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Taking in my surroundings once more, I realize I've never seen this room before. It's definitely old, with a strange scent lingering in the air. It almost smells metallic, but surely I'm wrong.

One thing is glaringly obvious, Kingston and Beau aren't here with me. The thought of one or both of them being dead sends sharp pains straight to my heart again, making me double over. Clenching my hands into fists, I slam them both on the table and welcome the sound of my hoarse scream echoing in the room. Finally, I’m no longer silenced… not that anyone is probably within earshot of hearing me.

I have to be wrong about one of my guys dying; the thought of losing either one of them would be my end, so I push the thoughts away for now. I need to get the hell out of here and make sure they're okay. I love them far too much to immediately give up on them without a fight.

A phone beside me chimes with an incoming message, and I eagerly grab for it. Definitely not mine, but my instincts tell me I need all the clues I can get.Opening the ancient flip phone, I read the text. Then I read it again.

Private:Welcome to the Brotherhood of Darkness. Your survival depends on your cooperation.



Fisting my hands behind me in my restraints, I clench them as tightly as I can and allow my head to fall back so I can fully embrace my final few breaths. The fucking rage thrumming through my veins has been burning brutally hot and it’s taken everything in me to get my shaking to finally stop. I hate being out of control and not being able to help Iris or King out of this new level of hell we’ve reached, is making me extremely agitated. We never should’ve been put in this position; the Brotherhood has completely fucked us. They took the one thing we both love the most and twisted her into our biggest weakness.

The joke’s on them; they have no idea just how strong each of us truly are on our own… when we have to be. King knows what to do. We had a good run and there’s not a single doubt in my mind that he will wreak fucking havoc on every one of these motherfuckers here tonight. I’m not mad about what he’s about to do.I told him to do it.

I don’t want a life without Iris, and if King doesn’t do what they demand of him, we all know he will be the one to go. Ican’thave a life without King either. The Brotherhood will never rest until he’s fulfilled his order; I know deep down they will always find a way to get what they want.

I expect they’ll be more than a little surprised by his decision tonight. If the rest of the society is anything like our fathers, they’re not used to a woman being protected and chosen over a brother. Will they think he’s weak for choosing to save her? Will they wonder if I should’ve been the one forced to choose?

King would’ve expected me to make the same decision he is tonight; I’m just grateful I’m not the one who will have to pull the trigger. They’re everything to me and I’d rather watch myself bleed out than see either of them in pain. To witness the life fading from their eyes would be the end for me.

The echo of the gun pierces through the air and I brace for impact.

Only… it doesn’t come.

Iris’ muffled screams pierce right through me before I’m forcefully yanked to my feet, “Get the fuck up.” The brave, but ignorant bastard who dares to rough me up allows me the opportunity to hear his actual voice just before he holds something over my nose. He presses it hard against my face long enough for me to be forced to inhale. Gravity sets in and I fall to the ground in a pile of worthless flesh, putty, at my enemy’s mercy.


The echo of a metal door slamming startles me awake and the cold concrete at my back only solidifies my new reality. It’s damp like a basement. Darkness surrounds me with the exception of a single light bulb swaying in the middle of the room, the shadows bouncing off the walls making me sick to my stomach.

The cold slab scrapes my back as I reposition myself to check for a sign of where I’m at or how to get the hell out of here. I’m half the fuck out of it, but I’m far from dead enough to give up.

I need to find Iris.I heard her after the gunshot, so I must have faith King didn’t shoot her either. The sadness of what that means tears my heart in two but I can’t let myself think about it… yet. If King didn’t do what they commanded… I know he had to pay for his defiance. “Fuck, King. I told you what to do.” I should’ve realized that stubborn fucker wouldn’t go along with my plan.

The decision couldn’t have come lightly and I’m sure whatever he did, he knows I will die trying to protect Iris.Just like he would do.

My leg locks into a cramp before I can get to my feet and this time the fall to the ground is much more painful than the last. I scream out in frustration and wish to fuck I could simply get my bearings enough to walk the fuck out of here.

Footsteps echo in my direction and instant regret floods over me. The last thing I should’ve done was draw attention to myself by hollering out in pain. The metal clanking of the door slamming open has me scurrying back to my original spot against the far wall. I want to see everyone and everything that comes through that door.

“To your feet.” The recognition of the male voice behind the hooded robe escapes me once again. It’s the same voice I heard right before I was drugged outside but I’m still no closer to putting a face with the voice.

I start to shake my head as if me saying no actually means a damn thing to this guy. “I wasn’t asking. You can either do this the easy way… or I’ll make the rest of your worthless life a fucking nightmare. No skin off my back.” He’s yanking me to my feet before I have the chance to do it myself. The haze of the leftover drugs in my system has me disoriented and unstable on my feet.What the fuck did they give me?

The guy wrenches my arms behind my back and shoves me face first into the wall. A second person in an emerald robe shoves a pistol next to my temple, forcing me to cooperate with whatever their little plan is for me… at least for the moment. I can’t be reckless knowing Iris is still alive and these psychos have her.

The rope on my wrists are replaced with three inch metal cuffs. Any chance of escaping them quickly falls to the wayside once the second one is latched as tight as the first.Fuck.

With the turn of a key, the guy separates the two cuffs, leaving me still bound, but now my arms are apart. This only enables them to chain me against the wall with both of my arms extended out at my shoulders. The soreness of my muscles is more evident than ever when they both take a step back.

“Tell me, Beau… do you feel you have satisfied your requirements for The Brotherhood?”

“Yes.” I inhale sharply as pain sears through my right shoulder. “I’ve done everything you’ve ordered.”

“You have. But can you blame us for doubting your loyalty to the society? How can we know where your true intentions lie?”

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