Page 5 of Secrets

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So bold, this one. Lex just laughs and shakes her head. "Not even a little bit."

"You're probably good then. Don't risk losing the sensation. I couldn't get off to save my life. I didn't have my first orgasm until I was thirty, well after I had Marnie. It was so much fucking work, and poor Snake tried everything. I decided why the fuck not try the piercings? Totally worth it."

"Nothing worked?"

She shakes her head. "Mouth, hands, cock, toys, nothing. If there was something out there, I tried it. Had to be celibate while the shit healed, so Snake got blown until he couldn't take it anymore. The first time we had sex afterwards, I passed out from pleasure. And when he uses his tongue... amazing."

Shifting, Lex needs to get off the topic of sex. She and Colt have been going at it like rabbits, and she seems to have an easy on button these days because of it. "Let's talk more about who we have in here."

"There's a room for fucking in here, if you need it. Although, I think most of the guys would love watching your husband make you scream. I wouldn't mind it, either."

"Not a public viewing type of gal, but I think I'll take that as a compliment."

"Okay, so that guy there with the bald head—that's Rocky. He's the Treasurer. And then we have Kip Meyers, the guy who looks like he should be on TV wrestling professionally right there with the blonde hair. He's the Treasurer."

Her eyes look over the men, and Lex chuckles. "He does look like a mid-two thousand's Shawn Michaels. If steroids were still allowed then. He's kind of pretty."

"He really is. Then we have Chance and his girl, Kara. She's one of my besties. Oh, I forgot to mention, Rocky's girl is locked up. Serving up to twenty years for vehicular manslaughter. A member of the Kingsmen club tried to kill Mac, and she ran that motherfucker over. Got hit hard, but the worst was that she'd been best friends with Dani since they were three. You know, Dax's wife who died? She was behind bars when everything happened, and she's taken it really hard. I don't think she's ever forgiven the club for it, and she stopped Rocky from visiting her for the past year or so."

A club bunny sits on Rocky's lap, and Lex shakes her head. "I know it's the club life, but I'm gonna be honest here. If I got locked up because of something club related, and I found out Colt was fucking a bunny, I'd lose my shit. And I can't say anyone would ever see either of them again."

"I don't blame you. I feel the same, but the bunnies here aren't bad, actually. Very respectful of old ladies. They don't go after married men, which I think is kind of an oddity compared to other clubs."

"No shit? I might not have to break faces here, then. But speaking of Rocky... what's his girl's name?"

"Hannah Cullen. Why?”

Pulling out her phone, she shoots a text. "I'm going to have Lily look into her case and see if we can't get her released. There's no way she got a fair trial if she got twenty years."

"Who's Lily?"

She pulls up a photo and shows Everlee. "Lily Hankinson. She's an Original Ten daughter like myself, but she's way smarter. Oh, probably helps if I tell you she's the club’s lawyer. I'll call her in the morning with more information."

"Sweet. Um, we've got Nelson Parks over there with his girlfriend, Daphne Knight."

Lex looks over to the couch where a thin girl with long, black braids, a small chest but a large backside sits next to an almost preppy looking brunette. She points to the black-haired, tattooed and pierced man sitting at the bar a distance away, staring at them. "Who's that?"

"Nelson's brother Max. Well, Maxwell, but that just sounds..."


"Yeah, I guess that's a good word for it," she says with a laugh. "That couple never quite made sense to me."

Nodding, she watches Max shoot back whatever he's drinking. "Because Max is in love with her?"

"You see it, too?"

"I'm blonde, not dumb."

"He seems like a better fit for Daphne. She's a tattoo artist, and he's, well, he could be in a punk rock band without question."

Her eyes land on an almost evil looking man, and Lex points to him. "Who's the brooding guy over there with brown Justin Timberlake curls?"

"Oh, that's Venom. He's kind of a loner, and I don't think he ever takes a club bunny to bed with him, which is super weird. I bet he’s lowkey a serial killer. He patched in about a year before Dani died, but no one really likes him that much. He's... I don't know how to explain it."

"The resident psycho?"

"Yeah, I guess that fits. How'd you know that?"

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