Page 14 of Imperfectly Perfect

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“If you want to go out with her, then you have my blessing, if that’s why you’re in here.”

Fallon focused on Athena’s blue eyes. She’d nearly forgotten that she’d come in here to answer that question, that Savannah was still waiting in the outer office for her to return and not act a complete fool.

Nodding, Fallon backed toward the door. “Thank you.”

She said nothing else as she walked into the main office, shutting Athena’s door as she preferred behind her. She was pretty sure that if Athena could lock that door any time she didn’t need anything, she would—well, perhaps at one point. But since Monti, Athena had lightened up a bit. They’d even strayed to working in the main office so often that Fallon couldn’t remember the last time she’d been at Athena’s home office except to grab a book or five out of the library—which she still needed to do.

“Well?” Savannah asked, her full lower lip pulled tight between her teeth.

Arousal coursed through Fallon’s body at the sight of that, at just the thought of Savannah doing that somewhere—anywhere—else.

“Thank you for the cheese.” Fallon ducked her chin, her cheeks heating. What the hell was going on with her? She wanted to reach over and pick up the cheese again, run her fingers over it as a distraction, but that would just be weird. Instead, she sat on the edge of her desk, right where Savannah was standing, putting them on a more even height.

“She said you can keep it?” Savannah’s eyes widened and cheeks tinged pink. It was adorable, honestly. Was she excited? Truly happy?

“Yes.” Athena had honestly said a whole lot more than that, but Fallon wasn’t going to bring it up. Savannah having a case with Athena was going to complicate matters between them, but Fallon wasn’t sure she wanted to avoid a friendship just because of that. She’d truly enjoyed the soft moments they’d had, connecting over a shared grief with someone willing to understand the pain that Fallon still held tightly within her when it seemed like everyone else had moved on.

“Oh good!” Savannah blew out a breath and moved her hand across her forehead like she was wiping sweat from it.

“Why is cheese that important?” The question was out of Fallon’s mouth before she could stop it. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for in an answer, but she wanted to know.

Savannah shook her head sharply. “It’s not.”

“Are you sure?”

“I just saw it and couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

There were those words again. Fallon was a forgettable person. Welcome to her life with her parents who frequently forgot she was in the same building as them, so Savannah saying something to the contrary was odd. Perhaps it was just that Savannah had found the same comfort in their conversation that Fallon had.

“It’s a nice gesture,” Fallon answered, keeping her gaze on Savannah as if to prove a point, but it was more to make sure that she didn’t miss any nuance that she might find in those big brown eyes. “I appreciate it.”

“Do you think…” Savannah rolled up on her toes and then back down again. The hesitation was clear. Fallon wished she could make Savannah move forward more quickly and get the words out, but these things took time. “Do you think we could go to that wine place again?”

“I thought you didn’t like wine.”

“But you do.”

Fallon narrowed her gaze. “Why would we go to MILF Wines again?”

Perhaps Fallon had learned a few lessons from Athena in the time she’d worked for her. That was an outrageously direct question, but she wanted it answered. Was Savannah trying to ask her on a date? Was this simply a way to get to know each other better? Or was she trying to fill the void of loneliness after a divorce and a death?

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.” Savannah gave in far too easily.

Fallon really wished she hadn’t. But they didn’t know each other all that well yet. Perhaps Savannah would learn that Fallon wasn’t as hard on the inside as she presented on the outside. But in order for that to happen, they would have to spend more time together, outside of this office. Which brought her right back to that damnable question she’d asked Athena.

“Where would you like to go?” Fallon asked this time, hoping that Savannah would see through the question to the answer. She really did want to spend more time with Savannah. In fact, she wanted to go out tonight if there was time. Something about the way Savannah smiled brought a warmth to Fallon’s life that she hadn’t had in a long time.

“Where would I…?” Savannah looked perplexed.

Fallon held the silence, waiting for the thoughts and words to connect in Savannah’s brain. Just what would she say when she figured out what Fallon meant? Would Fallon be greeted with another one of those brilliant smiles?

“Oh.” Savannah blinked hard, her entire face lighting up. Her lips curled upward, her eyes scrunching at the corners, and she shook her head. “Are you asking me out to dinner or drinks?”

“Dinner,” Fallon answered succinctly. She flicked her gaze once toward Athena’s office, but the door was still shut. “You pick the place. My treat.”

Fallon reached over the side of her desk and grabbed a sticky note and a pen. She scribbled her cell phone number onto the small three by three square and ripped it off, handing it over to Savannah. Their fingers brushed. Savannah's skin was so warm. So soft. The burst of arousal was so strong that Fallon had to suck in a sharp breath. She would have to watch out for that for sure. She couldn’t be swooning over Savannah when nothing would ever happen between them.

Even if Savannah was willing—Fallon wouldn’t allow it.

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