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“Probably. Now what’s the plan?” He places two fingers near his ear, silently telling me he suspects that there’s a bug nearby. His gesture pisses me off, even though I’ve known the whole time the society runs deeper than we imagined. With a nod I start grabbing what I can so we can move quickly.

King steps in front of me once we’re outside. He shares, “They’re everywhere, the listening devices. I’m sure the truck too… hell, check your shoes for trackers while you’re at it. Take her with you and meet me in town. I’ll get us a different ride so we can figure all of this shit out without goddamn ears knowing our every move.” He disappears through a row of trees before we pull out on the highway toward town.

“Beau. What are we doing?” I shake my head and crank the stereo up, thankful that she gets my drift and doesn’t ask another question. I need the time to think; we have to be really fucking smart about what move we make next, so it doesn’t bite us in the ass. We could all end up dead if we’re not careful.

We’ve barely stopped when King slides into the parking spot beside us. Some of us are doing everything we can to not draw any unwanted attention… then there’s King, squealing tires, hopping curbs, and causing a scene in a fucking Tahoe that I’ve never seen before. It’s certainly not his flashy ass HyperSport he’s always in, so something tells me the fucker stole a vehicle. He has enough money to bribe a goddamn senator, yet resorts to theft. I swear the guy thrives on toying with the edge of danger.

Iris’ laughter echoes through the cab of my truck, the sound taking me back in time to when things were much simpler. When our lives weren’t at stake, and we weren’t running from people we all know you damn well can’t outrun in the end.

I leave my truck, knowing it’s our only chance to have a conversation without a full-on threat of being heard, although, I’m still not sure we’ve managed to shake them. At this point, I don’t believe anyone is free of the society unless they choose to cut you loose.

We’re speeding through town in a stolen SUV, music blaring and god knows who will be on our tail any second now that we’ve both ditched our vehicles. The stress of it all slips out of my mind the second King floors it, turning us south where the streetlights fade into darkness sooner than any of the other directions.

King slides his hand over Iris’ thigh and slows our speed when we hit the open road. I match his possessive move and squeeze her other leg, both of us earning a huge smile as she looks back and forth between us both.

I decide to start the inevitable and turn down the stereo first.

King beats me to the punch, “What’s the plan?”

“We move to the fucking Bahamas, start our own cartel and forget all of the bullshit in the rearview.” It’s really the only plan I have that allows us to live through the week… and it’s sketchy at best.

“They’ll find us.” King mirrors my thoughts, sounding as defeated as I feel deep down. “I saw those masked fuckers when I was huffing it to my car. I thought they were coming after me then, but they just faded into the background like a bunch of creepy motherfuckers.”

Iris speaks up, “King, you saidorderbefore… what did they say exactly?” King and I look at each other immediately, both of us with the same reaction.

“No fucking way am I getting you more involved than you already are.”

“News flash… I’m involved. I can’t think of a possible way that I would be more involved. This will only work if we’re all completely honest with each other. No secrets… No lies. And Kingston, if you ever shove a gun in my pussy or mouth again… I’m gonna shove one up your ass and watch you squirm.” I can tell King isn’t used to hearing Iris’ confidence and it’s actually a ride watching his challenging expression take in her stern voice. None of us miss the cocky grin on his face, loving the challenge, before I interrupt what he’s about to say.

“I agree. You’re involved. But there’s a point where your life could be in danger, and that’s pushing things too far for us.”

“I’m pretty sure we’re already there, Beau. The cabin for example puts me right in the middle of whatever it is you’re going through. The fact that King was ordered to kill either me oryou… makes me right smack in the fucking middle. I’m not some fragile little girl who can’t handle when shit gets real. I deserve a chance and the respect of you both, so stop treating me like I’m your idiot bimbo and let me help.” She exhales in frustration while she stares at me. I’m just glad she’s completely droppedthe‘I hate you bullshit’ from before. It was fucking killing me, so I can handle having her wanting to work with us and not against me.

“It has nothing to do with you being able to handle the danger… It’s about your damn safety and that is where I won’t compromise. I’ve tried to push you away to keep you out of their radar, but here we fucking are.”

“Yeah, how’d that go for you, brother? Tell me… how many times was she on your dick since you got word of your invite?” King rubs it in, eating up the fact Iris won’t back down in giving me her opinion as well.

“You didn’t even try to keep her out of the line of fire. Hell, the second you saw her you let everyone know she was important to you, giving them all the ammunition they needed to lead us here today.”

“She was my first order,” he quietly admits. Iris and I both pin our gaze on King as he pulls the car over on the shoulder about an hour or so away from the cabin.

“This whole time, it’s been because you were hazed?” Iris sounds hurt and I can’t blame her. However, I’ve quickly discovered that where the society is concerned, nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, is off limits for them. Part of me believes they do this shit on purpose, putting us in precarious positions we either can’t get out of or win. It’s as if the first order is the easy test.You know… prove you can murder someone. Get your foot in the door and give you a little confidence, then they keep pushing to see how far they can go with you.

He runs his hands through his hair, giving it a little tug as he thinks about how to approach this. “If only it were so black and white, it’d make it easier to explain. The quick answer is no.”

“And what is the long answer?”

“I didn’t know. I mean, I had guessed yours had something to do with the sorority, but I hadn’t worked it all out yet,” Iadmit, thinking of the countless times I saw him creeping over there in the middle of the night. Not to mention all the cameras and equipment that suddenly showed up in his room that’d been pointed at the sorority.

“Grab your stuff. There’s a hotel over there we can walk to and hole up in for a while. I don’t want to park in the lot in case anyone reports it missing or saw me picking you two up.”

“Kingston, I want answers.” Iris remains relentless, holding him accountable and my best friend nods, hopping out and rounding the vehicle. He opens the hatch, and we move to grab the stuff we managed to bring along. It’s not much, but it’ll have to do until we can find some mom-and-pop places likely to not have any cameras.

Chapter 24


We check in, paying cash of course, and settle into our room. Although I’m relieved at getting them to safety somewhat, I still have far too many questions swirling through my mind. “About my order…” I begin, not sure how to approach this other than to come right out with the truth. I’m not one for sugar coating anything, though the last thing I want to do is upset Iris. “The Brotherhood told me to get close to a woman they want information on. Not necessarily her specifically, but her family.”

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