Page 67 of Cursed Confessions

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What the fuck? Is she seriously blaming me? The fuck did I do? If anything, her beef should be with Gino fucking Timpone ashe’sthe one who started all this shit.

Suddenly, understanding washes over me. This isn’t really about me or the candy. Lou is scared, overwhelmed by everything that’s happened. And I’m the safest target for her anger—the newest addition to her life, someone she can lash out at without fear of losing them.

I take a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. “Lou,” I say, my voice gentler now, “I know you’re scared. A lot of scary things have happened today. But I promise you, I’m not the cause of these bad things. I’m here to help protect you and your mom.”

Lou’s eyes narrow, disbelief etched across her face. “If that’s true, then why didn’t you protect Zip? Why didn’t you stop Jonah? Or Gino?” She pauses, then delivers the final blow. “You couldn’t even protect your own father.”


I see red, my hands clenching into fists at my sides, and it takes everything in me to not smack the shit out of her right then and there. I remind myself over and over that she’s just a kid, but the words still sting.

“Lou,” I say, my voice stern, “I told you about my father because I wanted to be honest with you about why I hate hospitals. That doesnotgive you the right to use his death against me. That’s fucking bullshit.”

Lou’s lower lip trembles, but she stands her ground, glaring up at me defiantly.

I take another deep breath. “I’m sorry about what happened to Zip. I’m doing my damn best to stop Jonah and Gino. But I can’t be everywhere at once.”

Suddenly, Lou’s tough façade crumbles. Tears well up in her eyes. “I’m just so scared,” she whispers.

Her vulnerability catches me off guard. Jesus, what do I do know? What do kids even want when they’re upset?

“Do you… do you want a hug?” I offer hesitantly.

Lou nods, then throws herself into my arms, her small body shaking with sobs.

“I’m so mad,” she hiccups into my shirt. “All the time.”

I stroke her hair gently. “I get it, kid. Anger’s a tough thing to deal with. You know what helps me?”

She looks up at me, curious despite her tears. “What?”

“Deep breaths,” I say. “And counting to ten. Sometimes, when I’m really mad, I picture putting all that anger into a balloon and letting it float away.”

Lou considers this, biting her lower lip as she thinks it through. “Does it work?”

I nod. “Most of the time. It takes practice, though.”

She’s quiet for a moment, then whispers, “I’m sorry, Angelo. I don’t really hate you.”

“I know, kid,” I say softly. “I know.”

The weightof the day’s events hang heavily on all our shoulders as we get back to my house in the evening. As Lou trudges upstairs to her room, I turn to Fee, noting the exhaustion etched on her face.

“You okay?” I ask softly, pulling her into a gentle embrace.

Fee leans into me, sighing deeply. “I don’t know, Angelo. This is all just… it’s too much.”

We move to the living room, and I can’t help but clench my fists as I think about Zip’s confirmation after he woke up during the mid-afternoon. He confirmed that Gino personally attacked him. “Gino’s gone too far this time,” I growl.

Fee looks up at me, worry clouding her eyes. “What are we going to do?”

I run a hand through my hair, my mind racing. “There’s something deeper going on here. This isn’t just about Gino hating what you represent. We need to talk to your mother about Antoni and the arrangement between Perfezione and the Timpones.”

Fee stiffens in my arms. “I don’t know, Angelo. My mother and I… it’s complicated.”

“I know,” I say gently, kissing her gently on her brow. “But we need answers. This might be our best shot at understanding what’s really going on.”

Fee hesitates, then sighs in resignation. “Okay. I’ll call her.”

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