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To kill.

To conquer.

“It looks like your grandfather is an elder in the society. If he’s done what it looks like he has, he most likely sits at the top of The Brotherhood of Darkness and we’re probably going to kill him.”



The possibility of my grandfather being behind everything happening to us over the past few weeks, blows my damn mind. King and Beau are almost certain of it and although I don’t want to believe it… the proof is all there. It saddens me so much. I mean, how much loss can one person handle? Am I supposed to pull on my big girl panties and deal with this on top of finding out my mother was strangled to death? How my father is a sick, twisted man full of corruption? I’m not allowed to break, right? But what if I do? Who will stop me if I flip my switch and call for my own taste of revenge…

My grandfather is the one person I had left. My one solid in a world of deceit and manipulation, so finding out how he’s possibly no better than my father turns my insides, making me want to puke from the thought alone.

“Come back to bed, baby,” Beau whispers behind me as he wraps a strong arm around my torso. I need strength right now more than anything, but my thoughts are far too fucked up at the moment to possibly sleep.

“I can’t sleep,” I admit and he kisses the side of my head. He pulls me against his chest, both of us still facing the darkness outside the sliding glass doors. “My mind is twisted up, steadily replaying everything. It’s taunting me.” My lip trembles as emotions threaten to spill over, but I choke them back down. “I feel like it’s about to explode.”

“You’ve seen a lot. Been through it too.” I nod, agreeing with him as he reaches for a blanket from a large basket near the couch. He slides the glass door open, guiding us both outside, while tucking his arm around me.

“What do you think my grandfather wants me to see?” I question, not being able to let it go. I don’t think I’ll ever stop overthinking everything at this rate. When will these people stop putting me through this shit and let me have some peace?

“Who knows. The only thing I can tell you for sure is that King and I will be there next to you for everything.”

“Should I quiz my grandfather about the society?”

He pulls me down on his lap in one of the patio chairs, wrapping me up in the warmth of his body and the blanket at the same time. “Not sure.” He sighs, rubbing the scruff on his cheek while he thinks. “Maybe wait until he shows us more of his cards and then we can decide how to play his game against him. Honestly, we should be relieved knowing he’s a part of the society. If he is… it means he’s been on board with everything that’s already happened. How far will he let the society go to keep his identity hidden if we start showing him signs we suspect him?”

“Good point.” I rest my head back on his shoulder, glancing at the star-filled sky.

“I say we take it one step at a time. With the three of us together, we can do anything.”

“What if they try to split us up?”

“They better have a fucking army with them.” His body tenses up with the thought of it.

“I can’t do that again, thinking one of you are dead. I sure won’t be able to cope if it were ever true.” He shifts my legs around so I’m straddling him in the chair, meeting his serious stare before he begins to talk again.

“We can’t promise to be alive for the rest of your life, Kens… but I can promise to use even my last dying breath protecting you and making sure you know how much you mean to me. King will be the same.”

“I know. I’ll just feel better when this is all behind us.” I lean my forehead against his and allow the tingles of hope to flow through me as the possibility of one day having a ‘normal life’ with these two circles in the distance.

Once I sit back, he moves to stand, locking his arms around me and then carries me inside the house. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you to bed. I’m going to make my earlier threat a reality… Gonna wear your ass out until you’re too exhausted to worry about anything except how you’re gonna walk tomorrow.”

He tosses me on the bed before dropping the blanket and his shorts to the floor. Kingston stirs against my back, tugging me in close before he starts to kiss my neck from behind.

“She’s in her head.”

“Is that right?” Kingston sleepily questions Beau’s sharing of my anxiety. Before I get a chance to explain myself, hands are everywhere, taking my mind off of everything other than their touches. Kingston immediately grips my pussy, fingers eagerly probing and teasing with a purpose. “Tell me you’re still in your head now.” His voice is heavy with the right amount of rasp, making my toes curl from the sound.

I only manage a nod before Beau is on his knees in front of me, holding his cock in line with my mouth. Opening for him, I gladly take their distractions until it’s possible they might’ve come through on their warning. They wear me out until I’m too tired to think of anything past the two men filling my bed.


“Kens, Rufus just showed up. It’s time to go.” I stretch in the center of the bed, naked and deliciously sore in all the right ways as Beau hollers from another part of the house. “I told him we’d be about ten minutes.”

I rush for the shower and do the bare minimum to erase my freshly fucked appearance away before I see my grandfather. I want him to take me seriously in everything I have to say, so I need to look the part.

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