Page 36 of Cursed Confessions

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Mom sighs, a deep, weary sound that seems to age her by years. She hesitates, clearly struggling with what to say, but I’m done with her evasions. “You’ve lied to me long enough,” I press, my voice harsh. “Tell me the truth.Allof it. Tell me about your history with Antoni Timpone, Mom. Clearly, that’s a bone of contention with Gino.”

“We had an affair,” Cher begins, her voice softer than I’ve ever heard it. “For years before you were born. It wasn’t just that he loved me, Fee. He believed you were his daughter.”

Her words hit me like a sledgehammer to the chest. My world tilts on its axis, and my legs buckle under the weight of what she’s just said. No wonder Antoni Timpone was always so kind to me.

Before I can collapse, Jimbo quickly grabs a chair and slides it behind me. I sink into it, my breath coming in shallow gasps as I try to process this bombshell.

“Does that mean…” I start, my voice faint as I force myself to ask the question that’s clawing at my throat. “Does that mean Antoni is my father?”

Mom scoffs, the sound sharp and dismissive. “No, Sofia. He wasn’t your father. But I never corrected those rumors because it kept our family and business protected.”

My head spins as I try to wrap my mind around this. All my life, I thought I knew who I was, where I came from. And now, in the span of a few minutes, everything I thought I knew has been turned upside down. The man I believed was nothing more than a distant Mafia Don could have been my father if things had gone differently.

And my mother let everyone believe it because it wasconvenientfor her.

Angelo steps closer, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of my thoughts. I glance up at him, my eyes searching his for something to hold onto. He doesn’t say anything, but the way he looks at me, steady and sure, gives me a sliver of strength.

“So, Gino…” I struggle to find the right words. “He’s angry because Antoni loved us? Because of what he thought?”

Mom nods, her expression bitter. “Yes. Gino’s always been twisted, but this… this is his way of lashing out. Antoni’s love forus, for you, was a weakness in his eyes. And now he wants to erase that weakness completely.”

The revelation feels like a knife to the gut. “But why? Why is he so determined to destroy us?”

“Because our success is a reminder of what Gino sees as his father’s betrayal,” Mom says, her voice hardening. “In his mind, we represent everything that made his father weak. And he can’t stand it.”

I look at Zip who is standing nearby with a man with light brown hair and hazel eyes. I think his name is Romero. “Is this why Antoni Timpone and you had an understanding about Perfezione?”

Zip nods, looking miserable. “Yes,Tesoro.”

“Does Gino know that we aren’t actually related?” I ask my mother.

Mom hesitates. “I’m pretty sure he knows, but I don’t know if he actually believes it.”

I can barely process what anyone is saying. “But if Gino knows all this, why is he so determined to destroy us? Wouldn’t he want to distance himself entirely?”

“Gino’s always been complex,” Mom says, shaking her head. “He wants to erase that reminder that his father was weak completely.”

Angelo, who’s been silent until now, finally speaks up, his voice grim. “Gino’s bloodlust isn’t about family anymore. It’s about power and revenge. He wants to prove he’s stronger than his father by destroying what Antoni protected.”

The pieces are falling into place, but the picture they form is terrifying. “I need to talk to him,” I say, the idea taking root in my mind. “Maybe if I appeal to him directly, he’ll see reason.”

Angelo’s face darkens, his eyes flashing with concern. “No, Sofia. It’s too dangerous.”

“I have to try,” I insist, my voice trembling with determination. “I can’t just stand by and let him destroy everything.”

Reluctantly, Angelo nods, his jaw tight. “Fine, but we’re doing it my way. I’ll set up a meeting at Kings. It’s neutral ground.” His eyes bore into mine, filled with worry. “But I’m coming with you.”

It doesn’t take longfor Gino to agree to meet at Kings and within the hour, Marco pulls up to Kings. My heart is racing. Angelo’s steady presence beside me is the only thing keeping me grounded. Marco follows close behind, his eyes constantly scanning our surroundings.

The hairs at the back of my neck suddenly stand up, and I whirl around, heart pounding. It feels like someone is…watchingme.

“You alright there?” Angelo asks in concern while Marco’s hand flies to his hip where his gun is.

I glance around at the busy street with people going about their business and cars driving by. There’s no one who looks suspicious.

Nodding, I take a deep breath. “Yeah, it was nothing.”

As we enter, the dim lighting and hushed conversations do little to ease my nerves. Dimitri greets us at the door, his face a mask of barely concealed irritation.

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