Page 33 of Cursed Confessions

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She smiles at that, her eyes softening. “I know.” She straightens up, giving me one last lingering look before turning to leave. I watch her go, feeling an ache in my chest as she steps out of the room, out of my reach.

The room feels empty without her, the warmth of her presence already fading, but I know she’ll be just down the hall. Ilie back, staring up at the ceiling, my mind replaying the night’s events over and over again.

I don’t know what’s happening between us, but I know one thing for sure—I’m not letting her go. Not now, not ever.

I waketo the enticing aromas of coffee and something sweet. Following the scents, I find Fee and Lou in the kitchen, busy at the stove.

“Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” I say, unable to keep the smile from my voice. “A man could get used to this sort of treatment.”

Lou turns, her face covered in a smear of flour. “Don’t get used to it. Mom can only really make pancakes and waffles,” she informs me solemnly. “Neverask her to make eggs.”

Fee laughs, reaching out to tweak Lou’s nose playfully. “Hey, now, my pancakes are world-famous.”

“World-famous, huh?” I tease. “I didn’t realize I was in the presence of such culinary royalty. Should I bow before I eat?”

Lou giggles, while Fee rolls her eyes good-naturedly.

After wolfing down her breakfast, Lou rushes off to get ready for school. As soon as she’s out of earshot, I notice Fee’s demeanor change.

“You’re worried about her going to school,” I state quietly.

Fee nods, biting her lip. “After what happened with Jonah yesterday… I just don't know if it's safe."

I reach out, gently squeezing her hand. “Everything will be okay. I’ve arranged for extra security around the school. No one’s getting near Lou without our knowing about it.”

She seems to relax a bit at this, but then her eyes suddenly widen. “Oh, no,” she gasps. “Antoni Timpone’s funeral is today. I completely forgot! Your suit isn’t finished yet.”

I wave off her concern. “It’s okay, Fee. I have other suits. Don’t worry about it.”

“But—” she starts to protest.

“Really,” I interrupt gently. “It’s fine. We have more important things to focus on right now.”

As I say this, I realize how true it is. The funeral, the suit, the business of being a Don—it all pales in comparison to ensuring Sofia and Lou’s safety and happiness.

Marco drivesus to Lou’s school, and I watch from the car as Fee walks Lou to the school entrance. The principal meets them, her expression a mix of concern and reassurance. Their conversation seems intense, with the principal nodding emphatically at whatever Fee is saying.

When Fee returns to the car, I raise an eyebrow. “That looked like a serious talk.”

Fee sighs, buckling her seatbelt. “It was. The principal assured me that they’re implementing new safety measures. She promised Lou would be closely monitored at all times.”

I nod, understanding her worry. “And you feel better about it now?”

“A little,” Sofia admits. “They seemed to take my concerns very seriously. The principal swore nothing like yesterday would ever happen again.”

I reach over and give her hand a gentle squeeze. “That's good. And remember, we have extra security in place too. Lou will be safe.”

Sofia gives me a grateful smile, and I can see some of the tension leave her shoulders.

As we pullup to the funeral home, the atmosphere is thick with tension. The place is crawling with La Familia members, other Dons, and their security details. It’s a scene I’ve seen a thousand times before—power and influence on full display, everyone staking their claim in the hierarchy.

Marco parks the car, and before we get out, Fee hesitates. She turns to me, her eyes shadowed with something I can’t quite place. “My mother will be here,” she says, her voice quieter than usual.

I raise an eyebrow. The only time Fee has mentioned her mother is when she told me that her mother was angry that Fee fell pregnant. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, leaning in closer, trying to read her expression.

She sighs, clearly reluctant to get into it, which only piques my curiosity more. “She’s… a lot,” Fee says, her tone evasive, as if she’s struggling to find the right words. “You’ll see.”

Before I can press her for more details, Marco gestures for us to follow. The three of us step out of the car and make our way toward the entrance, the air buzzing with murmurs and the low hum of conversation.

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