Page 70 of Outlaws’ Property

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I feel a smile spreading on my face. The boys had better have a good reaction in store for me when I reveal my look, or they're not getting any afterwards.

Oh, who am I kidding? I wouldn't deprive myself like that.

There's someone here today that I'm actually curious to meet. Over on one side, watching the altar platform while sipping a bottle of water, is a woman with honey blonde hair almost all the way down to her waist. She's got a baby bump well on the way, and she's watched over by three big bikers from the Screaming Eagles MC. Tex pointed them out to me earlier, since apparently several guys taking a single old lady together has become a thing over there, and she's one of them. Mila, I think they told me. And her brother's getting blooded in the Outlaw Sons today.

I'll have to try and talk to her later, though, because Hellfire strides up to the front and takes the steps up to stand next to the altar. "We got a new member to bring on board today. He's shown bravery, skill and concern for his brothers in ways most prospects never manage. Fuck, some of you boys could do with some pointers. Sinner, come up here."

Sinner approaches the altar, and now I see the resemblance between him and Mila. Knowing how close MC members are,not to mention forward, I can understand why he might not want to be at the same club where his sister was getting frisky with three of the guys.

Hellfire, his long hair loose and every inch the president, nods at Sinner. He holds up a sharp-looking knife. "You started life as Danny. But you’ve chosen and earned the name Sinner. Are you free of all other loyalties and ready to take up your role in our brotherhood?"

"I am," Sinner says without hesitation.

"We have expectations and you know ‘em. You ride when we say ride. You fight when we say fight, and you always put the club ahead of everything else. You listen to your seniors. You never betray a brother. Within the club, you will always show integrity. Your soul is ours, but we're gonna protect it. You're not just joining a club, you're becoming a brother amongst brothers. If you have any fucking doubts whatsoever, now's the time to take your leave. It's a hard life, and no one's gonna think less of you."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Then merge your blood with ours." Hellfire hands him the knife and puts a large steel chalice on the altar.

Sinner takes the knife in his right hand and puts his left forearm above the chalice. Then, in a move that makes me wince, he makes a cut about halfway up to his elbow. He makes a fist, making a thick line of blood well out and drips into the silver container below.

"Welcome to the Outlaw Sons. You're now one of us," Hellfire declares.

Sinner turns around and holds up the bloodied knife. Now I know why they're referred to as blooded members. And here I thought it was just an expression.

The whole club cheers for Sinner, so loud that it rattles the stained glass windows. Hellfire holds out something to him while taking the knife back. "Here's your patches. They better fucking be on your jacket and cut next time I see you." Then he pats Sinner on the arm. "Sit down and have a beer. We got one more thing to take care of today. Ghost, Riot and Tex, get your asses up here."

Oh God. It's us. It's our turn, and suddenly after wanting to get it over with all day, I'm nervous. Not cold feet anything, but it's insane that this is even happening. A weird moment of what the hell am I doing, getting hooked up with not just one, but three dangerous bikers.

Mom's sitting right up front after she gave me a good luck hug and the oh so encouraging, "I think you're insane jumping into something like this, but I see that they make you happy. Just make sure they know that if they hurt you, I'll come hunting them. And now that Victor is gone, they'll never see it coming."

I completely believe her. We’re still getting to know each other again after all the time apart, and honestly? I think being locked up for ten years doing nothing but designing weapon systems makes a person a little strange. But she could say almost the same thing about me. I love her, and she loves me. Her smile is honest, even if she doesn’t understand me.

"I gotta be straight with you all. I'm not sure where to start with this." This has to be the first time I've seen Hellfire uncertain, and from the surprised looks on the guys' faces, it might be for them too. "The Outlaw Sons has always been a dangerousclub to belong to. More than many clubs, violence or preventing violence is what we deal in. Old ladies have been few and far between. There's Bonnie, the Boss Bitch herself, of course." He gestures at Bonnie and she nods graciously. "A few others, but the Sons have a nasty habit of expiring before anything permanent happens. You fuckers—all of you—are the survivors. The men that I would fucking trust my own life to, and you trust me the same way every day you let me be your president. So what I'm saying is that this is new to me, and three members with a single chick? Even newer."

He looks my way, and the guys follow his gaze to me, to where I'm standing at the end of the church aisle, still covered in my cloak. Whether Hellfire is still uncertain or not, they definitely aren't. The way all three of them watch me like a pack of predators hunting a baby bunny… Well let's just say that saying they look hungry doesn't cover half of it. And those nerves I felt earlier? Replaced by a swirling heat that starts at my core and goes all the way up.

I drop my cloak dramatically, and start my walk up to them.

I swear their jaws drop to the floor and their eyes get twice as big. When they get past the initial shock, Tex's mouth quirks into a disbelieving grin. He's wearing his Stetson hat, which gives him an extra dose of dashing for the big day. Riot struggles to drop his expression of surprise, his eyes wide and his mouth open. Ghost's expression has turned calculating, like he's already planning exactly how he's going to peel this dress off me before having his way with me. Or maybe how to leave it on. I was feeling hot at their hunger before, but the way he's watching me now has it going nuclear. And we're not even through whatever ceremony Hellfire has in mind.

It's exactly the kind of reaction I was hoping for, so luckily, I don't have to pretend that we're not going to fuck like rabbits after this.

There's a murmur through the crowd as I walk up, but all I've got eyes for are Tex, Ghost and Riot. Tex hops down to take my hand at the bottom of the altar and lead me up the stairs to stand with him and the others. "You look fucking beautiful," he says loud enough for everyone to hear. Ghost nods slowly, his slate gray eyes never letting up a moment. Riot's still shocked.

When I get close enough, I whisper to Riot, "You're going to catch flies like that."

He laughs and puts his big hand on my hip. I feel a little bit claimed already.

"Well, boys, you went and did it,” Hellfire grumbles. “Somehow you convinced her to put up with all three of you. For good. You must be fucking amazing lays, that's all I can imagine, and I don’t want to imagine that hard. You don't see a lot of ladies interested long term in the Sons. They love coming here for danger and fun for a while, but they never stick around. I know you know what you're getting into, Jessica. More than most, but it gets rough around here. Just as Bonnie.”

I glance her way, and find her looking grim. She nods briefly. But I can't back out now. I don't want to. "I know," I say, barely loud enough to be heard. The idea that I might someday lose them terrifies me, but not as much as trying to live without them. It just feels so right. So louder, I add, "But I'm not going anywhere."

Hellfire nods as Tex grabs my hand and squeezes it. He turns and grabs a leathery bundle off the altar that he holds. "Good.You guys are lucky to have found someone who's willing to put up with your shit. If I ever, and I mean fucking ever, hear that you boys mistreat something that fucking precious, I'll come right on over and tear those damn patches off you myself, before I kick your asses out of the club. At the very fucking least. Clear?"

"Clear," Ghost says for all of them. Tex and Riot nod.

Hellfire hands the leathery bundle over to Ghost. “By wearing this, Jessica, you are carrying the name of the Outlaw Sons and are expected to show loyalty to both the club and your men, just as by claiming you, they will be responsible for you so long as you bear their patches. Do you understand?”

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