Page 45 of Cursed Confessions

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As I start cleaning up what I can, my mind wanders to Angelo. His strength, his kindness, the way he looks at me like I’m something precious. For a moment, I allow myself to imagine a future where we’re together, where Lou and I are safe and happy.

But then reality crashes back in. Gino’s threats. Jonah’s sudden reappearance. The mountain of debt looming over me.

I shake my head, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand.One step at a time, Fee. That's how we’ll get through this.

As I work, I silently pray that Angelo's lawyer finds something—anything—that can help us keep Jonah at bay. And that somehow, we’ll find a way to deal with Gino.

I’m finishing up, carefully folding some of the less damaged clothes when James emerges from the back room.

“Here,” he says, handing me a stack of forms. “Fill these out and submit them within the week. We’ll process your claim as quickly as possible.”

“Thank you, Mr. Porter,” I reply, relieved that this ordeal is almost over. “I’ll get these over to you by tonight.”

The bell above the door jingles, and I look up instinctively. My heart plummets as I see Jonah standing in the doorway, a smug smile on his face.

“Well, well,” he drawls. “Fancy meeting you here, Sofia.”

I straighten up, trying to keep my voice steady. “What do you want, Jonah?”

He saunters in, his eyes gleaming with triumph. “Oh, I just thought you’d like to know. I got the DNA results back. Lou is mine.”

My world tilts on its axis. “What? How… how did you even get Lou’s DNA?”

Jonah’s smile widens. “When I saw her at the school, I managed to snag a few strands of her ponytail before she ran off on me. Easy peasy.”

Rage boils up inside me and my hands clench into fists. I want to fuckingkillhim. “You had no right?—”

“I had every right!” Jonah snaps, his mood shifting suddenly. “She’s my daughter. Mine!”

James looks between us, clearly uncomfortable. “Should I…?”

“Stay,” I command, not taking my eyes off Jonah. I need a witness here just in case Jonah tries to escalate.

To him, I say, “This doesn’t change anything. You’re not going near Lou without a court order.”

Jonah’s face contorts. “You can’t keep her from me. I’m her father!”

“Father?” I scoff, shaking my head. “You’re nothing but a sperm donor and a rapist. Lou already has a family.”

“No, no, no,” Jonah mutters, pacing now. “You don’t understand. I need her. She’smine. My blood.”

Something’s off about him. His eyes are too bright, his movements erratic. It’s making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“Jonah," I say cautiously, “are you… okay?”

He whirls on me. “Okay? I’m fantastic! I’m a father. A father, Sofia! Do you hear that, world? I’m a father!”

He’s shouting now, his voice echoing in the damaged shop. James edges toward the door.

“Jonah, you need to calm down,” I try, but he’s not listening.

“Calm? How can I be calm? My daughter’s out there, and she doesn’t even know me. But she will. Oh, she will.”

A chill runs down my spine at his words. “What does that mean?”

Jonah’s eyes lock onto mine, a manic gleam in them. “It means I’m taking what’s mine, Sofia. You can’t stop me. No one can.”

Panic surges through me, my heart pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat. “I’ll kill you if you try to take my daughter!” I scream, my whole body shaking with rage and fear.

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