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His brow furrows, flashing a glance my way while he processes my plan. “You know I like to be strategic when we do this kind of shit. Cover our asses before we just start blowing shit up… and intestine swings? Fucking gross.” We’ve always been different when it comes to executing revenge. I prefer to act first and think about shit later… he analyzes everything before he strikes. Together, we’re usually unstoppable.

“Fuck strategy. Fuck it all to hell. I’m thirsty for blood now, and there’s more than one death I need to execute to quench this hunger.”

“I’ll be right there beside you, but we also need to make sure we make it back to her once all the bodies are buried.” He’s right. We have more to think about now with Iris in the picture. The consequences of what we do no longer only fall on our shoulders. “I’ve drained my account, transferring it into the holding account. Have you talked to your dad yet?”

“No. I left him a message, but he hasn’t called me back. You know how he gets when he’s busy; as long as I’m working myself to death at the university then I’m out of sight, out of mind.”

“It didn’t go well with mine, so you might want to follow suit and move your savings. We’ll need a cushion if everything goes sideways. And right now, I’m not sure if it’s already where we’re at.”

“I took care of transferring the money earlier. I noticed yours was pending deposit when I logged in. You truly believe our fathers are going to tell us to fuck off and that be the end of it?”

“Mine pretty much did. Pissed me off; I hung up on his two-minute deadline he gave me for our call.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “What good is possessing power if you don’t utilize it to protect and preserve your legacy? Family should be above all else, yet here we are, counting on each other rather than our fathers.”

“We’ve got to be different.”

“We already are. Think of how we are with her. We’re better because of Iris.” I toss a hand toward Iris’ direction as my heartrate finally begins to calm to a steady beat. Exhaling, some of the tension bleeds out of my muscles and I run my hand through my hair, fixing it. I was yanking at the light strands while I ranted a bit. “She’s always going to be the reason we’re different; we love her too much. Without her, we’d fall into the same patterns as our callous fathers have, spending our entire lives craving unmatched influence and never knowing what it’s like to love someone completely. I want power, but not to the never-ending point I have to sacrifice everything to get it.”

“I agree.” Beau’s gaze follows her back and forth, never shifting away from her.

“You giant fuck. How did you manage to fall for the same woman I did?Goddamn.Glad I don’t have to compete with your whooped pussy ass, all puppy dog eyes following her around everywhere she goes.”

He turns to stare at me, squinting as if he’s holding back a million digs in my direction. “You’re one to talk; be thankful I decided to share with you. She’s been mine for a long fucking time.”

“Yet, she was not. I remember your lonely ass for years and she was nowhere around you. Not sure how that made her yours.” I know I’m poking the bear, but sometimes this is what I do.

He shifts his attention back to Iris, not taking my bait. “She’s always been mine. Welcome to the party, brother.” I nod, but before I have a chance to respond with‘And what a party it is,’Iris slides the door open, entering the house and interrupting us.

She speaks up immediately, “My grandfather knew about the video, of course, because he’s the one who had it sent to me. He’s cleared up some of my questions, but something tells me he’s hiding more than he’s letting on. He wants to meet with me tomorrow to talk some more, so I told him to have Rufus pick us up. We’re all going… like I said, something isn’t sitting right with me.”

“What makes you think he’s hiding information?”

“Because it seems extremely strange he didn’t already know my mother was killed. He doesn’t seem as distraught about it as I would imagine him being, either. If my grandfather is anything, he’s thorough and protective. He’s obviously had his doubts about my mother’s death and I can’t imagine him simply allowing it all to slide without turning the world upside down to find the truth.”

“Maybe he’s known for a while.” I offer the suggestion, multiple possibilities swirling through my mind and sparking a few ways to make this work to our advantage.

“If so, why hasn’t he had my father arrested?” she probes, and I’m so fucking glad she’s finally digging her feet in deep enough to ask the important questions. All she has to do is utter the words and I’ll be on a plane, making Jack disappear. I don’t give a fuck what her grandfather thinks or doesn’t; what matters to me is Iris and her feelings on the matter.

Beau rubs the scruff along his cheek, saying, “I’d guess he’s not interested in having him arrested. What if he’s working a revenge?” He considers her grandfather’s motives, springing even more questions to the surface for all of us to consider.

Iris moves to the sink, grabbing a clean glass and filling it with water. She takes a hefty gulp, eyes glancing between us. After she swallows it down, she sets it on the counter and responds. “He seems determined to show me the truth a sliver at a time, to have me put the pieces together myself, like it’s some sort of puzzle. God… it’s like I never left the damn prison. This is exactly like the twisted mind games I was dealing with there. They would give me a tiny bit of information and then force me to think about it and they just kept doing it over and over again.”

I don’t immediately say what I’m thinking, but Beau’s eyes lock with mine, confirming my suspicions are justified.

Grandpappy is part of the motherfucking society.

Goddamn. How did I not see this coming sooner? Means the asshole is even more warped than I’d imagined the old man being, to put his own flesh and blood through this shit. I’d slit any man’s throat who tried this special sort of hell with my granddaughter.

Oh, how sweet our revenge will be… and we have our first name. Our first member to add to our list. He better hope he coughs up some useful information and becomes helpful real quick, or I’ll be wearing his blood next.

“All of my orders were to avenge people who had wronged Iris.” Beau adds information to my already spinning thoughts.

“And mine were to spy on Iris and hand over information about her father,” I admit, nodding to myself. It’s all adding up.

“What are you both saying?” Her stare bounces between us, face going pale. But I can see it plain as day, Beau can too. She knows. She has to have figured it out by now. This game? A twisted test for our dear sweet Iris… too bad for the society, she has two ruthless hounds at her side.

Ready to hunt.

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