Page 20 of Their Kitten

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“But if you knew it after he said my nickname, you could’ve said something,” I stated, my tone flat. I don’t want to hear her excuses or whatever bullshit she wants to use to justify withholding this kind of information.

“I was too ashamed.” She drops her gaze to her lap and nibbles on her bottom lip. “I wanted you to remember me like I was before.”

“Ashamed?” I scoff and shake my head. “Tristan could have seriously hurt you! Are you so idiotic that you’re willing to risk your safety and your life over something stupid?!”

I can’t help but think what happened in her life to where she even considers doing something like selling her virginity in the first place. So many questions bounce around in my mind. Where did she go when she left our family? How did she get to her current point in life? Why did she never reach out? She left, and we never heard from her again, and after losing our mother, it was yet another hard loss to cope with. Now, here she is ruining shit all over again. I still don’t know what to make of all of this.

I fucked my former foster sister.

And I’m so fucking conflicted because I enjoyed doing it. What the hell is wrong with me?

I have to get the hell out of here. The longer I look at her, the more pissed off I become. I’d felt guilty all day, thinking that we may have been tormenting a stranger, but now her secrets have unraveled and revealed something that I never would’ve imagined. Who would’ve thought the virgin we paid to fuck was the girl that Tristan and I used to call our younger sister?

“I have to go,” I mumble.

She calls out after me when I turn to walk away, but I don’t stop moving. I mentally fight with myself on whether or not I need to tell Tristan the information that I’ve just found out. With his temperament today, it’s not the best idea to drop this bomb on him right now. When Cleo left, it affected him greatly. He’d spent years being angry with her—we both did. Now she’s back in our lives in a way we didn’t expect, and I don’t know what the hell to do moving forward.

I thankfully didn’t have to worry about her trying to run behind me with all the medicine she’s on. I don’t stop moving until I’m sitting in the driver’s seat of my car. After sitting there for a few seconds, I punch my steering wheel a few times to release the pent up anger before a deep yell fills the space around me.

Why the fuck didn’t I put two and two together sooner? How didn’t I recognize her? She may have had a lot of makeup on earlier, but when we came to her apartment, she’d washed it all off. That should’ve been a dead giveaway then. I guess Tristan and I were so focused on getting information that we didn’t look at the obvious signs right in front of us.

Now I have to figure out how to keep this from Tristan until I think he’s ready to know the truth about who our Kitten is.


Ipace my living room floor, my frustration mounting with each step. It’s been a week now, and I still haven’t received the money I earned at Purgatory. I’ve been checking my account multiple times a day ever since that horrible day, and despite all the pain I’ve just overcome, I still don’t have anything to show for it.

Bills are still piling up, multiple overdue notices scattered across my coffee table. I grab my phone and try to reach Lucian again, only to be told that he’s in a meeting and is unavailable to talk. What the hell am I going to do now? I have no money, Tristan and Talon are nowhere to be found, and I’m in no better position now than I was before I auctioned off my virginity.

Regret fills my gut as I flop down on my couch. Helplessness swirls in my chest as I stare at the yellow slips of paper that constantly taunt me about my fucked up financial situation. Now that my injuries are mostly just a painful memory, I’m going to have to jump back into work and pull a shit ton of overtime just to cover the late fees for most of the things that are due.

And then I need to get in touch with Lucian to figure out where the hell my money is.

I try to pass time by cleaning my apartment a little, coming across the box that is now back on the top of my bookshelf. I swallow hard as I gaze at it for a moment, remembering the look on Talon’s face when we realized who I really was. I haven’t seen or heard from him or Tristan since that night, and I don’t know why I feel strange about that. I have no idea if he’s told Tristan or what he may think about me now that he knows that they fucked their ex-foster sister. I’m sure it’s a lot for him to wrap his mind around; it was hard for me to accept it. He almost appeared…hurt when he learned the news, but I can’t pinpoint if it’s because I hid it from him or if he feels bad about everything they’d done.

“Must not feel too bad if neither of them have come back to apologize,” I bitterly remind myself as I stuff a few pieces of old mail into the trash bag in my hand. Once I’ve gathered all the trash, I tie the bag up and prepare to take it down to the dumpster. I ignore all the shady individuals lingering around in the hallway, catcalling me as I walk past before shouting rude things to me when I don’t respond to them. God, I hate this place. Being able to move into a safer, more habitable home is the main reason why I took the second deal.

Now I don’t know if or when I’ll be able to make that happen.

I quickly make my way down the steps and toss the bag into the dumpster. I don’t run into the landlord, thankfully. I’m still late on rent. The last thing I want is for him to start bitching about how I haven’t paid and then harass me about how he doesn’t run a free shelter.

“Hey! You! Number ten!” an annoyingly familiar voice calls after me once I step back onto my floor. I glance over my shoulder to see my landlord lumbering toward me with a frown on his face.Shit.Just the person I wanted to avoid.

I turn to quickly go to my apartment, but the landlord proves to be a little faster than I originally thought. He grabs my elbows and pulls me further away from my door and glares at me.

“I still haven’t gotten rent from you,” he snaps. I wrinkle my nose at the smell of whiskey coming off his breath and through his pores. His sweat slicked skin and wild eyes tell me everything that I need to know, which means that I need to find a way to get away from him before things become dangerous for me.

“I’m waiting on my check from work,” I say, my voice a little shaky. “I swear, I’ll pay.”

“You know, you’ve been nothing but trouble lately,” he slurs, yanking me a little closer to him. “You got two guys threatening to call the health inspector and get me shut down and shit. Who do you think you are to do that to me, huh?”

My mouth opens and closes as I struggle to form words. Why the hell would Tristan and Talon go out of their way to do all of that? Then it dawns on me. That must’ve been how they got the key to my place to begin with. They hadn’t broken in, so someone either had to have let them in or they were able to get in with a key.

I shake my head. “I didn’t have them say anything, I swear.” I try to pull out of his grasp, but his tight grip only hurts my biceps when I attempt to. “Look, I’ll have your money soon.”

He sweeps a hungry gaze along my form and licks his lips. “Maybe we can figure out another arrangement in order to settle your past due rent,” he says with a wicked grin. “You look like you have a good mouth on ya.” I yelp when he cups my pussy through my shorts. “And I bet you have a tight little pussy on you, too. I think that’s a fair trade, don’t you think?”

Bile rises in my throat as fear and disgust settle in my chest.

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