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I stumble to the edge of the hole just before the third load is dumped. I’m buried to my knees, so it takes more effort than I really have to step on the other guy’s corpse and crawl out of the grave before any more dirt can be poured in. Rage consumes me to the point I’m not sure I can talk, but for what I have planned, speaking’s not necessary.

I dig deep. So fucking deep to the center of my core to pull myself together so I can go on the inevitable killing spree that will be taking place in the near future. I’ve got one knee out, moving slowly towards my purpose when I feel the stab of the needle in the side of my neck. Instant blurred numbness slides over my body as I fall limp and nearly slide back into the hole.

“We’re not through with you, yet ol’ buddy.” I can feel the rocks and dirt scraping over my skin for a few moments while the blackness of unconsciousness circles my mind. The pain on the outside is not at all replacing the pain on the inside or the hatred pumping through my veins. I may be slow to react, but I still have enough of my mind to remember the loathing ache and need for bloody revenge.

It's in this moment I decide I will not die this easily. I will not stop fighting until I’ve made sure every single person behind tonight pays for what they’ve done to us.

I will get our vengeance.

No regrets. No remorse. No soft moments of forgiveness.

One simple vow.

They will all die for killing my best friend and torturing my girl.



I wake with a cramp in my leg, my muscles screaming for relief but none coming anytime soon with the position they have me in. I’m back against the wall, my cuffs locked into place, only this time I’m stripped down to just my boxer briefs.

Stretching and pulling doesn’t help. They’ve extended me out as far in each direction as they possibly could and I can feel the mind fuck is just beginning. I lower my head and exhale when I catch a glimpse of what’s possibly the worst problem I could have at a time like this. My cock is rock hard and there’s only one explanation for it. Another drug induced situation and this is something I’ve literally never experimented with. I haven’t ever needed anything to help me get it hard. So, I can only imagine how fucked up this is about to get.

The door opens and one of the robes walks in. “It’s about time you wake up.” This guy isn’t hiding his voice. He’s confident in his strides around the room and I can’t help but feel like they’re starting to break by giving me this much information. Do they have no idea who they’re dealing with?

“Yeah. Looks like I’m fully awake, no thanks to the shit you insist on forcing into me.”

“That’s part of the theatrics. What’s a society if we can’t enjoy a bit of humiliation of our pledgers every now and then?” He’s refined. Well spoken. Older. I start to make a mental note of every clue he gives me.

“I’m no longer pledging into your fucked up club.”

“Why would you stop now? You’ve passed every test we’ve sent your way.”

“You kill my best friend… allow your fucking mongrels to rape my girl. I can almost taste the blood that’ll spray upon my face when I kill every damn one of you.”

His laughter is on the verge of delirious before he composes himself once again. “Your threats are humorous. You have no idea how deep we run. You should reconsider your hatred of us.”

“You should fuck right off. I’m done doing what any of you say.”

He raises a hand toward my shackles. “Looks like you have no other choice but to listen.”

“What do you want from me? You expect me to fuck you all with this hard cock? Or just want to see what I have?” My anger grows and my voice rises with each word spewing from my mouth. “What the fuck do you want from me? Why don’t you show me your face, you fucking coward?”

“In time, you will know it all. Be patient.”

Who the fuck is this guy, sharing hiswords of wisdomas if I’ll listen to anything any of them say to me? Those days are long gone.

“Patience isn’t my go-to when my entire life has been torched from the inside out.” He ignores me and walks back out the door, leaving it open to tease me with a false hope of escaping.

The sensitivity in my cock begins irritating me and being tied up with no way to adjust myself is a new form of torture that I’ve never imagined before. I’m mid-thought, trying to come up with a plan when five naked blonde girls file into my tiny cell, one by one moving straight for me as if they’ve been told the one to seduce me first will get a fat paycheck.

“Fuck.” I’m so hard I could fuck them all and keep them each satisfied for days. Fuck them all until the skin on my dick is so raw from the friction and I can’t stand the thought of it being touched again.

I lower my head and exhale, not sure how I’m going to be able to handle whatever it is that’s about to go down. Hands begin to rub me, my body craving each touch while my heart screams in pain.

“Stop.” My loud voice startles two of them, but they don’t retreat from their advances, so I start yelling again. “I can’t. Stop. Fucking stop.” I try to lift a leg to shift away, but have no luck against my restraints.

When the anger doesn’t get through to them… I try a different approach, through tears, I beg them to stop. “Please, stop. Please.” I say please five or fifteen times, I have no idea, but eventually they all leave the room.

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