Page 108 of Imperfectly Perfect

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“What does next month look like?” Savannah asked again.

She must really want an answer. Fallon grunted and tried to find something to say, but the only thing that came to mind was exactly like what was happening now. She didn’t want anything to change between them. She didn’t want Savannah to go find someone new, and she definitely didn’t want to do that for herself.

Fallon pulled Savannah up, pressing their mouths together in a sloppy kiss. “I want it to look like this. And the month after that, and the one after that. And next year. I want to be with you.”

Savannah’s eyes crinkled at the corners as her lips curled upward. “That’s exactly what I want.”

With one big kiss, Savannah moved back down. She pressed her mouth over Fallon’s clit while she moved her fingers languidly. Immediately, Fallon was thrust into insurmountable pleasure. She could barely keep up with what Savannah was doing, where she was, how she was teasing her. Fallon wiggled on the bed, trying to keep herself still enough for Savannah to keep on touching her, but also trying to move to get more.

She just needed more.

Everything that Savannah had brought with her, the hope, love, the basic enjoyment of life—Fallon craved that now. And she never wanted anything else. She wanted to have that right at her fingertips whenever she needed it, because it was exactly what she’d needed in her life and she hadn’t even known it.

Savannah had already given her so much.

And Fallon would willingly take whatever Savannah had left to give, and she’d give the same, if not more, right back. Shedidn’t want to give this up. Crying out her release, Fallon curled up on her side on the bed. She needed to catch her breath. She needed to catch herself, didn’t she? But no. She’d wanted this, and she’d walked right into this relationship with eyes wide open, and that wasn’t something she was willing to go back on.

“I love you, Fallon,” Savannah whispered into her ear, curling behind Fallon and wrapping her arm over Fallon’s hip and stomach. “I want to see where we’ll be in a year from now.”

“Years,” Fallon corrected. She was more confident now than before, that little moment of doubt that reared its ugly head cementing her knowledge that the fear wasn’t what she wanted any more. Twisting around, Fallon pressed her thigh between Savannah’s legs and held on to Savannah with everything she had. “Years.”

“Yes, years,” Savannah repeated. “We have years together.”

Kissing Savannah this time was everything Fallon never knew she could have. It was pure love.


One year later…

“What are we doing?” Brinley asked, peeking her head from between the seats.

Savannah nervously blew out a breath as she sat in the car. Fallon was already at her mother’s grave, and Savannah had opted to give her some alone time there before she and Brinley joined. But it was really because she needed the extra time to get her head on straight.

She was so damn nervous.

And all for what? A ring in a bunch of flowers. But it was more than that. It was what this meant and it was the fact that Savannah was willing to take this step again and move herself toward full commitment to a relationship. She wasn’t sure she could have done it for anyone other than Fallon.

But in the last year and a half, they’d proven that they were ready for this.

The rain was awful, but Savannah knew that Brinley wouldn’t stay quiet or still for much longer. “Mom. What are we doing?” Brinley repeated.

“We’re giving Fallon some time with her mother. Just like she did for us when we were at Uncle Conrad’s grave.”

Brinley wrinkled her nose at that thought. “I don’t like coming here to see him. It’s creepy.”

“It’s not creepy,” Savannah fired back. “But if you don’t want to come here, next time, you don’t have to. I’m not going to force you to do something like this. But you said you wanted to come and give him some flowers.”

“Yeah, but Fallon is like…talking to her mom. Look at her.”

Savannah raised her gaze, eyeing Fallon’s form. She was, in fact, talking to her mom. She stood out in the rain, no umbrella, and stared down at the headstone. Her lips moved as if she was having a full-blown conversation with the headstone. Savannah had no clue what she was saying, not that she needed to know, but it was interesting to watch as Fallon talked to her mom like she was alive.

It really was sweet, and it explained why when she’d stumbled upon Savannah that first time that she was so upset.

“That’s just what she does, Brin. Nothing wrong with talking to a grave. I talk to Uncle Conrad at his all the time too.” It wasn’t entirely the truth. She’d more ranted and yelled at the jerk he was for dying for those first few months and then she’d stopped talking to him entirely there. But it had been cathartic and well worth it.

They’d already visited Conrad, so they really were just waiting for Fallon to give Savannah the signal that they could join for a little bit and then all the focus would be on Savannah and Fallon and that damn ring she’d stuck in the bouquet of flowers.

Why did she ever think this was a good idea?

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