Page 29 of Redemption

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“Yes, sheriff. I’ll stay with family. I feel safest around them.” Theo looked to Bear and Owen and smiled.

Hogg puffed out his chest. “Yes Theodore, you’re safe with family. We’ll bring you home now.”

I growled against Theo’s mouth. “Yes. Married on your birthday. But I was supposed to ask you.”

Theo smirked. “Too late, alpha. I ask first. You can buy the rings.”

“Done baby.” One more quick kiss and I turned to Hutchins, holding out my hands. “Cuff me, officer.”

“Ooh, kinky!” Owen, of course. All the guys laughed.

Theo stepped forward. “Sheriff Hutchins, I turn 25 in 2 days time. Can I stay with my friends until the case is resolved? I feel safe here.” Hogg let out another pathetic alpha growl and Theo giggled at him.

“Under the circumstances, I don’t see why not. If the mayor has an issue with it, he’s free to file formal paperwork to take you back into his custody. Of course, it’ll be a couple days at least before it can be executed, so it’s kinda a moot point. Don’t you think Mister Mossdale?” The sheriff leveled his gaze at Hogg.

“We’ll see about that.” Hogg just knew he’d won.

Conversations in the back of the cop car were entertaining. Hutchins played music and we both sang along. Once the mayor’s car was no longer following us, the sheriff pulled over and got out. Opening the rear door, he reached in and unlocked the handcuffs. I got out and leaned against the car. “Care to share what all the theatrics were about, Mako?”

“Yeah, about that. You saw the paperwork. He’s my mate. My fated mate. We did the blood test the other day and his first heat resulted in pregnancy.” I knew the sheriff and I were on the same side here. His Pops and my Gramps went way back.

“Got that, but why the hatred of the mayor? Are you saying that recording was real?” It was sinking in for him.

“Yeah, it was real. He hired us to kill his son. His other son and his friends had been sexually assaulting my mate for years under his father’s nose. He had the older boy take Theo out last week bar hopping. The set up was that we were to kidnap and kill Theo and leave his body to be found before his 25th. That way, themayor and his family got the inheritance that was left to Theo. It was all about the money. My boys got you all the proof you need to give to the feds, and with a formal complaint filed, they have all the evidence they need to lock them away for life.” My club did his job, and we did it well.

“Well, hell, Mako. Looks like there’s an election on the horizon.” We both laughed and I got back in the car, without handcuffs this time.

Chapter Thirty


I lay in bed,unable to sleep. Owen and Bear left a couple hours ago and here it was 10 pm and still no word from my mate. Over 36 hours after his arrest and no one would tell me anything other than to hurry and wait. Gates and Doc went over the paperwork with me again and again. To me, it all seemed cut and dry, but there had to be something we were missing. Did the federal government not believe the blood tests? Had Grey Mossdale manipulated the system in his favor? There were too many unanswered questions.

Around 3 o’clock, a process server knocked on the door of the clubhouse, asking for me. When I came to the door, he handed me the paperwork from Grey’s lawyer. I have 24 hours from the time it was to present myself at the courthouse to relinquish custody of my person over to Grey and Elsbeth Mossdale. Somehow, they convinced a judge that I could not care for myself and needed an alpha to ensure my continued health and care. So, without my mate, I had to move back in with them. Atleast until I was mated. I’m sure Grey already has an alpha in his pocket, willing to mate me, even pregnant, to gain access to my inheritance. Or worst case, end my pregnancy all together. No one seemed to notice my mating scar, and no one mentioned Gavin at all. I suppose that their own flesh and blood was expendable when it came to money.

The only escape I got from my stress was when Owen and I were looking at homes to buy. I knew Eddie owned a house that his Gramps left to him, but it wasn’t in the best of shape and fixing it up would cause it to lose all the sentimentality it held when Mako, Bear, Gramps and Jaws lived there. I wanted something new, something for us, for our family. Somewhere we could keep our entire family close. It should be a new chapter for RNMC. Owen found the listing first.

A property developer overextended himself and bet on more rural development than the job market in Misty Pines could handle. He lost his shirt and went belly up. They were now selling the land with 8 fully finished and 10 partially constructed homes in a gated community with a community center, including a swimming pool and children’s play park for a cool 30 million. The gating, security, community center, pool and park was complete along with the original 8 homes. Owen and I did the math, with my 50 million. That would leave us with 20 to finish the other 10 homes and get everyone moved. Mako could sell his Gramps house if he wanted or keep it as a getaway if not. RNMC could go from a clubhouse with members spread across the county to a compound. All of our family in one place and there would even be a few places to rent out for extra income. We knew not everyone would want to move into the compound, so that gave us a bit of leeway with finishing the houses and income ratios. Owen was a lot smarter than so many gave him credit for. It wasn’t surprising with his past.

Deep in the fantasy of being married to my fated mate and raising our children in a family compound, I must have dozed off. I awoke to the click on the lock on the front door. Not sure who it was, I lay still with my eyes closed. Hopefully, whoever it was would think I was asleep and leave. I really didn’t want company at the moment. Heavy, booted footsteps made their way around the apartment and into the bathroom. The footsteps stopped and that smell hit me. My mate! My mate was home. I rolled over and threw the blanket off. “NO! Don’t move.” I froze at my alpha’s growl.

Lying naked on my stomach, my body was covered by a very naked mate. He nipped my neck and shoulders while grinding into my ass. I could smell how turned on I was, so it was no surprise he could smell it too, and I really needed him to react to it. “Why are you so late? Is everything OK? Is it over?” short sentences between bursts of moans.

“Everything’s fine. Don’t want to talk. Need to claim my mate all over again.” There he was, my growly hot mate. This is what I needed. “Roll over, wanna see your face when I claim you again.” I didn’t even have to use my own muscles as I was flipped onto my back with a heavy alpha, pinning me to the bed with his body. Kissing and licking over my mating scar. Can you come from having your mating scar bitten and licked? My body shook as my dick erupted between us. Yes, yes you can, untouched too apparently. “That’s one.” The promise in those words kept me hard for hours.

The smell of coffee brought me out of a heavy sleep. As I rolled over, I went through a mental checklist of sore muscles andbody parts. Was it possible that my balls actually felt lighter this morning? Could it be my imagination? I felt literally drained down there, but the rest of my body felt energized. My mate was in our kitchen making himself coffee. Eddie was home and said that everything was OK. The stress and worry didn’t seep from my body. It left with a rush.

As I gripped the headboard and forced my toes to the foot of the bed, I stretched my entire body, shifting the blanket, causing it to fall off the side of the bed. I lay there, gloriously naked and stretched out on full display. “Baby, unless you want a repeat of last night, I suggest you get up from that bed and come have some coffee with me.” Eddie stood in the doorway of our bedroom holding his coffee mug.

I sat up and giggled. Why was I giggling so much? Goddess, I was happy. “Alpha, I’m not sure there’s anything left in me to repeat last night.” I stood up and walked across the room, not bothering with clothes, and kissed my mate on the cheek. “I can’t have coffee, but thanks for the offer. Just juice for me.” Before I walked into the living room, I turned to him. “Anyone here that I need to get dressed for?” An intentional smirk on my face.

“Nope.” He popped the ‘P.’ “Woulda warned you. No need to cover that glorious body on my account, either. I kinda like being the dirty ole man who leers at his naked mate.” He leaned over and pinched my ass. I jumped and yelped before I started laughing. “Besides, we’re switching to decaf coffee. Doc says it’s fine for you to drink, just like tea. Just gotta watch how much sugar you put in it.”

“Coffee! Yay! I Love Doc so much!” I stopped laughing and headed to the kitchen area.

“HEY! You love Doc? What about me? I’m giving up caffeine and beer for the next few months to support you. You don’t love me, first? Most?” He tried hard to hide his smile behind his coffee mug.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Meh, that goes without saying. You’re my mate. I HAVE to love you. It’s like a cosmic law or something.” I took off running to the kitchen. I wanted my coffee.

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