Page 17 of Outlaws’ Property

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I rapmy knuckles against the glass on Bonnie’s front door. Not sure what I’m going to find on the other side. I know Ghost texted earlier to make sure everything was under control, but shit, they’re not used to this kind of life. They might have locked themselves in her spare room for all I know. Bonnie has a good heart, but she’s not exactly the softest woman in the world.

“Come in!” Bonnie yells from the other side.

I turn the knob and step inside, ready for a lot of things, but not what I find. “Holy fuck.”

The girls are sitting in the kitchen together, and Bonnie has a small suitcase worth of makeup spread out on the table. She’s giving Jessica a makeover as Anne watches. In the background, Mick Jagger sings about Satisfaction.

Jessica turns my way and my world tilts and rearranges itself. Last night, scared with no makeup and dressed in shapeless clothes, she was cute, but it didn’t prepare me for seeing her like this. Her golden brown hair is out of the braid and hangingloosely around her shoulders. Herbareshoulder. Her skin looks so silky smooth I’m almost afraid to touch her.

But I do, running my calloused fingers over her bare skin as I walk by to go lean against Bonnie’s counter and admire the transformation. Jessica’s breath catches at the touch.

She’s fucking gorgeous. They did a good job dressing her up just enough to make it clear that she’s no little church mouse, but nothing that takes away from her natural, innocent beauty.

Jessica licks her lips nervously, drawing my attention right to how full and pink they are. “Is everything okay?”

“More than okay, baby. You look amazing. I just didn’t expect to see you looking so…” Fuckable. “Settled in.”

She blushes and reaches for her glasses, slipping them back on. It doesn’t make her any less pretty. If anything, it proves I have a thing for smart chicks.

“Bonnie has been really nice,” Jessica says. “Considering the situation, we’re doing pretty well I guess.”

“Good, good… Last night was a fucking mess. I’m so damn sorry you have to deal with this, but we can’t just let you go home. Either of you.”

Anne looks up. “She lives with me.”

A live-in nanny?

Jessica nods. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t want Anne to be here alone, anyway.”

“Yeah, we’re pretty much family,” Anne adds.

Oh? That doesn’t sound like it matches up with what Ghost said about her not being Victor’s biggest fan. I want to trust her, but I’m not stupid. How much do we really know about this woman?

Jessica hesitates but she smiles at Anne. “I’ve worked for Mr. Kane for a long time. She’s like my little sister.”

How the fuck long could she have worked there? “How old are you?”


I want to get her away from her sidekick. Both because she’s fucking hot, and because I want to get her somewhere she can talk without a kid listening to her every word. If she isn’t really what she seems, it’s better to find out now.

“Hey Bonnie? You good with watching Anne for a while? I’m heading over to the Burnout to meet Ghost and Riot, and I think maybe Jessica could use a field trip.”

“Sure, we’re good here. We have a criminal empire to build, right kid?”


“What do you think?” I ask Jessica. “It’s not quite freedom, but it beats sitting around here all day.”

“I don’t know…”

I push off from the counter and get closer to Jessica. “Come on, you look too damn good to waste the day in here. You’re officially off duty. We’ll keep you safe.”

She looks up at me with big brown eyes, framed by sexy round librarian glasses. “Promise?”

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