Page 52 of Cursed Confessions

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“Perfect,” Angelo praises. “Now, let’s show you some other self-defense techniques.”

I watch with a mix of exasperation and admiration as Angelo and Romero begin to demonstrate self-defense techniques to Lou. Despite my initial reservations, I can’t help but be touched by the scene unfolding before me.

While I can’t agree with Romero and Angelo’s assertion that violencecanbe the answer, I do appreciate that they are trying to help my kid, especially when she is the type to not back down from a fight.

“Look, Lou,” Romero says, adopting a fighting stance. “When someone’s coming at you, you want to use their momentum against them.”

Angelo nods, stepping in. “Exactly. Here, Lou, let me show you. Romero, come at me like you’re going to push me.”

As Romero lunges forward, Angelo sidesteps smoothly, using Romero’s momentum to guide him past. Lou’s eyes widen with interest.

“See that?” Angelo explains. “You don’t have to be stronger, just smarter. It’s all about balance and timing.”

Lou nods eagerly. “Can I try?”

Romero has to leave shortly after that, but for the next half hour, I watch as Angelo patiently guides Lou through various defensive moves. He shows her how to block and deflect and unfortunately—over my protests—he even shows her how to properly do an uppercut.

“Just remember,” Angelo tells Lou as he demonstrates where to hit someone. “If you get in trouble for defending yourself, you just call me. I’ll take care of it.”

“Angelo!” I cry out, but he winks at me.

“But you only hit someone if you absolutely need to. Your first inclination should always be how to get away safely. Do you understand?”

Lou nods solemnly, her earlier bravado replaced by a quiet determination. “I understand. Thanks, Angelo.”

I’m struck by how natural Angelo is with Lou. He’s patient, encouraging, and just stern enough to keep her focused. It’s a side of him I haven’t seen before, and it makes my heart swell.

“Alright, tough guy,” I say, stepping in. “I think that’s enough Fight Club for one day. How about we get some ice on that eye and order some pizza?”

Lou’s face lights up. “Can we get extra cheese?”

Angelo laughs, ruffling her hair. “Extra cheese it is. You’ve earned it, my Louisville Slugger.”

Lou beams at the nickname as we move into the kitchen. As Lou chatters excitedly about her new skills, I catch Angelo’s eye. There’s a warmth there, a sense of belonging that I never expected to find. Despite the chaos of the day, the lingering threats, I feel a sense of peace wash over me.

This, I realize, is what family feels like.

After dinner, I tuck Lou into bed, smoothing her blonde hair back from her forehead. She looks up at me, her eyes wide and earnest in the soft glow of her nightlight.

“Mom?” she asks, her voice small. “Is Angelo going to be my dad?”

My heart clenches at the question, a mix of hope and fear swirling inside me. “Oh, honey,” I say softly, “I can’t promise that. But I do know that Angelo cares about us very much.”

Lou’s brow furrows slightly. “He keeps us safe, like a dad would.”

I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat. “He does. And I know he won’t let anything really bad happen to us.”

“Not even Jonah?” Lou whispers, a hint of fear creeping into her voice.

I lean down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Especially not Jonah. Angelo, Romero, and a lot of other people are working very hard to keep us safe.”

Lou seems to consider this for a moment. “And what about Perfezione? Will we lose it?”

The innocence of her question, the childish worry about our shop mixed with such adult concerns, nearly breaks my heart. “We’re doing everything we can to keep Perfezione,” I assure her. “Try not to worry about that, okay?”

She nods, her eyelids starting to droop. “Okay, Mom. I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetie. More than anything in this world.”

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