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Images and lifelong dreams flashed through Cara’s mind. There was so much she wanted to experience in life. What if an illness took it all away? What would she do if what happened to Liz happened toher? She shuddered inside and pushed the idea from her mind. No. Things were going to change. Starting now. It was time to take responsibility for her own life, her own dreams.

‘Anyway, enough about me,’ Liz said with a flick of her hand. ‘I want to hear about you! I’d like each of you to give the group a brief introduction and tell us why you’ve joined The Life Makeover Club. So, who wants to go first?’ Liz scanned the nervous eyes in the room, and Cara looked around, fiddling with her fingers, hoping someone else would volunteer.

‘Okay, I’ll start,’ said a woman with a mild American accent seated next to Cara. The woman shuffled in her chair and straightened, her wavy brown hair delivering the scent of fruity conditioner Cara’s way. ‘Hi everyone, my name’s Miranda Sheppard.’ She gave a little wave and her silver bangles jingled. ‘I know this sounds kinda desperate, but it’s time for me to get serious about finding a man.I don’t know why, but all the men I meet lately are just plain wrong for me.’ Miranda’s gesticulating was as emphatic as her voice. ‘I feel like I’m never gonna find someone suitable to settle down and start a family with. I’d also like to finetune my life in general; get my health and finances in order, you know?’ Her wide eyes sought nods of understanding, which she got from a couple of women on the other side of the table.

Nope, definitely not a stressed out mum like me.

And Cara could tell, even before Miranda had spoken. She had that exuberant, perky, ‘I get eight hours sleep without fail’ look about her. Half her luck.

‘Thanks, Miranda,’ said Liz. ‘May I ask why you want to accelerate this search for a partner?’

Miranda fiddled with her hands as if trying to restrain them from taking over, and bit her fuchsia-coloured bottom lip. ‘Well, apart from wanting someone to share my life with, I’m on a bit of a deadline.’

‘What sort of deadline?’

‘In a few years, I probably won’t be able to have children.’

Everyone leaned forward in their chairs.

‘Premature menopause runs in my family. My mum couldn’t have any more children after me, and the same happened to my grandma. It was over for them in their early thirties, and I’m twenty-nine now.’ She shrugged as if resigned to her fate.

Not so lucky after all, then.Although, Cara thought the idea of not having to put up with the annoying monthly visitor in your thirties and forties had some appeal.

‘I’ve had tests done,’ Miranda continued, ‘and it looks like I’ve only got a few years left, maybe till age thirty-five at most. My doctor and my mother both want me to freeze my eggs, but money is tight and it hasn’t felt right. Ha!That rhymed. Anyway, I know I could’ve used the money I invested in this club towards it, but...’ She shrugged. ‘I was so excited by the idea of a life makeover, and... I guess I’ve been avoiding the issue.’ She lowered her gaze for a moment, then raised her chin. ‘But, I’ve now decided I’ll give it a year, improve and enjoy my life, get healthier, and if I haven’t met anyone with potential by this time next year I’ll go ahead with the egg freezing.’ She gave a decisive nod.

‘Oh, I see.’ Liz nodded. ‘As a mother, I can understand how important this must be to you, Miranda.’

‘Yeah, it is. I mean, Icouldalways look at other options one day like an egg donor or adoption, but I’d love the chance to have a child of my own.’

Want one of mine?Cara mentally scolded herself for even thinking such a thing.

Miranda’s gaze travelled around the table. ‘Shame there aren’t any men here, I might have achieved my goal in one night!’ She laughed in an exaggerated way that proved she was joking, revealing a smidgen of fuchsia lipstick stuck to her front tooth. Cara felt like reaching over and wiping it off with a tissue, as though Miranda was one of her children with strawberry jam on their cheek or a snotty nose.

Miranda narrowed her eyes at Liz. ‘Just curious, did any men apply for the club?’

‘No, actually. I have a few male clients, but women do count for the majority of visits to a life coach.’

Cara was glad there were no men. There was something more comforting and supportive about a group of women sharing their life secrets.

‘Oh well, maybe I should hang out at the gym after our meetings,’ Miranda said. ‘Might have better luck in theweights room.’ She winked, then took a sip of water, leaving a fuchsia arc on the glass.

‘Not a bad idea, Miranda.’ Liz smiled. ‘And thanks for sharing with us.’

‘Thanks for listening. I’m super excited to be here!’ She grinned, and Cara was relieved to see the lipstick stain on her tooth had disappeared. She didn’t want to speak up and embarrass the poor woman, it looked like she put a lot of time and effort into her appearance. Though the comet-shaped swipes of blusher on each cheek were a little too pinky-purple for her liking, almost like bruises. Cara didn’t need blusher, constantly rushing around and bending over to pick up little kids and toys strewn around the house provided plenty of colour to her face.

Liz directed her open palm at Cara, and nodded to prompt her. ‘Let’s move clockwise around the table.’

Here goes. She cleared her throat and tucked some wayward curls behind her ears, but they rebelled and bounced back. If only her body was as resilient as her hair. ‘Hi, I’m Cara Collins. I’m a mum of three kids under the age of seven; two boys and a girl, and they keep me very busy.’ She chuckled. ‘I joined the club to do something for myself for a change. I’ve been feeling really worn out and frustrated, like I never have time for myself, and by the end of each day I’m too tired to do anything but go to bed! I want to find some kind of purpose besides being a mother.’There, that wasn’t too hard.

‘Thanks for sharing, Cara, and well done on taking action towards your own needs.’ Liz smiled with her coral-glossed lips. Was anyone in the roomnotwearing lipstick? Cara had only slid a chapstick across her lips after dinner.

The introductions continued, and the ice graduallychipped away as everyone loosened up and listened attentively to the sharing of goals and dreams.

‘Have you noticed,’ Liz said, ‘that although different reasons have brought you all here, there are many similarities among the group?’ A few people nodded. ‘That’s one of the reasons why I decided to start the club. In my one-on-one sessions I’ve noticed many people want help with similar issues, and although private sessions are extremely valuable, there’s a certain empowerment that comes from being part of a group of likeminded people.’ She glanced around the table at each attendee. ‘I wanted a way to not only help you individually, but help you benefit from the guidance, support, and accountability that comes from the combined effort of other people too. You might find that some of you are able to help each other out. I don’t want you to see me as the only source of knowledge when it comes to changing your life, you can also learn from each other, and I’m here to facilitate that learning.’

Cara recalled what the women had said about their lives, and wondered if any would end up being of help to her. Babysitting? Organisational skills, perhaps? And would she be of any help to them? She had no idea how that was possible when she could barely keep it together for herself and her family most days.

The (naturally) rosy-cheeked Wendy and sharp-eyed Rebecca both wanted help with losing weight, managing stress, and sticking to a healthy lifestyle. Cara could help them out by handing over her kids and getting them started on theChaotic CollinsMethodfor weight loss, though that wouldn’t do much to help their stress management goals and would therefore be counterproductive. Molly, who looked like a big cuddly pillow, wanted to grow her new petgrooming business. Nope, Cara had no hope of helping with that, as Bobo the dog was the antithesis of a groomed pet. And fiery red-head Shauna sounded like she wanted more of a world makeover than a life makeover, having just returned from an environmental sustainability conference. The mere thought of mustering that kind of energy and enthusiasm for anything of worldly importance gave Cara a headache. Those jobs were better suited to those who counted regular sleep among their blessings. She just wanted to get herownworld on track.

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