Page 30 of Cursed Confessions

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“Hey, sweetie,” I call softly. “How about we cook dinner for Angelo to say thank you?”

Lou’s face lights up, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. “Can we make lasagna? It’s my favorite!”

“That sounds perfect,” I agree, happy to see her enthusiasm.

We make our way to Angelo’s kitchen, which is spacious and well-equipped. Lou’s eyes widen as she takes in the gleaming appliances and marble countertops.

“Wow, Mom! Look at this kitchen!” she exclaims.

I chuckle, pulling out ingredients from the fridge. “It is pretty impressive, isn’t it? Now, let’s see if we can put it to good use.”

As we work together, layering pasta, sauce, and cheese, Lou chatters happily. For a moment, I can almost forget the stress of recent events, losing myself in the familiar routine of cooking with my daughter.

“Mom,” Lou says suddenly, her tone thoughtful, “Angelo’s been really nice to us, hasn’t he?”

I nod, feeling a warmth in my chest. “He has, Lou. That's why we’re making this dinner to thank him.”

“I like him,” Lou declares, carefully sprinkling cheese over the top layer of pasta. “He makes you smile more.”

Her observation catches me off guard, and I’m not sure how to respond. Thankfully, I’m saved by Angelo’s arrival.

He walks into the kitchen, his eyes widening in surprise. “What’s all this?”

“We’re making lasagna!” Lou announces proudly, sauce dotting her nose. “It’s to say thank you for letting us stay here.”

Angelo’s face softens, a smile tugging at his lips. “You didn’t have to do this,” he says softly, his eyes meeting mine.

I shrug, feeling suddenly shy. “We wanted to. It’s the least we can do to thank you for your help.”

The conversation flows easily as we sit down to eat. Lou regales us with stories from school, while Angelo and I exchange glances over her head, sharing silent moments of amusement and warmth.

For the first time in days, I feel myself truly relaxing. The food is delicious, the company is wonderful, and for a moment, I can pretend that this is just a normal family dinner.

As I watch Angelo laugh at one of Lou’s jokes, I’m struck by how natural this feels. It’s as if he’s slotted perfectly into our little family unit, filling a space I didn’t even realize was empty.

The thought both thrills and terrifies me. I’m not used to relying on others, to letting people in. But as I look around this table, at my daughter’s happy face and Angelo’s warm smile, I can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, it might be worth the risk.

I jolt awake,my heart pounding in my chest. The nightmare of Jonah taking Lou feels so real that for a moment, I can’tdistinguish reality from the terrifying dream. Sweat clings to my skin, and the bedroom suddenly feels too small, too confining.

Taking deep breaths, I try to calm myself, but the lingering fear from the nightmare refuses to dissipate. Rolling over, I pick up my phone to see that it is one AM.

Fuck. I need air, space, something to ground me back in reality. I can hear rain hitting against the house, but I don’t care. I can’t be inside. I need freedom.

Quietly, so as not to wake Lou in the next room, I slip out of bed. The cool floor under my bare feet helps a little, but I still feel trapped. My eyes land on the balcony doors, and I make my way toward them, drawn by the promise of fresh air and open space.

Without thinking, I reach for the handle and pull the door open.

Immediately, a shrill alarm pierces the silence of the night.



I’m lost in a pleasant dream, Fee’s smile warning me from the inside out. God, she looks so fucking beautiful in a bikini. I’m itching to take it off and have my way with her again. Ever since I had her, I can’t get enough. I want more. Ineedmore.

A shrill sound suddenly pierces through my subconscious. For a moment, I’m disoriented, the line between dream and reality blurred. Then my training kicks in, and I recognize the sound—my security alarm.

My eyes snap open, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Someone’s trying to break in.

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