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“Bullshit,” Beau calls me out.

“Talk to us, sweetheart. You should know by now we’re in this for the long haul; you’re never getting rid of us.” King probes, resting his hand on my thigh while I do my damndest to concentrate on the road.

“I’m tired. The time apart was a lot to deal with and I don’t think I’ve truly allowed myself to process everything. For what felt like forever, I didn’t know if either of you were alive. Then the videos and stuff they were showing me made me believe you were dead, King. I’ve been heartbroken from the moment I woke in that fucked up place and worried out of my mind over what I’d find outside that room. It was like being trapped in some sick carnival fun house that was never-ending and full of horror stories.” He squeezes my thigh, being supportive. Beau rests his arm along the back of the bench seat, his fingers moving to sift through my hair. My guys love me; it’s what makes remembering the emotions I was experiencing so fucking hard and brutal to process.

There is no life without them and as everything begins to hit me, I understand it would’ve been torture leaving there without them beside me. I honestly don’t believe I would’ve survived it. “I’m lucky,” I whisper as a fat salty tear falls, trailing over my cheek. “I have you here with me and everything’s going to be okay.”

“Fuck yeah, it will be,” Beau confirms.

“Did they show you anything else besides flashes of the shit they put us through?” Kingston can read me, knows I don’t tend to freak out over nothing. I need his demanding presence more than ever right now. He’ll help me get through this shit show even if he has to drag me kicking and screaming, it’s simply the way he is.

My chest hurts thinking back on my time spent in the house, locked away in that pathetic room. The grimy walls, thin mattress, and most of all the fuckers who seemed to take pleasure in torturing me through glimpses of information and half-truths. “Yes,” I admit, lip trembling as I glance at them then back to the road. They seem to be edging out of their drugged haze after coming all over me and spending some time in the fresh air.

It’ll probably take days for their bodies to truly recover, and I can only pray there are no further effects the more they come off the drugs. It’s not like they smoked a bowl and now have the munchies; they were out of it in the glimpses I was shown. I can’t hold any of the damning images I saw with the other women against them; I know it was set up to make me believe the worst and I refuse to give in to their bait.

“You can talk to us; we’ll do everything in our power to keep you safe. They got the jump on us, but we won’t make the same mistake twice. I’m ready to carve some fucking hearts out if they come at us again.”

I dip my chin, agreeing. Although the ambush has nothing to do with the thoughts tormenting me so ruthlessly. “I-I found out some important information on my family. I knew my father had his hands in some things, but I had no idea the depths he’d sink to.” I want him to die after what he’s done to my mother and the realization frightens me. I’m not ready to say those words out loud. It’s another reason I need to get to my grandfather’s. He’ll know what to do next.

Beau releases a low whistle and one look at him tells me he’s not surprised in the slightest. “Wish I could tell you differently, baby.”

“Yeah, he’s not the picture he portrays. Me and Beau have never liked the slimy motherfucker,” King grumbles. Did they know how corrupt he is this entire time and not say anything to me? How could they not hold it over my head or somehow use it to get what they wanted with me sooner?

I know why… because these delinquents truly do love me.

We arrive at the gate surrounding my grandfather’s vast estate and I heave a sigh of relief. I buzz for entry.

“May I help you?” one of the staff greets and I roll my eyes. They have no idea how much help I need, in more ways than one.

“Please tell Grandfather, Iris is here to see him.”

“Very well, Miss.” We wait a few beats, then the gate comes to life, shifting open for me to pull around the drive and park in front of the house.

“At least there’s no crazy German Shepards around this time to bite our asses,” Beau comments and I flash him a stunned glance. They’ve been here before? Since when?

“How did you know what kind of dogs he has?”

“We stopped by to pay ol’ grand pappy a visit,” Kingston supplies with a devious wink.

Shit. I hope they didn’t make my grandfather go crazy with their bossy attitudes. I want them to get along and maybe even like each other once they have the chance. “Do I want to know?” I ask as we climb out of the vehicle and the front door opens.

They shrug, remaining silent as I lead the way. “Hi, Rufus.” I greet the older butler, who has worked here most of my life. There’s a younger guy standing in the foyer as well. My brows furrow in curiosity, as I’ve never seen him before.

He looks our age. My grandfather would have a good reason to have a guy this young and so well dressed hanging around. Maybe he’s the son of someone important who he’s having a meeting with or something.

“Ah, Iris!” he greets as soon as he comes around the corner. His gaze lands on the group of us and his steps momentarily falter. “Child, you look terrible. Are you ill?” he greets, still tucking me in for a hug, although it’s a loose one. I don’t blame him; I’m filthy from crying and sweating and rolling around in that prison.

The guys are ten times worse, though: bodies and faces back and blue with swelling bruises. Their clothing is mismatched and not at all what they’d normally wear, but they look much more presentable than they did an hour ago.

Beau still has so much dirt in his hair it looks like he was buried alive or something just as crazy. Frankly, I’m scared to ask them to go into detail over the depths of their torture, even though the other part of me needs to know. It’s the only way I can attempt to help them heal.

“I’ve had a rough few days, Grandfather,” I admit, pulling back to study his face. “But I’m here now and I need your help with something. We have so much to discuss.In private,” I specify as the mystery man pins his gaze on me. It’s not a smart move for him to make with Kingston standing so close by. He’s possessive no matter who’s around, while Beau is a little more reserved until he feels things out a bit.

“Anything, Iris. You know that.”

“I need your connections. There’s some… uh, people I need to find out about and I don’t know how to do it on my own.”

“Who?” he asks, his expression turning serious as he steers me towards his office. The guys silently follow us, which my grandfather doesn’t miss as he flashes a glance behind us a few times. He’s for sure taking in their ruined, exhausted appearances and probably wondering what I’m doing with them.

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