Page 34 of Secrets

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Jolie stays put, and he watches her in confusion for a few moments before hissing, "Jolie, get down."

The woman doesn't even acknowledge him, and she stares down one of the men holding a gun.

Jesus Christ, she really does have a death wish. Willing to do whatever it takes to get herself killed.

Reaching out, he grabs her arm and yanks her down to the ground beside him, out of sight of the men. But to his luck, she gains one of the men's attention, and he walks over with purpose, gun in hand.

"Get up," he says to Jolie. "You don't seem scared, so I want to see what you do with a gun aimed at your fucking temple."

Bodie tries to push her behind him, but she looks up at the six-foot man dressed in all black. He wears a ski mask, but he has oddly pink lips. Almost like he's wearing lipstick of some kind.He's also relatively buff, but it could be the clothing. Either way, Bodie knows he could take him. Well, without the gun, he could take him.

Jolie stands, her entire body still, as the man holds the gun up to her head. "Pull the trigger," she says.

The AR-15 he holds stays aimed at her head, and Bodie knows he can't let it happen. He jumps up, grabs the gun, and snatches it out of the man's hand, aiming it at him instead.

"What the fuck?"

"You ever aim a gun at a woman again, I'll blow your fucking head off," Bodie says.

"Brandon, you good over there?"

Bodie takes him and holds him in front of his body as a human shield while he aims the gun at the other two men. "No, Brandon's not good over here. Brandon's about to get his face blown off for aiming his gun at a woman."

"Let him go, or I'll kill you, motherfucker!"

Laughing, Bodie moves the gun and aims it at the man threatening him. "Yeah? You have to go through him to get to me. Logic isn't your strong suit, is it?"

"Fucking let him go!" the other screams.

"Yeah, or what?" he asks. "You gonna shoot me? Go for it. Let's see what kind of balls you got because I'm pretty damn sure they're shrinking as we speak. Hell, the only reason you have any to begin with is because you're holding that gun. If it weren't for the gun, you couldn't take me or anyone else. Tell me, do you still live in your mom's basement? Because you seem like you do."

"Fuck you!"

"No, fuck you!" Bodie shouts back.

Cops swarm in, guns blazing, and Bodie damn near bends the asshat, Brandon, in half as he sets the rifle on the ground, never loosening his grip on him. For the second time with this woman,he's going to talk to the cops. But oddly as the good guy, not the bad guy.

The cops walk up, and Bodie releases him. "Disarmed him. His name's Brandon. Nothing was fired, and the gun's on the ground," Bodie says, his hands up as soon as he releases the masked man.

Statements get taken, and Bodie turns to Jolie, who just shakes her head at him. "Gotta be a damned cowboy."

He can't take it any longer, and he pulls her against him, kissing her like his life depends on it. She doesn't push him away or resist. In fact, she seems to need this physical touch just as much as he does as her arms snake around his neck.

"What was that for?" she asks as he pulls away for air.

"Considering you keep facing death head on, I figure I better see what kissing you feels like before it's too late."


He smirks. "Pretty damn amazing."

"Surprising, since you didn't take me the night I showed up drunk trying to fuck you."

"I like my women sober, thanks," he says. "That way, there's no beer goggles excuse in the morning."

Her hand touches his cheek. "You're hot as fuck, and you have a wicked scar that turns me on in a way I've never felt before. Trust me, there would've been no regrets or excuses in the morning. Although, I am kind of scared of giving you a heart attack."

"It'd be one hell of a way to go out. A lot more fun than jumping into traffic, getting assaulted by two sketchy dudes, or being shot with a damned AR-15."

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