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We’re watching

This is happening.

So soon.


Reading over the cardstock one last time, I stuff it in my pocket next to my key and close the mailbox. I’ll no longer be needing it now that I have the one piece of mail I’ve been waiting on. Tossing the cheap mail key in the trash bin, I make a mental note to tell the hot little piece of ass who gave it to me that I no longer need it. I’m sure some other freshman is salivating at the chance to have his own box in preparation for next year.

Tonight can’t come soon enough. The most difficult thing about today will be not telling my best friend, Beau, about what my invitation says. I’m not worried about his entry—I know he’s a shoo-in and probably already has his invite.

We don’t know much about the society, just the bits and pieces we’ve gotten from our fathers and managed to put together. We’ve both been planning college and joining the society since we were teenagers, and now it’s finally happening. Beau and I are more like brothers than friends, growing up inseparable, taking on anyone who dared to cross either of us or what we believed in. The transition into the society should be exactly the same, once we’ve both made it past the front doors. Until then… we’ll have to at least pretend we don’t know each other well enough to read the other’s expression and know precisely what they’re thinking.

Leaving the student center, I ignore everyone around me except for one face. I meet his stare and tilt my head an inch. Beau will know exactly what it means without me saying anything. The instructions demanded I not tell a soul, and technically, I’m not saying a fucking thing so they can’t get their panties in a wad. Beau nods back, and I get all the confirmation I need.

We’re both in.

Let the initiation process begin.

In my opinion, the frat house we live in is nothing special, nearly the same as the others on this street and the next. It’s your typical run-of-the-mill mini mansion, but anybody who’s somebody lives here or has in the past. I’ve known everyone since last year or longer. There are more than a few who ran in the same circles as Beau and me. We’d jet off to another country while our fathers worked deals on our families’ business, Banks & Beaumont Oil & Gas. It seemed with every new contract our fathers struck, a new acquaintance was added for us as well.

In the land of rich and plenty, it’s all about who you know and how much is in your bank account. Considering my last name is Banks, there’s not much more to say. I’m filthy rich, one of the tycoon heirs to our families’ business along with Beau on his father’s side. The world is at our fingertips, just begging for us to reach in and play.

The society will only further establish us amongst the most influential people around the world, and who would turn down an opportunity like that? Not me and not Beau. Are we privileged? The word’s a gross understatement where we’re concerned; we are fucking gods.

Shutting off the water, I step out of the shower and hastily wipe away the fogged-up mirror. With a flick of my icy stare, I take in my muscular form, eventually meeting my cold blue eyes in my reflection. I’m somewhat in shape, enough so women certainly notice, but in my opinion, I could always look better. At least my cock’s big, so I have that going for me.

Exhaling a heavy breath, I rake my shaky hands through my hair, flicking it back off my forehead. I’m becoming jittery as time winds down, closer to one o’clock. I got the invite, so that’s what I should be concentrating on, not the possibility of me turning the television on, and it remaining a black screen of nothingness. It would be such a fucking embarrassment, and I could only imagine what my father and Butch, Beau’s dad, would think of me.Weak.They’d look at me as a dead limb needing to be severed, and I’d most likely be cut to save themselves.

Fuck, this is screwing with my mind. I’ll make it. I have no other choice.

My stomach twists, and I stumble to the toilet. Throwing the lid up, I lean over just in time for my gut to wretch violently. My stomach expels its contents until I’m panting, my throat burning from the acid and whatever else has been eating away at mylining. Probably the drugs. Not as if I partake in them often, but I dabble like everyone else my age seems to do.

There’s banging on the wall, the sound making me pull myself together. I quickly beat the wall with my fist in return. It’s Beau checking in to see if I’m all right. If we hear each other, we hit the wall, and if we don’t get anything in return, it means we need help. It’s the little things like that in our friendship you don’t get anywhere else. Having someone you can truly depend on for anything makes you damn near invincible.

His distraction is enough to clear my mind so I can focus again. Leaning over the sink, I brush my teeth, then toss my brush to the side. Next, I grab the fancy shit my mom sent, dab a bit on my face, pat it in, and add some gel to my hair. A couple of swipes of deodorant, and I’m satisfied with my appearance. I don’t look like I was just puking up my guts, so that’s a plus.

Heading for my closet, I reach for the suit I had specially made for this occasion. It screams wealth and power, which is exactly what the society needs to see in their first official impression of me. Sure, they’ve done their homework and dug into my background, and my family’s, but this is a new night. They’ll be seeing and speaking to me directly for the first time…that I know of anyhow.

Sliding my arms into the charcoal button-up shirt, the material feels like butter against my flesh as it’s of the best quality. The slacks are next, hugging my thighs, and then the platinum and diamond cufflinks with my initials. Stepping into my Italian leather loafers, I don the jacket last and take one last lengthy glance at myself.

I look good. Like I belong.I’m a Banks, and this honor is practically in my blood.

I open my door and peek into the hall, ensuring it’s clear. No one’s around, but I can hear the big party is still going on downstairs, so it’s just a matter of time before one of the guyscomes through with his chosen fuck for the night. Shutting my door quietly, I engage the lock, tuck my cell in my inside pocket, and head for the back staircase. We have two, but this one is less used, mostly for cleaning staff or if we’re sneaking out a fuck we don’t want to be seen with.

My steps are light but quick, eager to get downstairs. I’ve been distracted all day, wondering what they’ll say or if it’ll be anyone at all. For all I know, I may turn on the television only to find a picture with a note on it. Who flipping knows? Whatever the outcome, I want to be damn sure I put the best version of myself out there and nothing less. They said they’re watching, so I have a feeling they’ll know whether I see them tonight or not.

Off in the corner of the basement is a small bar, always stocked with our favorites. I’m early, so I pour myself a few fingers’ worth of cognac, tossing it back immediately. I need something to help take the edge off. My cock being sucked beforehand would’ve been a good idea, but I’d have probably tipped the chick on her ass afterward. I’m not generally a dick to everyone. Okay, that’s a lie. I’m an asshole, and when I’m moody like tonight, it tends to be a bit extra.

Checking my watch, it’s finally fucking one o’clock, and I nearly feel like I’m going to fucking heave again. I don’t get a chance to do a damn thing as the television flickers on without anyone in the room to press the button. That’s a bit fucking creepy, but it’s the society, so I should expect nothing less. The screen comes to life as I move to stand directly in front of it. I didn’t know what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t this.

A long rectangle mahogany business table comes into view and around it sit several sharply dressed men. The most fucked-up thing of all is how each of them hides their identity. One after another, the same cryptic-looking mask stares back at me. Thank fuck I already puked, or I’d definitely want to now. I’m glad I went with this suit and took the time to fix my hair. I don’twant to imagine their reactions had I shown up in pajama pants, half asleep.

Christ.I should warn Beau, but I can’t. Fuck.

A cryptic voice box switches on, speaking, drawing me from my internal thoughts battling it out.

“Kingston Banks, you received our note.”

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