Page 11 of Run & Hide

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I waketo the scent of stale lavender and mothballs. Blinking away the lingering weight of a restless night’s sleep, the hideous floral wallpaper of my room swims into focus.

Ugh, waking up in this B&B feels like being throttled with my dead grandmother’s wardrobe.

I groan at the assault on my senses, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and rubbing the crusting of sleep from my tear ducts. The ancient springs beneath me creak in protest, urging me to leap to my feet before the whole thing collapses.

I guess that’s one way to force someone out of bed.

I shower and dress quickly, the walls feeling like they’re closing in on me with every second I spend trapped in this hellhole. “Some fucking vacation,” I mutter to myself. I’m just about ready to march out the door with no real plan for how to spend my day when my phone starts buzzing in my pocket.

The moment I catch sight of the name on the screen, I consider hurling the whole damn thing out the window. Instead, I bite back a string of foul curse words and swipe to answer. “Hello, Mother.”

“Dom, darling! I just heard the most interesting news,” her shrill voice chirps merrily through the speaker. “Apparently, you were spotted leaving the coffee house yesterday. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming to visit us after all this time?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose hard enough to risk a bruise, focusing on the pain to anchor me before I lose my mind. “I’m not here for a social visit. Just some quick business and then I’m leaving.”

“Nonsense,” she tuts. “You have to come and have Sunday brunch with us at least. The whole family together, doesn’t that sound lovely?”

“No,” I snap, picturing her jumping slightly at my harsh tone. “I don’t have time.”

“But Dom–”

“I gotta go. We’ll speak another time.” I hang up before she can protest. Tossing the phone onto the bed, I claw my hand through my hair, my gaze wandering to the view from my window. Main Street stretches out before me, a fucking Norman Rockwell painting brought to life. Ancient little shops, tree-lined sidewalks, and a bunch of irritating gossip mongers who can’t help but report everything and everyone they see as if it’s breaking news.

Clearly, I won’t be able to go anywhere in this town without someone reporting it to my mother. The obvious move would be to leave now, and head back to the city where I belong. I should give up on this failure of afun vacation.I can’t torment Shiloh and avoid the rest of my family at the same time.

Shame.I’d felt like the rush of yesterday’s antics was just the tip of the iceberg, once I had calmed down. And I didn’t even get to see whether or not Shiloh seemed shaken after my little visit…

“Fuck it,” I sigh, grabbing my leather gloves and storming out the door.

Thirty minutes and a brief text to my mother later, I’m pulling into the parking lot of Old Mabel’s Diner. I kill the engine but can’t quite bring myself to move just yet, gripping the steering wheel until my gloves creak.

Am I really going to go through with this just for the chance to stay in town a little longer without being hassled?

It seems the answer is ‘yes’ as I slam the car door shut and stride into the lion’s den.

The nauseating smell of cheap coffee and maple syrup hit me like a thick tsunami, and I almost turn right back around–which seems to be a growing habit of mine. The only thing that stops me is an enthusiastic wave from the mother who’s unfortunately already spotted me. She has a megawatt smile plastered on her face as she swings her arm through the air with such gusto it might just fall off. Next to her my stepfather, Charlie, offers a tentative nod. Finally, bouncing in their seats like caffeinated chimp-babies are Theo and Ellen–the replacement spawn.

Here we all are, the happy little family plus one black sheep.

I approach slowly, still considering leaving, each step feeling like I’m wading through the very syrup this place reeks of. My mother leaps out of her seat as I finally reach the table, arms thrown wide.

“Oh, Dom! So glad you made it!” She envelops me in a cloud of floral perfume and latent maternal affection. I stand there stiffly until she lets go. “Let me look at you. My goodness, you’ve packed on some muscle! Do you ever leave the gym?”

“Yes, Mother. Oddly enough I have a job to go to, if you remember.” I roll my eyes with enough dismissal to have her stepping back, her bright expression faltering slightly. Charlie extends his hand next to her.

“Dom. Good to see you.” The strain in his voice is almost enjoyable, as he’s clearly as thrilled about this gathering as I am.Can’t say Shiloh was the only one I indulged in tormenting as a kid.

“Charlie.” I respond, briefly shaking his hand with my firmest grip. His wince has the corner of my mouth curling up.

Theo and Ellen are practically vibrating out of their skin with excitement. We’ve never met, but it seems they’ve built up some story in their mind that I’m going to be a doting older brother. I can’t wait to crush that dream in my fist.

“Dom! Dom! Guess what?” Theo yells, waving his arms in the air like the spitting image of our mother.

“Indoor voice, sweetie,” she chides gently.

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