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“You wearing that?” Beau strolls in, looking like he’s coming straight out of a Gucci commercial, even though I went for a more casual look tonight.

“I know these things can be a little dressy but fuck it. What will they do, kick me out? Hardly. I’m Kingston fucking Banks, and I bow to none of these people.” He smirks as I strut past him like I own the place and lead us down the hall, out of the frat and across the lawn to the sorority house that sits behind ours.

Beau and I arrived fashionably late as we typically do. Another party, this one themed the start of a new school year.Whoever comes up with these ideas has to lead a pathetic fuckin’ life. Haven’t they heard of event planners?

It appears the entire frat was invited as I glance around, taking in several of my brothers. Beau flashes me a look, silently saying,surprise, same fucking party as last year. Raising my brows, I offer a smirk in return. He’s right, this shit is regurgitated, but it’ll get many if not all our frat brothers laid tonight, so they’ll play along like good little puppets. “Drink?” He tilts his head toward the bar.

“Of course. Let’s have a few, or else I may set this place on fire just to give us something to do.”

He cracks a smile, used to me flying off the handle and stirring up a bit of trouble when I get too bored. “Come on, King. No burning the ladies’ house down. At least not tonight.”

We’re greeted by a different person with nearly every step we take. I’d eat the attention up if it weren’t a common occurrence. We may not actually be royalty, but we’re damn sure treated as if we are. “Anyone catch your eye yet?” I dig, eager for my friend to find someone to entertain us with tonight. We share occasionally, especially when we really want to ruin a chick for anyone else.

He scoffs, as bored as I’ve become. “I’ve fucked the only ones worth a damn.”

“Same. Let’s pour out all their booze and watch this sorority tank.”

He shakes his head but keeps walking.

“We could drug them and record them dancing naked. It’d make for optimal blackmail.”

“Fucked up,” he mutters, and I laugh outright.

“You know it’s a good idea.”

“Yeah, but you can’t say that shit aloud.” He offers a wicked grin, amused, as we make it to the first bar setup.

“Oh, look at this, gold and fake diamonds.” I gesture to the bar top decorations. “How original.”

“Beau and Kingston, is that you?”

Georgia from Georgia calls out as she approaches. I hold back the urge to roll my eyes and gesture to the cute little bartender to give me two glasses of their best liquor.

“You two are so damn fine. How do I get a piece of your pie?”

I snort. I can’t help it, and let’s be honest, I don’t even try to stop it. “Aren’t we supposed to be the ones saying that to you?”

“You so much as whisper the words, and I’ll take either one of you or both if I’m lucky enough.”

“Sorry, darlin’, today’s not your day. I’d end up poisoning you, and it’d piss your father off.”

She giggles like I’m joking.I’m not.I’d sedate the annoying bitch and move on with the night. She engages Beau in conversation, and he’s tolerating her, so I take it as the perfect opportunity to scope out the sorority sisters. My gaze flicks to every person wearing red, and fuck, if my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me, I swear half of them are wearing the damn color.

This was probably done on purpose.Another test. Fuck.

Georgia giggles louder this time, leaning into Beau. She’s got her hand on his shirt, moving in for the kill. He may let her suck his cock, but I doubt it.

“You good, bro?” I check, ready to walk around and find my prey. Initiation is the only thing on my mind at the moment, so not even a good old-fashioned dick-sucking can sway me otherwise.

He nods. “You?”

“Yeah, I’m going to take a walk.”

“I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”

“Good luck,” I tease. Grabbing my drink, I eagerly make my way into the next room. I can only have one or two tonight. I have to be on my game when it comes to this mysterious woman.Getting sloppy will only fuck up my chances with whatever the society has planned, and there’s no way I believe my first order is going to be cut and dry, let alone simple.

The Brotherhood wants me to get close. Well, I’ll have this chick thinking I’m going to marry her ass if it means I gain the information I need. I get it now why this is my task. I’ve always been told I’m easy on the eyes, so naturally, a woman would want my attention and feel safe about confiding in me. I’m the son of a respectable businessman, a wealthy tycoon from the South, so Imustbe a good guy. I’m generally not, but very few people know as much since money has so nicely erased and buried my transgressions.

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