Page 12 of Redemption

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“But Prez, I’m not sure I deserve this. I came here as a prospect with an ulterior motive. I mean, I’m not sure how you’ll feel about me after I tell you the rest of the story.” He shook his head and lay the patch on the desk near my hip.

Chapter Twelve


Looking at Bear, Ispoke calmer than I should have in the moment. In my gut I knew I trusted Teach. With my friendship, my club and even my mate. “Alright Teach, give it to us. How did you come to us with ulterior motives?” Bear and I never took our eyes off one another. We both had a feeling what his answer would be, and it would only show us he belonged here as much, if not more, than the rest of us.

“I knew I needed to help Theo get out from under their thumb. Something told me they were going to sell him to the highest bidding Alpha hole or kill him. Neither option sat right with me.” We both just shook our heads at him. “Just going by public records, I discovered just how powerful that family is. Not Grey himself per se, but his wife’s family. Going back a bit to their courtship and marriage gave a lot of insight into the motives for them marrying.” He let out an uncomfortable laugh and continued on. “Anyway, knowing the laws around Omegas, marriage and property made it obvious that marrying him offwas the least likely option. He’s only got until his 25th birthday, Mako.” I wanted to pull this man to me and wrap him in a hug to show him just how much of a family member he was. “The research took a few months and a few months more to put a plan together, but I needed help.”

Bear spoke before I got a chance. “Yeah, brother, you can’t mount a rescue operation against an enemy like that alone. It takes manpower, resources, and a bit of luck.” No one dared ask Bear how he knew something like that. Of course, I knew how, but it wasn’t my story to tell. Teach just nodded.

“I was about ready to give up when I decided I could use a good drink and maybe it would reset my brain for a fresh perspective. I rode out to Dilly’s to tie one on, and that’s where I met Gates.” We nodded. We knew Dilly’s well. It was Gates’ favorite place outside the clubhouse. He helped the owner set up a satellite system to get every channel possible and would let Gates watch whatever he wanted when we were there. It was another home away from home. “We got to talking and showing one another our tats. I ask him about his RNMC tat, and he talked about brotherhood and how you guys weren’t a gang, you were a family. The more he talked, the more a plan came together.” The hurt and shame on his face clarified I shouldn’t let him continue.

Holding up my hand to stop him, I bowed my head and shook it. From the corner of my eye, I could see the smile on Bear’s face. Smug bastard. I had to hold mine in until the fuckin conversation was over. “Let me guess. You figured you would prospect with us, work your way up and patch in. Once you were a full brother, you could bring it to the table to get Theo out of there.” Teach just nodded his head.

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry, Mako. I never intended to hide it from anyone. Something had to be done. If you want me gone, I’ll go, but please, help the boy.” He was close to begging, and that made the decision to let him off the hook so much easier. Yes, he didn’ttell us the whole truth, but he never lied to anyone. He’d put in almost 3 years as a prospect, never trying to rush the process or undermine our authority. In the time we’d known him, he’d shown repeatedly that he was all in for the brothers and the troops. Not one toenail out of line.

Bear must have seen my intentions before I could speak because he rose to stand over Teach and smacked him on the back, hard. Teach lurched forward with a grunt. “Damn boy, you’re more like Mako and I than I will ever be willing to fuckin admit.” Laughter clear in his voice. Reaching over and grabbing his patch off the desk, Bear palmed it and slapped it into Teach’s chest. “There’s more going on than you know and it’s too much to explain more than once, so at church tomorrow morning you’re gonna have your chance to cast your vote regarding the Mossdale family.” The look on Teach’s face was utter confusion. Bear continued, “Suffice to say Brother, they crossed a line with us, and we can’t let sleeping dogs lie.” Teach got up, and with a sharp nod of his head he walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.

Once the door closed, Bear burst into a fit of laughter. “Fuck Eddie, I think we might owe Gates for bringing us that one. That man is Rogue Nation through and through. I couldn’t ask for a better man or brother.” He poured us both another shot of whiskey and handed me a glass. Raising it high, “To Brothers,” we said in unison. “So, I take it by the lack of smell in the clubhouse the boy’s heat is done. No issues with any of the troops while we were gone?”

It was time for me to come clean. I shook my head and mumbled, “What the fuck? Has this office become the church confessional?” I grunted a laugh. “Yeah man, about that, umm…”

“What’s up boss?” Bear, still grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Musta been interesting you staying here while that boy was in heat.”

“Interesting isn’t even the beginning of it, Nate.” I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eye.

“Well, not too bad. You seem to be in a decent mood. The guest room was proofed out in case one of the troops forgot their suppressants, so with him in there, I guess you got a bit of sleep.” He knew something was up and was having a good time dragging it out of me.

I rubbed my hand across the back of my neck. “Yeah, he didn’t stay in the guest room. He’s still in my rooms.” Why in the hell had every nerve in my body become uncomfortable? I wasn’t ashamed of my mate, but I really didn’t want to endure the ribbing I was about to get from Bear. Goddess knows I deserved it. I fucked with him enough.

“Sooooo? Why is he in your rooms boss?” I swear, his fuckin’ grin covered his entire jaw now.

“Umm, because he’s… umm…” Fuck me, I was gonna stumble over this like a fat kid drooling over cake.

Bear burst into a fit of laughter. “Umm, my ass man, he’s your mate! That boy is your mate. It’s written all over your face Eddie, you can say it.”

“Well, yeah, he’s, my mate.” I broke into a grin to rival Bears. “How did you know?”

“Look Eddie, we all heard the stories from your pops and Gramps. Fated mates, true forever love, the works. They sound like fairy tales, but somewhere in every one of us is the hope and belief that the stories are true. When you said something on the phone about smelling something and Clip couldn’t smell it. Well, it all clicked in place. Not to mention, if you would have stayed here in the clubhouse with an omega in heat and didn’t… well, there are very few alphas on this earth that could have stayedand resisted.” Nate bound up from his seat and pulled me into the tightest bear hug he could muster. Whispering against my ear, “I’m so fuckin happy for you, brother.” I could only nod my head and hug him back.

My good mood lasted all the way to my room. Opening my bedroom door, expecting to see Theo still curled in the blankets of the bed fast asleep, had a big grin on my face. My face fell immediately. The bed was empty, and the blanket was missing. “Theo? Theo, baby? Where are you?” I heard a whimper from the other bedroom. I rushed across the main living space into the other room. What I saw ripped my heart from my chest.

Theo wrapped in the blanket curled in the corner, his body shaking as if he were freezing. But it wasn’t cold, it was fear. My mate was afraid… of me. I could see his eyes get wider and more fearful as I entered the room. I moved to the bed and sat down facing him, placing my hands on my knees. He cocked his head in confusion. “You’re the Alpha that helped me through my… umm.” His face flushed red with embarrassment.

“Yes, Theo, that was me.” Calm, I had to remain calm.

“Th-th-thank you, sir.” He looked at the blanket puddled in his lap, as if I would attack him if he looked me in the eye.

“Theo? Please look at me.” He must have heard the gentle pleading in my voice and raised his eyes to mine. “Do you understand what this is, sweetheart?” He HAD to understand he was safe here, safe with me. Gently nodding his head, he pulled the blanket tighter around him. I wasn’t so sure he understood at all. “Sweetheart, I’m going to send a text message and getsomeone in here to help me explain it to you. Is that, OK?” I pulled my phone from my pocket. Again, he nodded his head.

ME: Get in here and bring Teach with you, move slowly and be quiet when you get here.

BEAR: On it Boss, I’ll come in first.


“I know you have to do what you have to do. All I ask is you do it quickly and please don’t make it hurt. You don’t owe me anything, but I would like to keep the fantasy you gave me intact. Please give me that, please.” My poor mate’s hands were trembling as hard as his lips. I could smell the fear over his natural scent, and it was affecting me in ways that made me want to destroy anyone who had ever said a harsh word to this beautiful man.

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