Page 16 of Secrets

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"Bodie, please," Evie begs, her hand trying to guide him to her opening as he snaps out of the thoughts of Jolie that seem to be haunting him in the most inappropriate moments. "I need you. Now."

Sinking into her wet heat, Bodie moans, and he takes note of how familiar but also foreign she feels. He used to know her body better than he knew his own, and while she looks and feels the same, she also feels different. And he can't figure out why.

"It's been so fucking long, Evie," he mutters as he thrusts into her, testing out what feels best. "I'm not gonna last long."

"Neither will I," she says and slips her hand down to rub her clit. "God, you feel so fucking good, Bodie. You were always so big."

The only time Evie really breaks out the cuss words is in bed or when she's really angry. It used to turn him on, and in a way, it still kind of does. But when he hears her tell him how fucking good he feels, he imagines the words coming from Jolie's mouth. She strikes him as the type to cuss like a sailor in bed.

His hips thrust, pumping in and out of her while he braces himself on his arms resting on the bed next to her ribcage, and as he comes, he closes his eyes to see Jolie's dark eyes, not Evie's gray ones.

"Oh, yes!" Evie cries out, and her muscles squeeze around his cock, prolonging his orgasm just a couple seconds longer.

Why the hell is he thinking about a woman he met once with obvious mental issues while he makes love for the first time in years with the woman he thought he'd be with forever?

"That was so good, baby," Evie says, cuddling up to him as he pulls out of her and lies next to her.

"I didn't use anything," he says, suddenly worried about creating a little baby.

Her hand takes his to run along her arm. "I have a birth control implant."

In her arm? How the fuck does that work?Not that it's his concern, really. As long as he's not getting a little child running around while trying to figure out whether he'll be in prison for killing her boss.

"I love you, Bodie," Evie says as she falls asleep on his chest.

Does he love her still? Things feel so different now, but part of him wants to prove Lex wrong. To show she's the same person she's always been. That she's a victim in all of this, and it's ultimately his fault because he was sick. Yes, this is his fault. All his fault.

Chapter Seven



Evie lies in Bodie's arms, and he feels conflicted. He made love to Evie, but his mind kept drifting to Jolie. The brunette crazy woman he saved from jumping off a bridge. Why the hell would he think about her while making love to the only woman he ever loved? It doesn't make any sense.

In a way, he feels peace having Evie in his arms right now. The woman who would have stuck it out with him through the end if he hadn't pushed her away. The woman he never wanted to see him die. It was better, in his mind, to have her heartbroken as he left to go off and die by himself than to have her sit there and continue to see him as a shell of the man he once was.

It bothers him how he can't stop the thoughts of Jolie from invading his mind. Even before tonight, he's found himself thinking about her. Wondering if she's okay and still alive. She was pretty damned determined to no longer be on this planet, and he doesn't quite understand the sadness that washes over him at that thought. He knows nothing about her. Nothing except she's sexy in a way that surprises him because she's not his normal type.

Bodie wonders if maybe the obsession comes from the connection of finding her out on that bridge the same night Evie shattered his brand-new heart. Seeing Evie with that man felt like she could have punched through his sternum, grabbed his beating heart, and torn it out, and it still wouldn't have hurt as much as seeing her wearing someone else's shirt. Seeing another man coming to comfort her when she's upset.

His phone buzzes in his jeans pocket, and he slips out of bed without waking Evie. She sleeps like a dead person, and it works out in his favor right now as he answers it, his voice low. "Yeah?"


"Yeah. Who's this?"

"Lily Hankinson. Lex called and told me about your situation with your girl."

"Hold on," he says, setting the phone down to slip on his boxers and jeans. He picks up the phone and steps out of the room, grabbing the key card she left on the dresser, and walks out of earshot. "Okay."

"So, just to make sure I have the facts right here. Your girl took money from her boss, and he offered to have her sleep with him instead of pressing charges?"

The idea angers him, and he cracks his neck. "Yep."

"Do you know how long ago she would have taken the money and how much?"

He does the math quickly in his head. "It would've been about four years ago, maybe a little longer, and the medication had to have been like a grand."

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