Page 16 of Captivated

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Page 16 of Captivated

“But what about the spellbook?” Key asked.

“I’m thinking about something Ian suggested?—”

The distant ringing of the shop’s landline interrupted me.

Key’s eyes widened. “Do you think that’s…?”

I shot out of the chair and scrambled into the building. I managed to get to the phone before the ringing stopped.

“Yes?” I asked, heart hammering in my ears.

“Have you made a decision about the spellbook?” the distorted male voice asked.

“I…” I searched for something to say. What had been the plan?

“It’s simple. Yes or no, and name your price.”

Simple? Simple? A sudden wave of rage filled me. “Fine. Five million dollars.”

“Three hundred K.”

Were they serious? Haggling like it was some random item at a pawnshop? “Grandma’s spellbook is not for sale.”

I slammed the received down. They could mess with me and with the shop, but how dare they mess with Grandma’s legacy?

“Was that the bastard?” Dru asked from the other side of the counter.

A niggling of regret poked at my insides as I stared at the plastic phone and finally remembered my original plan. “Yes.”

“What was it Ian said that you were going to try?”

My mouth drooped at the corners, and I gave Dru a soulful look. “Give the person a price, then try to figure out who they are when they send a payment method?”

Dru gave me two very sarcastic thumbs up. “Doing great, boss. Keep it up.”


True to my initial plans to investigate Preston’s local meetings, I left Dru in charge of the shop and made my way to some of the paranormal-owned shops. It was a dreary day, but I chose to view the inconsistent drizzle as heavenly water nurturing my budding investigation.

I’d told Ian about my knee-jerk reaction to the caller when he’d come to retrieve his missing dogs, and he’d told me whoever it was would likely make another attempt at buying it. If not, they would simply try another tactic to mess with me, and that would help us determine who it was.

“Like the police needing more than one victim to catch a serial killer?” I’d asked him, hopeful.

He’d told me to try more science fiction and less of my sister’s favorite romantic suspense books.

But basically, yes.

My first stop was Veva’s shop. I owed her a visit after I’d treated her so unprofessionally the day earlier. To make amends, I brought her a box of muffins from Fairy Circle Cakes and a tin of Earl Grey. The pretty one I kept for decoration on the shelf because it helped with the cozy atmosphere.

Good friendships and successful business ventures required sacrifices.

Veva was delighted to see me, and we had a productive conversation until a regular client came in for a tarot reading.

According to Veva, Preston had yet to show his face in the shop, but she’d heard some rumors about his interest in the Corner Rose. She looked somewhat miffed when she learned he had visited other people’s shops, but not hers.


I also used the opportunity to ask about Bagley’s accountant.