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“Well, to start with, my father. I found out some new information and I need to know the validity of it. If what I’ve been shown is true, it’ll basically rip my heart out.”

His brow furrows as he sits beside me on the couch in his office. He leans in, taking my hand between his as Beau and Kingston sit in the adjacent chairs. “What are you saying, my dear? Has he hurt you?”

My lower lip trembles as I share, “I think he’s responsible for my mother’s death.”

He sits back, steepling his fingers as he stares at me. “I won’t lie to you, I’ve never cared for your father, but I sat back and let your mother make her own decisions when it came to her love life.”

I nod, remaining silent. It’s hard to speak right now as those emotions I worked hard to bury in the truck are surfacing once again. Finally, I manage to croak out, “That’s not all. We were taken, the three of us.” I gesture to the guys as a tear falls. Angrily, I swipe it away as I don’t want to freaking cry right now. It makes me look weak and after the bullshit I just delt with, I know I’m anything but weak. “The society at the university has been using me and my friends as pawns in their screwed-up game and I need to put a stop to it.”

“Hm, okay,” he quietly hums to himself. “We’ll dig up what we can to confirm the information on your father, but as much as I hate to say this to you, it’s probably true. If you found a trail leading him to your poor innocent mother’s death – God rest her soul – it’s most likely the cold hard truth of the matter. What is this about a society messing with you? Care to elaborate? I need all the details you can give me on everything. We should call the police if you were kidnapped. Leave nothing out, my dear,” he offers. Actual help coming would be so far-fetched it’s almost comical. We all know The Brotherhood is much bigger than the police.

“It won’t help. This is goes so much deeper than the police. We need a different plan. I’ll explain in detail, I promise. But first, Grandfather, please say you’ll help us stay off their radarjust long enough for us to catch our breath and regroup? Can we stay at the beach house or something?”

“Of course, child. I’ll use all of my resources to help you find out whatever you need. You always have a place with me.”

“Thank you,” I respond, feeling a weight lifting from my shoulders. I knew he’d help. I also know he has connections and will be able to help us fill in some of the information gaps.

“Why don’t you go to your usual room and wash up? Show these boys to the guest rooms so they can do the same and I’ll have Rufus see about getting them some clean clothes.”

“Yes, sir. Can we, um, eat soon, please? We’re starving.” I speak for both Kingston and Beau, knowing they’ve got to be hungrier than I am… they always are.

“I’ll make sure something is on the dining table by the time you are cleaned up. Don’t you worry, Iris, I’ll take care of everything.”

“I know, Grandfather, it’s why I knew I had to come to you as soon as I got free.” I stand and hug him. I still need to find out who the guy up front is, but I’ll leave it for now. I can ask at dinner if he’s gone by then.

He pats my back. “That’s my girl,” he says over my head. “You two make yourself comfortable in the guest rooms; there should be everything you need in the bathrooms.”

“Thanks,” the guys echo.

We make it to the first guest room and I open the door, smiling at Beau. “I’ll come get you on my way to dinner. Please try to relax, the circles under your eyes tell me you haven’t had enough sleep.”

“I stayed awake every chance I got. No way was I letting myself rest when I needed to get to you.”

“I love you, Beau,” I whisper, popping up on my tiptoes to kiss him. The last thing I want to do is leave either of them, butwe’re pretty disgusting and the sooner we get cleaned up, the sooner we can eat and go from there.

“I love you, baby,” he murmurs as soon as I pull away, resting his forehead against mine for a beat before muttering, “I need you with me. The separation was brutal and I need to know you’re okay. I don’t trust anyone right now.”

“I know. I feel the same way. My grandfather would never let anything happen to me. I promise.” I press a tender kiss to his jaw, then take a step back. He watches me as I grab for Kingston’s hand and we stroll down the hallway. I send him a little way as we take a right and lose sight of each other.

I stall in front of the next door, gesturing. “This is where I’m staying. I know there’s no way you’ll be comfortable here without knowing exactly where I am. Your room is the next one on the left, so we’re still close.”

With a low growl, he pushes past me, turning the doorknob. In the next breath, he’s tugged me into the room and locked the door behind us. “I’m not finished touching you yet.” He probably thought I was dead… Lord knows I believed he was, so I understand the not wanting to let each other go feeling. Something in the back of my mind before assured me Beau was still alive, but I was led to think Kingston died.

His hold on my wrist is firm as he carts me through the room towards the bathroom. I barely manage to make a peep before he’s flipping the shower water on full force and stripping our clothes off. This isn’t about savoring or making love, no, it’s him needing to feel me wrapped around him while he’s buried inside me as deeply as possible.

“Get in, sweetheart,” he demands, smacking my ass as I pass, making me jump in surprise. He’s on me in a flash, hands behind my thighs, lifting me against the cool marble as the hot water beats down on the both of us. His teeth sink into his lower lip, stare holding mine as he shoves his hips up, his cock slippingthrough my folds. I draw in a swift gasp, as his length trails up and down, rubbing my clit with each pass until he teases me to the point of insanity.

“You’re driving me crazy.” I breathe the words, loving how his eyes have dilated with desire and we’ve barely begun.

“Crazy? You havenoidea. I love you to the point I’m fucking homicidal. When I can’t have you…feel you, insanity plagues my mind. You’ve utterly ruined me, Iris,” he confesses as he finally allows his rock-hard cock to slide inside my center.

“Oh, God,” I cry out, quietly, as he sinks to the hilt. “Kingston.” I moan his name as he rocks his hips against my pelvis, keeping his cock bottomed out inside me. It’s so long it feels like he’s in my stomach. I love it.

“You feel that? How I fill you so deeply you have no choice but to clamp your pussy around my aching cock? Cause it fucking hurts, babe, more than you can imagine. They pumped me full of so much bullshit and when I woke up there were two things on my mind… getting to you and fucking you raw. Filling your perfect pink pussy with my cum repeatedly until you had no choice but to remember who loves you.Me.”

Tears fill my eyes and their presence has anger bubbling to the surface with both sadness and relief. “I love you, Kingston Banks. I always will and after having to experience just the thought of losing you, then following it up with the belief I had… that fucking broke me inside. When I saw you with Beau, it felt like I could finally breathe again for the first time since the society took us. I was terrified.” I admit the last so low, he wouldn’t be able to hear the confession if he weren’t smashed up against my body, keeping his cock implanted as deeply as he can get it.

“I don’t care what it takes, we’ll never let them separate us again,” he promises, his gaze so sincere, I can only nod and swallow the tears back. “When I find out who did this to us, Ipromise I will get our revenge. It may not happen this month or even this year, but I keep my promises, and the motherfucker responsible will pay.”

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