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“Yes.” Their video is proof of that.

Private:Who paid to have your mother killed?

“My father,” I answer based on the information they’ve been showing me. It’s obvious they want me to think this and honestly, after seeing everything it’s clear that my father is an evil bastard. One thought I can’t seem to shake is how was I oblivious to their issues? I was young and away at school for a lot of it, but how is it possible they hid things from me so easily? The thought of my father killing my mother would’ve had me rolling my eyes if it’d ever been brought up in the past… which it wasn’t. But now, well, I’m not so sure I’d believe my father is innocent at all where she’s concerned. There’s no telling how far his treachery truly reaches and it's mind shattering, especially on top of everything else I’ve endured since this godforsaken society came into my life.

Private:Why do you think he would have your mother killed?

This question isn’t as easy… I have no idea. I rack my brain trying to remember all of the information they’ve shown me and nothing is solid enough for me to answer. I know I have to answer something… but if I get it wrong, I’ll lose my chance at getting this key they’ve promised.

I went from not wanting a damn thing to do with this society to stressing over playing one of their games in fear of my own life and possibly even Beau’s. I start to think about my father and there was only one thing he loved… and that was money.

“Money.” This was an educated guess, but it doesn’t ease my anxiety when the questions stop coming. “Was I correct?” I watch the phone, hoping like hell for another question to light up on the screen. They take their sweet time before they send another.

Private:Who do you love more, Beau Beaumont or Kingston Banks?

My heart sinks with the question. They’re expecting me to answer one or the other and I can’t. They both have my heart and that doesn’t change, even though Kingston is gone. Our love is the forever kind, and the society is the worst type of people out there, to attempt to steal our connection away from us at every turn of the road.

“I love them both. They’re my everything and I could never live without either of them.” I end my answer, my words spoken confidently and begin to pace. I’m exhausted and I feel like I’ve been dragged through the mud and ran over by a semi-truck. I’ve seen so much and felt even more over the past few days in this cell. It seems like their efforts are slowing… maybe they realize I see what they’ve laid out in front of me and there’s nothing I can do about it locked up in here. Perhaps they’ll let me out soon because I can’t imagine they’d waste this much time feeding information to someone they plan to kill.

I glance at the phone for another question and when one doesn’t come, I exhale in defeat.They must not have liked my answer.

I responded truthfully to everything they asked. There’s nothing more I can do, except pray and keep fighting for another day.



Three days must’ve passed… I can feel it in my muscles. I’ve fought through the highs and lows in their rotation of torture and I’m not sure how much more I can take. It’s been like a fucking circus in here and I still don’t know what they want from me, other than to drive me goddamn insane.

Even through my drugged haze, I’m constantly thinking about Iris. She is my only reason for staying strong. She’s the only thing keeping me from slamming my head back on this stone wall over and over until the agony ends.

The Iris look-a-likes no longer confuse me. I’ve learned to ignore the temptations and not fall victim to their harassment. The girls still try to tease me into fucking them, but I’ve found that dark place I used to slip inside for years. I let my mind go there and the present seems to pass as slow as the time does, but at least I’m still breathing. My heart continues to beat and the rage is still firing deep down. One little mistake by these people and I’ll forever be their nightmare.

The room is quiet and empty right now. The swinging lights all still shining like they have been the entire time the girls have been coming in and out of the room. My eyes adjust to the brightness and the heaviness of my body pulls against my restraints.Fuck.I may never walk again if I don’t get the hell off this wall soon.

Glancing down at my still raging cock, I imagine a moment when such a sight meant a great time. Memories flash of Iris and our last night together. She was so damn beautiful straddling me, my best friend at her back. Loving us both like she knew it would be our last. What I would do to go back in time and enjoy the night all over again.

“Shit.” I groan as I attempt to shift my position. Even just a slight adjustment would ease some of the tension. Managing to get one of my feet in a new spot, I move enough to get some relief, instantly making a world of difference in my clarity. I’m coming down from the high and it’s only a matter of time before they ramp me up with their shit all over again.

I pull on my shackles and look for a weak link, even though I’m fairly certain my lack of luck is still intact. My chains are rattling when the door opens once again. Quickly, I feign a deeper drugged deliria, buying myself some more time to where I can hopefully catch by surprise.

This time they sent in two robed goons to check on me. I deny myself the retaliation of head butting the one who pauses close enough for me to manage it, knowing further antagonizing them will not get me the leg up in this situation. They either need to think I’m cooperating or else I’m so far gone I can’t fight back. I choose the latter, aware it’ll be my best bet of allowing them to drop their guard around me.

Sure enough, they remove my cuffs from the wall and drape my arms over their shoulders to drag me out of the room. My body falls limp and heavy as soon as they release me, while I continue to play the long game. They struggle moving my bulk, but I’m able to sneak a peek the entire way… taking notes of the hallways and rooms as we pass. I notice two other figures in the distance, but that’s it. But, most of all, I don’t hear Iris… and fuck if it isn’t hard as hell not to yell for her.

When they’re about to walk me sideways through a door, I take my chance. I stand and swing, knocking the one to my right on their ass. Unfortunately, I’m still somewhat out of it, so I’m not smooth enough to get the same element of surprise on the other one. He shoves me into the room and with a swift kick to my ass, I’m sent to the floor, the door slamming closed behind me.

However, they made a mistake… The one I knocked out is lying beside me.

Now, I know my strength on a normal day, but I’m far from being at my best after who knows how many days filled with torture. I search the room for something to use as a weapon or at minimum an item to restrain this guy. Not finding anything, I yank the hood from his head and use my teeth to help me rip it into strips.

I’m halfway through tying his wrists together when he comes to. I haven’t taken the time to see who it is yet, so when I yank him to his knees, I take a look. It’s another sophomore from Bentley. I know he’s here on an order and it’s becoming very clear who they have do all of their dirty work.

“What’s your order?”

“To move you both into the same room and not let you leave until I’m told…”

“Where is she?” I interrupt and shove him against the back wall, both of us stumbling as if we can’t stand.

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