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Jesus, this color makes him blend into the shadows. I didn’t notice a single body when I pulled into this place. Lowering my window halfway, I stare at the eye holes in the mask. Someday it’ll be me wearing one of those with my identity hidden from the world.

“I came as the text directed.”

Before I can process what the fuck he’s doing, his arm is in my car. I grab it as I have no idea what’s going on right now, but to no avail, he’s caught me off guard. He yanks the lever, opening the door, then he’s hauling me out. I’d taken off my seat belt when I parked, and like an idiot, it would’ve been the one thing to help me remain in my car. There’s no way I’m getting carjacked right now. This fucker better have a gun, or he’s in for an ass beating.

“What the fuck?” I growl, spinning out of his hold to face him. My muscles are bunched up and raring to go. I’m going to kill this motherfucker if he doesn’t explain himself quickly.

“Follow me,” he huffs, acting put out. He’s the one reaching into people’s cars without saying shit first. He is lucky I didn’t have a knife and stab him in the process or yank him in further and bite into his artery.

“Eat a dick.”

His shoulders bounce. “Or not.”

“Fine,” I concede. “Anyone who grabs me like you just did will end up shot. I’m from Texas, and we enjoy our guns.”

He doesn’t say anything else, so I follow along, on guard the entire time we traipse through the trees. Stepping over a protruding branch, I mutter, “If anyone touches me or we seea bear, it’s every man for himself.”Should’ve brought Beau. Dammit.

If I had to guess, we walk for a good twenty minutes. This place is spread out and way too dark for my liking. Green-robe guy is the only one with a light, so he doesn’t seem too concerned, but then I’m sure he’s familiar with the area. Eventually, we come to a raised platform made out of long, flat rocks nearly white in color. There’s nothing else around I can see, but who knows what this place looks like in the daytime.

A man’s chained to the ground, his thick metal shackles held by a loop secured in the earth. As green-robe dude grows near, I can take in the partially naked guy they have trapped. He has on a pair of light-wash jeans and nothing more. He’s dirty and scuffed up from whoever put him here, I’d imagine.

“You’re out of your mind if you think you’re going to get me to chain myself in the middle of nowhere willingly,” I claim and swallow down my nerves as several masks begin to appear in the trees around us.

Fuck my life. Why didn’t I bring Beau? Or more ammo? Christ.

“There’s no need to worry about that,” another mask claims as he approaches. He sounds much older and has on a deep crimson robe. “You’ve been invited here for the next step of your initiation.” He’s using his normal voice. I don’t recognize it, but it’s better than the voice box they’ve creeped me out with in the past. “You did well on your first order, Kingston Banks. The phone and laptop you gave us had the links we needed to access the information we’ve been searching for. You can relax now, son, and concentrate on that sweet young lady you’re so fond of. However, any new information or access to such, you’ll be inclined to share with us. It’s an order you can expect to always fall on your shoulders.”

“Not a problem. I can handle it.”

“Good,” he praises. “Can you manage this as well?” His palm extends toward me, and an ancient-looking blade rests in it. It’s polished beautifully, but it gives off the vibe it is far older than any of us here tonight. The stones along the handle are the most impressive part as the sapphires sparkle, nestled amongst gray diamonds reminding me of a stormy day.

“You want me to slice my palm?” I remember seeing this done in a few movies before, but I never heard of it being a part of this process.

He chuckles quietly. “No, I want you to slice his throat.” He gestures to the dirty man at our feet. The guy looks my age, but he’s not someone I’ve seen before. Definitely wealthy, judging by his top-notch haircut and manicured fingernails. Probably pissed off the wrong member and has to pay the price. Apparently, a steep one at that.

“Who is he?”

“It doesn’t matter. He’s nothing to us.”

“How do I know this isn’t a setup?”

“You don’t. Now, will you follow the rabbit, Alice? Or decide to go back home?” he cryptically challenges me in his own fucked-up way. The crazy-ass old guy telling me to kill someone and talking aboutAlice in Wonderlandis almost enough to give me the heebie-jeebies. However, I’m fucked-up in my own sense, so I keep my expression flat, only raising a brow.

The masked robe-wearing members surrounding me take another step closer. The pressure of being at the center of all their attention builds inside, pushing me to take the offered blade. It’s heavier than I’d been expecting when I finally reach for it, wrapping my grip around the jewels. I’ve done some jacked-up stuff in my time but killing a guy I don’t know in front of who knows how many people may just top my past. They could be recording this right now, and they most likely are. It’d make the perfect blackmail in the future should they ever needto reel me in or use my influence to pull some strings for them in some way. In the end, it’s always about control.

This is all types of fucked-up, and I don’t think there’s truly a right answer here. I don’t know what I’d be losing by leaving and giving up my initiation spot but watching Beau’s and my dad’s problems disappear over the years, has me pause from making a rash decision. I’m not too blind to not notice they’ve had to have help in their challenges, and I have a feeling the majority of it came from this group right here.

With an exhale, I nod. Grabbing the man’s hair, I fist it and wrench his head up. Without putting any more thought into it, I bring the blade to his neck… and slice.

“Kingston Banks, ask me why we chose him,” a deep voice grumbles behind me, helping me escape the manic pull tugging my soul.

“Why this guy?”

“He defied the society’s order.” I swallow hard, thankful I haven’t come across anything I wouldn’t do for the society.My only hope is it stays that way.

Chapter 14


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