Page 45 of Secrets

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"She lost her baby?" Cannon asks.

"And the ability to ever have children, which in itself almost killed her. But she loves her three babies something fierce. The DNA doesn't matter to her. That woman is a born mother."

Licking his lips, he looks at the curly blonde who seems somewhat different than the woman he met in Griffin's Beach. Lighter, almost. "Lex, I want to ask you something, but you don't have to answer. I'd really appreciate it if you gave an honest one, though."

"Okay, what's up?"

"Diesel and your father... which one do you consider to be more of a real father to you?"

"Diesel. That was easy!"

Something feeling like relief mixed with despair washes over him. "Really?"

"He was there when VP wasn't. He didn't have to be, and he still doesn't, but he's there. He's one of the few people in the club I know I could call no matter what, and he would show up."

"And you'd be there for him?"

"If he called and said he needed my help, I'd do it without question. Killing someone? Sure, I got guns. Burying a body? Fuck, I can use a shovel. Need an alibi? He was with me all night drinking and making s'mores by the bonfire."

Rocky laughs. “You’re fun.”

“That’s what Colt tells me,” she says with a beaming smile.

Cannon wishes he could be so flippant about this. "I just found out my daughter isn't mine."


He nods. "Yeah."

"Her bio dad isn't part of the club, right?"

He shakes his head and looks at the door. "No."

"She's probably really confused right now, and if I was her, I'd feel fucking betrayed. Hopefully, she's not like me, because I'd need to at least see the guy. But I have this weird suspicion that you're still her dad. Deep down, she knows it. But the question that comes now is whether or not you want to be."

His eyes snap to her. "Of course, I do. I raised her."

"Then what's the problem?"

The way Lex asks the question hits Cannon in a way he hadn't anticipated. She's right. What is the problem? Finding this out doesn't change the fact he had twenty-three years as her dad. He'll always be her dad.

"You're right," he says. "What do I do?"

"Tell her that as far as you're concerned, nothing's changed, but respect her need for space to process. The worst thing you can do to a daughter of the club is pressure and push her. We tend to do this crazy thing called running when that happens, and nothing good really comes of that. Usually ends terribly, actually," she says and tilts her head. "Or maybe that's just with me."

"No, I think you're spot on. You remind me a little bit of Sutton. A little on the sassier side, but similar."

Colt smirks. "That's the nicest way for someone to call you bitchy."

"I know, right?" she says with a laugh. "I just stopped in to let you know I have to go home tonight. Apparently, Bodie and Jolie are finally going on their first date. It's gonna be a big one."

"Took her fucking long enough. How long do you think he'll be out?"

She hops off the bar. "For his sake, I hope all night. That boy needs to get laid by someone I don't want to punch in the face. Plus, Jolie's hot."

Cannon laughs, relieved that the tension is disappearing. "I think I like you, Lex."

"Aww, thanks! I keep getting that, but no one really comes back and says definitively that they like me. I guess I'm still growing on people," she says and kisses Colt. "Gotta go. Love you."

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