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“Your grandfather told me to encourage you to open the book if you resisted the society or the rules behind them. All three of you may now return to Bentley University and await the next phase.” My mother leaves with her entourage, not leaving me with the warm fuzzy feelings of excitement I should be feeling after finding out my mother is alive after almost two years.

I allow the big book to fall open in my hands, and evidence of Beau and Kingston’s past crimes flash by, one after another as I flip through. A letter from my grandfather hangs loose on the last page, pulling my full attention.

My dearest Iris,

I can imagine your reservations about The Brotherhood and your blood right to the most coveted position in the society. It’s important you understand the security behind the society is unmatched. We protect our members and their secrets at all costs. The society’s wealth and power provide a lifetime of ease and status amongst our members. I’ve selected you as my replacement in hopes of bringing a new vision to the society.

You and the partner I choose for you will be the royalty of The Brotherhood. You will never need for anything the society can’t or won’t provide. I’ve done my research on both Beau Beaumont and Kingston Banks and I’ll be sending one of them an invitation for the Spring Ball this week. The one who receives my invitation will be your chosen one. You will be expected to marry and bear his children to continue the legacy within the society.

Your agreement to become part of the society will forever lock the past ill doings of them both within the society’s secrets, protecting them from exposure and criminal prosecution.

I trust you will be pleased with either of them, but I will deeply consider each of their attributes when making my decision.


Henry Dassault

Tears trickle down my face as I take in the threats behind my grandfather’s words. He will absolutely use their crimes against them if I don’t agree to follow in his footsteps and take a seat at the head of the table in The Brotherhood of Darkness.

How can I not agree if it’ll ensure Kingston and Beau’s protection?

But if I do agree… I’ll be forced to make a life with only one of them.



It’s been hours, and I’m still watching Kens struggle with the turmoil her mother left in her wake. I finally decide to take the pressure of it all from her responsibility. “You tell them to fuck off. She said we all have the bloodline, which tells me our fathers are up there in the hierarchy as well. I’ll take the gamble of them protecting us over you being forced into anything.”

“I won’t take the chance,” Iris says softly.

“We’ve wanted this nearly our entire lives and I’ve got to tell you, it’s not what I dreamed it would be,” King starts ranting, saying everything I feel as well. “I expected to be excited, fucking high on life when we got in. But instead, I’m tired of the bullshit and now feel like this is a sentence of doom. A lifetime of fucking doom.” We’re both sat back on the couch, heads tilted up to the ceiling in frustration. We’ve brainstormed like this tons of times in our past.

“Or we accept the positions, become the head of the society and do what the hell we want to do. Fuck any of them for saying we don’t have a say in how our future will go.”

A knock at the door interrupts us all. Getting to my feet with a huff, I cross the room and swing the door open to find Rufus standing in position by the limo. “Looks like Rufus is here to take us back to Bentley.”

We don’t rush out of the beach house, none of us eager to get back to normal…whatever the hell that is.But we do go through the house to make sure we’ve got all of our things. So much for relaxing at the house together; looks like it was a short-lived fantasy of privacy. The frat will no doubt be up in our business once we return and the last thing I want to do is answer any of the questions they may have. Iris is toting the giant book in her arms as we file out the door, and I can’t help but wonder what all it includes inside.

I’m the first to slide into the limo, so I’m the first to notice Iris’ grandfather sitting with a glass of wine, patiently waiting for all of us to join him in the car.Fuck.

“Grandfather?” Iris’ gaze widens, surprised to see him. At this point nothing shocks me anymore; they’re like rodents, popping up everywhere.

“Iris. I’ve decided I want to offer you a compromise,” he begins and she nods for him to continue. “You take my place in the society and I will back whatever decision you make as to who will be your chosen. Typically, this is not offered, but I see how much love you have for the two of them. Many women will go through life and never feel the love of one loyal and dedicated man, and you’ve managed to capture the hearts of two.”Was that just a compliment?

“I won’t agree to anything less than both of them. I know it’s not a traditional relationship, but I strongly believe it’s the perfect scenario for us. It works and we love each other.” She crosses her hands on her lap and waits for him to respond.

He takes his time. I’d imagine processing such a modern way of life is a struggle for someone from his generation.

His stare bounces between me and King, making my muscles tighten up with whatever’s to come. “I’ve tested you both. Watched you crawl out of the depths of hell for my granddaughter time and time again… proving how much you both love her and at the same time your desire to become part of the society tugged on your minds. I’ve never experienced the kind of devotion you’ve exhibited.” He takes another sip, leaving us all hanging on the edge of our seats. “Who am I to get in the way of love?” he eventually finishes.

We look between each other and then back to the old man, almost too scared to repeat what he’s saying out loud. Iris finally asks, “I get to keep them both?”

“You can thank your mother for making me see the situation more clearly. She’s always been your strongest advocate, aside from me.”

Iris leaps from her seat, hugging her grandfather in excitement, at the same time bringing a beaming smile to King’s face, matching my own. For the first time in God knows how long, a new emotion hits me…relief.

Iris slips back into her place between King and me, hugging us both with the most beautiful smile spread across her face. We’ve been through so much to get to this point and I’m not sure we’re done with the many trials life will throw our way. However, I sit back in relief because there’s one thing I know for certain… we will have each other.

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