Page 6 of Cursed Confessions

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“Don Angelo.” A nervous voice comes through. “We’ve got a situation with the shipment at the docks?—”

“Handle it,” I cut in, my tone brooking no argument. “That’s what I fucking pay you for. If you can’t manage a simple delivery without my hand-holding, perhaps I need to reconsider your position.”

“No, sir, of course not. It’s just that?—”

I’m about to deliver another scathing remark when I notice Marco turning in his seat, an urgent look on his face. I wave him off, irritated by the interruption.

“Don Angelo,” Marco hisses, undeterred, “Gino Timpone just went into Perfezione.”

My blood runs cold. Fee. Alone with that psychopath.

“I’ll call you back,” I snap into the phone, hanging up without waiting for a response. I don’t give a damn about pissing off some dock worker right now.

“Turn around,” I order Marco, already reaching for the door handle. “Now!”

Marco swings the car around in a screech of tires. The moment we’re in front of Perfezione, I’m out of the car, not even waiting for it to come to a full stop.

My mind races as I stride toward the shop. Gino’s unpredictable at the best of times, and if he’s there for the protection money… I quicken my pace, praying I’m not too late.

My hand goes to the gun holstered under my jacket, a grim determination settling over me. I don’t know what I'm walking into, but one thing’s for certain—if Gino’s laid a finger on Fee, there’ll be hell to pay.

A scream pierces the air, a sound of pure terror that sends a jolt of adrenaline through me. Without thinking, I sprint toward the shop, my heart pounding in my chest. The door is slightly ajar, and I burst in, the scene before me igniting a cold fury deep within.

Gino has Fee pressed against the wall, his hand gripping her arm painfully as he sneers down at her. “You think you can fight me, little girl? You’renothing.”

My vision narrows, focusing on Gino as I pull my gun from its holster, the weight of it familiar and reassuring in my hand. “Let her go, Gino,” I command, my voice cold and deadly.

Gino turns, his eyes widening slightly when he sees me, but it’s Fee’s face that I notice. Her lip is split, blood trickling down her chin, and her cheek is already bruising. Rage courses through me, a white-hot surge that makes my grip on the gun tighten. I cock it, the sound loud in the tense silence.

“This isn’t your territory, Pirelli,” Gino snarls, his eyes flicking between me and Fee.

I can’t resist a smirk. “Maybe not, but it’s about to be my problem.”

The corner of Gino’s mouth twitches with anger. “You don’t get to come here and make demands.”

“Let. Her. Go.Now. Or else.”

The tension in the room is palpable, a heavy silence stretching over us as Gino’s grip on Fee loosens. He steps back, his eyes still locked on mine.

“This isn’t over, Sofia,” he spits. “You still owe me money. But now it’s doubled.”

“Get the fuck out,” I growl, my gun still trained on him.

Gino sneers at us both. With one last hateful look, he turns and storms out of the shop, slamming the door behind him.

Fee sinks to the floor, her body shaking. I holster my gun and rush to her side, kneeling down and gently cupping her face. “Are you alright?”

She nods, though tears stream down her cheeks. “I thought… I thought he was going to?—”

I wipe away tears from her good cheek. “I know.”

That fucker.

Nothing would give me more satisfaction than putting a bullet in his head for laying a hand on Fee. But killing another Don without permission from La Familia isn’t something I can afford to do right now.

I holster my gun and extend a hand to Fee. “Let’s get you up.”

She takes my hand, her fingers trembling slightly, and I help her to her feet. She pulls out a compact mirror from her bag and gasps when she sees her reflection, her split lip and bruised cheek staring back at her.

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