Page 24 of Their Kitten

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“I want you guys to promise me something,” I say after a long stretch of silence.

“What?” Tristan says.

“No matter what, we always have each other’s back.” I roll over onto my side. “Even when we grow up or if I get taken away or something. We’ll always find each other and have each other’s back.”

“No one gets left behind,” Talon agrees with a nod.

“Yeah, no one gets left behind,” I say and hold up my pinky. “Swear on it.”

“Swear,” they each say as they take turns locking pinkies with me.

Tears fill my eyes when I realize I’m the one that broke that promise. I guess I can understand why they’re so angry that I left, especially since I left without really saying goodbye.

I loved them so much back then, always feeling so safe and protected when they were around, but they couldn’t save me from everything. They’d never understand why I had to leave, and they probably won’t accept the truth. I just need to get my money so I can disappear, and life can go back to how it was before they came back into my life.

After a few tense, silent moments, I finally clear my throat. “I think it’s best if you guys leave,” I say. “I have to get ready for work soon, so…”

“Oh, right,” Talon says, though Tristan doesn’t say anything. He just continues to stare at me while he fixes his clothes. Talon raises a brow as he regards me. “Do you need a ride to work?”

“Oh no,” I say, shaking my head. “I car pool with a coworker so it’s fine.”

He stares at me for a long time as if he doesn’t believe me, but he finally nods. “Okay then.” He looks around the living room and grabs an empty envelope and pen from the coffee table. He writes something down before handing it to me, and I see that he’s written down his cell phone number. “Don’t hesitate to use it if you need us.”

I nod and watch them walk out of my apartment, sinking into the couch with a sigh when the door closes behind them. How did this one-time thing turn into them turning my life upside down?

And why do I already feel empty now that they’re gone?

“Okay, get your head back in the game, Cleo,” I murmur to myself as I finally push off of the couch. I quickly shower and get dressed, officially on a mission to figure out what the hell is going on with the money that is owed to me. It’s been a week now and there hasn’t been a word or any indication that I’m going to receive my money, and after not being able to reach Lucian by phone, I’m going to make an in-person visit instead.

I lock up my apartment and cautiously exit my building, hoping that Tristan and Talon aren’t still lurking around. Thankfully, the bus is arriving right when I approach the bus stop, and I ride it all the way to Purgatory. My mind fills with all the questions I have for Lucian, but I can’t help but wonder if the guys are now refusing to pay until Tristan knows my name. I don’t know which is worse—losing my virginity for nothing or Tristan finding out the truth and losing his shit.

The bouncer outside the club looks down at me, probably remembering me from the last time I was here.

“What is it?” he says, his tone rough.

“I’m here to talk with Lucian,” I say softly.


“The deal I made with him. I just want to follow up about what we’d talked about,” I say. I don’t want to tell him that I’m here to figure out where my money is, as I don’t want him to think I’m here to cause trouble or harass the man. I’m only looking for answers or a timeline to know when I can get the hell out of here and away from Tristan and Talon.

The bouncer regards me for a brief moment before he presses a finger to his earpiece to listen to someone speakingto him. He opens the door for me without another word, and I quickly slip inside. The main floor is as busy as it was the last time I was here, excited people waiting around before going to their respective floors.

I weave through the crowds to head toward the hallway that houses the office, grateful for the quiet solitude when I move further away from the noise of the main floor. The carpet-lined floor softens my footsteps as I get closer to Lucian’s door, my heart racing as my nerves build. I have no idea what he’s going to tell me when I get there. The fact that I haven’t been able to get him on the phone in a week makes me feel as if he’s dodging me, so I hope bad news isn’t on the horizon. I don’t know if I can suffer a blow this big.

Once I reach his door, I suck in a deep breath and knock firmly on it. “It’s open!” he calls from the other side.

“I can do this,” I whisper to myself and push the door open.

Lucian sits behind his desk, flipping through a stack of papers, looking up at me in surprise.

“What can I help you with?” he asks. The aloof tone that he uses is almost as if he has no clue why I could possibly be here. I frown as I regard him.

“I’ve been trying to get in contact with you for the last few days,” I say, my tone flat. “I still haven’t been paid.”

“Ah, yes. My assistant did tell me you called, but she didn’t mention the money part.”

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. “It’s been a week. What’s the hold up?”

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