Page 21 of Redemption

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“The story of a money hungry man who will take any route possible to gain control of cash.” It was obvious to me.

“Yes baby, that and someone willing to do anything to get rid of anyone in their path to said money. Any attorney who got this many inquiries like this from one person would be obligated to report it.” I nodded my head, still confused. “Most estate and divorce lawyers allow a potential client to do a sort of interview. You contact the office and can ask one question, just to see if the attorney is a right fit for your situation. It’s free.” He paused and waited for me.

“Oh, my goddess!” It hit me all at once. “Tacoma, Seattle, Misty Pines, oh Mako, they’re all over the state and no 2 are the same law office. He was asking questions for free all over the state to avoid any one person putting 2 and 2 together!” By the time I was done, my voice was almost a high-pitched scream.

“See, I knew I had a smart mate.” He hugged me and gave me a toe-curling kiss that lit a fire low in my belly. I kissed him back, grinding my ass down on his hardening cock. By the time the kiss ended, I was moaning, and we were both panting for breath. He glanced at his watch. “Baby, we only got a few minutes.” Licking his lips between each word.

I reached down, unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled out his hard cock. I stood up, turning around and dropping my shorts. “Well then, Prez, I guess we won’t have time for a knot. Just fuck me hard and cum on me instead.” We both groaned as I sat and impaled myself on him.

Chapter Twenty-Two


One of the manythings I prided myself on was being prepared for just about anything. Unfortunately, post orgasm cleanup in my office was not one of them. My mate lay across my desk with his lower back and ass covered with my spunk. As much as I would have loved to bask in the afterglow and kick back in my chair with a scotch staring at the beautiful sight, there wasn’t time. According to my watch, we had about 6 minutes to get out of here and get to church.

Holding my shirt away from my softened sticky cock, I hobbled to the door. I opened it just a crack and hollered, “Bear!”

It took all of 30 seconds for Bear to appear with a maddening grin, voice saccharine sweet. “Yes, Boss?” He knew.

“Wet towel… and keep your trap shut, brother.” I felt like a circus act. One hand holding out my shirt, one holding up my pants and my foot propped against the door to hold it at a 2-inch crack. All so no one could see Theo all fucked out across my desk. As proud as I was about it, it was for my eyes only.

“I got you, brother.” as he pulled a damp towel from behind his back. Fucker. “Clean up man, we got church.” And he walked away laughing. Yeah, he was a fucker, but my best friend.

Walking into the room where church had been held since the beginning of Rogue Nation always pulled at my chest. Sometimes it made it difficult to breathe and sometimes it brought a sense of pride welling from deep down. It all depended on why church was being held. Today brought a bit of both. On one hand, I was going to introduce my fated mate to my family and on the other was the hardest. We were going to vote on ending the life of another human being. It didn’t matter what that person had done; it was a hard decision and not one to be taken lightly. Before we voted, I would announce that we were about to vote on something unlawful. That way, any members who wished to abstain or simply not know the details could leave. We didn’t ask anyone to be a part of something that went against their moral compass. Gramps and Pops did the same. It was just one way we fostered loyalty among the brothers.

The chair at the head of the table would sit empty until I placed my ass in it. To the right sat Bear, but to the left there was an empty chair. Normally our enforcer, Clipper, would sit in that chair, but this time, it was left empty. It sat vacant for the first fated mate in the brotherhood. My father never filled that seat during his reign, but Gramps did. The table was built to accommodate all the officers and their mates. That was Gramp’s intention and mine too now. Even if another would have found their mate first, room would have been made to the left of them.

All the officers sat at the table. The first layer of chairs around them held the patched members. Beyond that, it was standing room only. Usually, officers and patched members were the only ones to attend, but because of today’s agenda, mates and hang arounds were welcomed. Those without chairs hugged the wall to make room for Theo and me to pass uninterrupted. I walked behind my mate while he clutched the papers from Teach’s file to his chest. My man walked to the head of the table with a grace that said he belonged. My chest puffed out larger with every step as I admired every step he took. I stepped to the side and pulled out his chair so he could sit and stepped over to mine. Taking my seat, I picked up the gavel and banged it once on the table, silencing the room.

“Who doesn’t know why we’re here?” I waited for a show of hands. It was more than half in the room.

I looked over at Owen. “What? You told me not to say anything. This it too important to be gossip, Boss.” And he shrugged his shoulders. To my right, a giggle escaped Theo before he could stifle it. I just rolled my eyes.

“I bring before the brotherhood, Theodore Sharkey, my fated mate. He wears my claim and I his. He is now as much a brother as I am, as all you are. He is to be treated as such.” My Theo pushed out his chest and grinned widely at the entire room. Feet stomped and a roar of ‘Hear, hear’ spread through the room. My soul settled. My mate was completely claimed.

“Many of you don’t know the entire story, but I’ll keep it brief. Theo is the adopted son of our mayor, Grey Mossdale.” A few gasps and questions of ‘huh,’ came from the members and those standing. “He was kept locked away from the public for years. It was the intention of the mayor to have Theo eliminated before his 25th birthday so he could gain control over the boy’s inheritance from his grandfather. The fatal mistake of his plan was hiring this club to do the deed. This all occurred beforeI knew the boy was my mate.” Several nods of understanding spread through the crowd. “We don’t eliminate innocents, EVER!” My last word came out as a growl. It was echoed by every man in the room.

Doc rose from his chair. “Mako, if I may.” I nodded my head, giving him the floor. “Since this is a fated mate situation and the omega in question is under the age of 25, a blood test is required to prove the accuracy of the claim. I have my equipment with me to do the testing. I can have the results back in less than 12 hours. Also, with Theo having no identification with him, we will need the signatures of no less than 10 alphas with no criminal record to attest that the blood was drawn from this omega.” Chairs ground on the floor as 20 men stood, ready to sign. My heart skipped a beat. I looked at my mate and tears ran down his cheeks.

Theo and I both held out our arms. “Do it.” I growled. Doc picked up his kit and came to our end of the table and began drawing blood while Bear passed around the forms to the men for signatures.

As he drew blood from my arm, Doc leaned over and whispered, “Do you want the other test done?” I dropped my head in a nod and looked at Theo. He shrugged his shoulder. Once Doc sealed and initialed the samples, he gathered the rest of his stuff and headed to the door. “I’ll get these to the lab and call you as soon as the testing is complete.”

I addressed the group again. “Now that the formalities are taken care of, there are a few things that need to be addressed. These things will be uncomfortable and may involve questionable decisions. If you don’t want to take part, we understand. The only people who will be required to stay beyond this point are the club officers. You’re all more than welcome to hang out in the bar and have a drink with Theo and I if you want to congratulate us.” I banged my gavel again. “Thank you.”

Most of the room cleared quietly as I leaned over to Theo. “It’ll be just the officers, Teach and a few of Owen’s group. Much less formal. We’ll all just sit around the table and talk, then vote.” Theo’s breathing softened and his face eased. “It’s OK baby, you’ll get to know everyone, and they’ll love you as much as I do.”

I was right. Once the room cleared, it was me, Bear, Clip, Spuds, our road captain, Trash, our cleaner, Gates, and Teach. Owen, Bethie, Tina, and Wills huddled around Theo like a protective barrier. I had an affinity for all the members of the club, but this group were my family, my loyal brothers… and sisters. The ones I could count on when there was no one else.

Spuds, Trash and Gates came over and, one by one, touched Theo’s shoulder. Each introduced himself and congratulated my mate, welcoming him to the family and offering their loyalty. It made me love each of them even more. Theo was in tears by the time everyone settled into their seats. I leaned in and kissed this temple and whispered, “I told you, baby. They’re your family now. These are my closest friends. Trust them as you trust me.” He sighed, looking at the table and nodded his head.

Teach finally spoke up. “You guys get a look at the information I collected?”

Theo answered, “Yeah, about that.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


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