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Chapter 3


The sounds of retching in the hallway wake me, as someone throws everything up from the night before. Not a great way to start my day… but at least I’m not the one grunting and heaving as they beg to an absent god for it all to stop. My covers fall to the floor as I roll over and check the time. It’s after ten, and Iris is still weighing heavily on my mind, just like she was all fucking night.

My phone vibrates, alerting me to a text and I don’t know whether to be relieved or anxious when I read it.


355 Bentley Drive… You have 30 minutes.

It’s the nerves that take over, even though I’d like to be chill about it all. It’s only the information I’ve waited nearlyten yearsto see. The message symbolizes the start to my initiation into the most elite society that exists. The Brotherhood of Darkness has a prominent reputation of wealth and power that comes along with their savage rituals and expectations for their members. One does not deny the Brotherhood, nor do they ignore or attempt to outwit them… especially, when their family is a well-known name in the society. Royalty, according to what my father has shared with me. King’s father told him the same. Right before they informed us of the importance of our cooperation during the initiation process. There is no room for leeway or error. We have to be perfect.

I rush around the room until I’m presentable enough to face whatever it is I’m about to walk into. I have to step over sleeping bodies and trash through the entire fraternity as I hurry from the house, and I don’t waste any time by stopping for whoever calls my name.

The rumble of my truck echoes through the streets and even more so as I pull into the parking lot. No doubt they know I’m here. Taking a deep breath, I attempt to calm myself before striding to the front door. I push it open, only to find a room that’s pitch black and quiet, so I let the door linger open until I’m told to shut it.

“Close the door.” A single light comes on, encouraging me to move a few steps forward.

“You’re being tasked with the order of loyalty.” The altered voice comes through the speakers, finally saying the words King and I have waited a long time to hear.I wonder if this is how they’ll do his?

I watch as the masks move slowly around the room, their large robes and hoods hiding any clue of who the costumes are concealing. The room remains mostly dark but now only a few single lights swing once they’ve been bumped.

“What would you like me to do?” I have to work hard to feign my chilled demeanor because deep down I’m anxious as fuck and can’t wait to get out of this stuffy room. I’m not sure how the hell they’re strutting around in all of those layers.

“You’ll receive your orders soon but remember… you must not talk to anyone. We will know if you disobey our commands.” To be honest, this feels like a weird ritualistic ceremony and ifI were watching it on a movie, I’d be yelling for the dumb kid to run from it as fast and as far as his feet would take him. But this is far from a movie… it’s family tradition. And you don’t dishonor my family without severe consequences, and that especially is the case for me being Butch Beaumont’s oldest son.

I nod in agreeance and wait for any sign of what they’ll have me do. The robes all walk in a line, perfectly spaced apart, rhythmically taking their next step in unison and I can’t look away. Another set of lights comes on to reveal a row of courtroom bench style seating that allows the disguised group of the Brotherhood to look down on the room. They each make their way in front of a seat in perfect harmony and sit down.

“Beau, you will be challenged to prove your loyalty to the Brotherhood. I expect zero hesitation on your part and look forward to watching you succeed on your first level of initiation.” The altered voice echoes through the room, giving me the same lack of clarity as before and I’m not any bit closer to knowing who these people are.

Nine.There’s nine, that I’m able see anyway.

“Sit in the chair to your left.” I glance over as another set of lights come on, most of them only swaying slightly now that everyone is stationary.

I shift over, pulling out a chair from the closest table, the legs screeching against the floor and sending annoyance through my entire body.Can I not just be slick and casual during this bullshit? No… I’m a bundle of fucking nerves and acting awkward like a damned virgin in front of his first fuck.

“Open the box.” Following the command, I pick up a small, wooden container that’s centered on the table and pull it closer before opening it. Lifting the lid doesn’t really help me figure anything out because all I find is a chain necklace. As I lift the chain, two keys dangle at the bottom, only further spiking my curiosity.

“You will need those to fulfill your duty to the Brotherhood. You will be given more information when it’s time. I suggest you wear the chain as we could require your services at a moment’s notice. Be prepared.”

“Yes, sir.” I slide the necklace over my head and wait for further instructions, only to be left a fool in the darkness. All of the lights in the room go off except the one over the table I’m sitting at. The weight of them staring at me and watching my every move creeps me the fuck out, even though I know it’s just to teach some mind-fuckery lesson that reiterates how they’re always watching.

Standing, I push the chair out and make my way out of the room, not moving nearly quick enough through the swinging lights and judging eyes. The heaviness of their gazes weighs on me all the way to my truck and manages to linger as I drive to the house.

I’m parked and looking down at the keys when I hear a knock on the passenger window. Iris appears irritated and for a brief second, I slip back to the boy who would’ve given anything to make her smile. The clatter of the keys against my chest as I tuck them inside my shirt brings me back to the sordid reality before I shift to roll the window down.

“What do you want?”

“We need to talk.” She reaches for the door handle, hopping inside without asking. Like shebelongsin my car and has been here all along.

“Ok… talk.”

“When are you going to forgive me? You know I didn’t move because I wanted it. I was forced. It’s not like I could stop my father from moving me across the damn world, Beau.” She reaches for my hand and squeezes. “I wanted to stay. I wanted to be with you because I love you, Beau.” My heart begins to race because the timing of this couldn’t be worse. I’ve literally wantedto hear those words for years and now that they’re being said… I can’t listen to them.

I can’t let her love me.

I can’t even let her fucking near me. The society will eat up any and all information they can to use against me and I’m not prepared to have Iris be a pawn in whatever test they plan to give me.

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