gina’s mind conjured up every possible obstacle and excuse, her uncontrolled thoughts like litter in her mind. It was too much effort to think how she could possibly start over in a new career.

‘All I’m saying is: think about it. You’re not happy with your current job, and you love fitness, so why not make a living doing something you love?’

Gina fidgeted with her hands, shifting in her chair. ‘It does sound good, but I just don’t know if I’m ready to take that sort of plunge.’

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