Page 60 of Cursed Confessions

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I send one last text to Angelo.

Thank you. For everything.

His reply makes my heart skip a beat.

Anything for you and Lou.

As we approach the school gates, a figure suddenly rushes toward us. My heart plummets as I recognize Jonah, his appearance disheveled and wild-eyed.

“Lou, stay behind me,” I say urgently, trying to fish out my phone.

But Jonah’s on us before I can dial. “Sofia,” he rasps, his eyes darting between us. “You can’t keep her from me.”

Lou stiffens, her voice sharp. “Get away from us!”

Jonah reaches out, his hand trembling. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs to Lou. “Just like I imagined.”

Lou slaps his hand away. “Don’t touch me!”

“See what you’ve done?” Jonah snarls at me, his eyes full of hate. “You’ve poisoned her against me!”

“Leave my mom alone!” Lou shouts, her small body shaking with anger as she aims a kick at his shins. “You’re a stranger! Go away!”

Jonah’s face contorts. “I’m not a stranger! I’m your father!” he blurts out. “She’s kept us apart, but I’m your real dad!”

No. I can’t believe this is happening. This isn’t how I wanted Lou to find out who her biological father was.

Lou’s eyes widen in disbelief. “You’re lying!”

I see a woman walking by with her phone out, recording the incident. Are you fucking kidding me?

“Call the police!” I scream, fear paralyzing me. “This man murdered someone and he’s harassing us!”

The woman fumbles for her phone, but Jonah lunges forward, grabbing Lou’s arm. “We’re leaving. Now.”

“No!” I shriek, clawing at his grip. “Let her go!”

Lou struggles, kicking at Jonah’s shins. “Help! Someone help us!”

People are starting to gather, but no one’s intervening. Jonah’s grip tightens, his eyes wild. “She’s my daughter! I’m taking her home!”

“Mom!” Lou cries out, terror in her voice.

I feel panic rising in my chest. Where are the police? Where’s Angelo? We need help, now.

“Please,” I beg Jonah, trying to keep my voice calm. “You’re scaring her. This isn’t the way.”

Jonah’s eyes meet mine, and for a moment, I see a flicker of the man he used to be. But then it’s gone, replaced by manic determination.

“You can’t keep us apart anymore,” he growls.

Just before Jonah can drag Lou away, a man rushes forward, tackling Jonah to the ground. The impact forces Jonah to release Lou, who immediately runs to me, sobbing.

I gather Lou in my arms, holding her tight against me. “Don’t look, baby,” I whisper, turning her face into my chest. I can feel her small body shaking with fear and confusion.

Behind us, I hear the sounds of a struggle. Grunts and curses fill the air as Jonah and the man grapple on the ground. A woman’s voice cuts through the chaos as she frantically yells into her phone, “Please hurry! He’s violent and there’s a child involved!”

Suddenly, there’s a sickening crunch followed by a cry of pain. I risk a glance over my shoulder to see Jonah scrambling to his feet, blood on his knuckles. The man who tackled him is on the ground, clutching his face.

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