Page 53 of Tracking Hearts

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“I love the look on your face in the picture,” Sabrina said as she ran a finger over the image gently.

“I love seeing it beside all my other family photos.” Freddy wondered if Sabrina understood how right that placement was. She was part of his family now.

As the afternoon wore on, the room gradually transformed. They’d gone shopping together and picked up bright throw blankets and pillows that clashed but were all soft and comfortable. It had involved some arguing, but Freddy convinced her they needed a loveseat, too. He hated how far away she sometimes sat when they had a full couch. Eventually, he’d won her over by agreeing to get it from a secondhand store. The thing was a horrifying blend of orange and green, but it fit with the rest of the chaotic colors now spread around the room. Sabrina talked about getting a slipcover for it, less to hide the pattern and more to cover the scratchy upholstery, but it didn’t matter. Freddy loved everything they picked out because it was theirs.

Freddy stepped back to admire their handiwork, a sense of contentment washing over him. The living room had transformed from a sterile, impersonal space into a vibrant, cozy haven that reflected both their personalities. He glanced at Sabrina, who was arranging a stack of tech manuals on the coffee table and felt a surge of warmth in his chest.

“You know,” he said, unable to keep the grin off his face, “I think we’ve officially created the world’s geekiest love nest.”

Sabrina looked up, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh? And what makes you say that?”

Freddy gestured dramatically around the room. “Let’s see... We’ve got Scooby-Doo posters, a collection of sci-fi novels that would make any comic bookstore jealous, and more tech gadgets than Best Buy. Face it, we’re living the nerd dream.”

Sabrina’s laughter filled the air, and Freddy savored the sound. It was moments like these that made him realize how much his life had changed since she’d entered it. The house that had once felt like a temporary refuge now pulsed with life and warmth.

As they continued to unpack, Freddy noticed Sabrina glancing nervously at the door. He knew what she was thinking - his mother had a habit of dropping by unannounced, often at the most inopportune moments.

“Hey,” he said, catching her attention. “You don’t need to worry about Mom showing up out of the blue. Not only have Dad and I both talked to her,” Freddy pulled his secret surprise from his pocket but kept it hidden in the palm of his hand, “but I even changed the locks, so she doesn’t have a key anymore.” He opened his hand to show her the only three keys he got for their new locks. “One for me; one for you; one for Holly to store at HQ.”

Sabrina burst out laughing at his unintentional rhyme. “Oh my gosh, you have to be kidding me. Seriously?”

“Well, I figure there’s a good chance we’ll lock ourselves out at some point, so having a spare key tucked safely in an office drawer isn’t a bad idea.” He frowned, worried he’d gotten it wrong.

Sabrina raised an eyebrow, looking skeptical. “And you’re sure your mother won’t break in just so she can clean or do our laundry or cook a meal?”

Freddy chuckled, moving closer to wrap an arm around her waist. “Trust me. This place is ours now. She knows the importance of respecting our privacy. Besides, I may have mentioned that unannounced visits might result in some... awkward situations.”

Sabrina’s cheeks flushed, but she laughed, leaning into him. “You didn’t!”

“Oh, I did,” Freddy said with a wink. “And let me tell you, the look on her face was priceless. I think we’re safe from surprise visits for the foreseeable future.”

Taking a deep breath, Freddy decided it was time to broach the subject that had been on his mind all day. “So,” he began, trying to keep his tone casual, “about that family dinner coming up...”

Sabrina looked up, her expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Freddy watched her carefully, noting the slight tension in her shoulders as she waited for him to continue.

“I was wondering if you’d like to join me,” he said, his heart fluttering at the thought of walking into a family dinner with the love of his life holding his hand. “I know it might be a bit overwhelming, but I’d really love for you to be there.”

Sabrina bit her lip, considering his invitation. Freddy held his breath, acutely aware of how important her answer was to him. He wanted her to be a part of every aspect of his life, including his sometimes-chaotic family gatherings.

After what felt like an eternity, Sabrina’s face softened into a smile. “Okay, if you’re sure I won’t embarrass you,” she said, her voice still holding an edge of uncertainty. “It might be a bit nerve-wracking, but I kind of always wanted to pretend to be part of your family.”

“Oh, ‘Rina. There’s no pretending. You are my family. All those other people are just the crazies who raised me. I could never be embarrassed by you.” He was half teasing, because he knewit was a sensitive topic for her, but ultimately, he meant every word.

Sabrina laughed, a hint of nervousness in her voice. “Well, okay, then.”

Freddy tightened his arms around her into a hug she couldn’t escape. “Just be yourself. That’s more than enough.” Then he wiggled a finger under her armpit to tickle her.

Of course, she went straight for his ribs, but that opened up easy access to the sensitive spot behind her knee. Within minutes, they were both naked and rolling together across the living room floor before Sabrina landed on top, straddling him and declaring her victory as she slid her warm, wet center down his hard cock and rode him until words ceased to exist.

Chapter 32: Sabrina

Sabrina settled into her chair at the Taylor family dinner table, feeling a sense of belonging she hadn’t experienced in years. The warm glow of the chandelier cast a soft light over the gathering, illuminating the faces of her newfound family. As plates and glasses clinked, she found herself drawn into the lively conversation.

“So, Sabrina, how’s your mother doing?” Katrina asked, her eyes twinkling with genuine concern.

She smiled, touched by Katrina’s interest. “She’s actually doing really well. Ma finally agreed to move into that condo I’ve been pestering her about.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful news!” Katrina exclaimed, reaching across the table to squeeze Sabrina’s hand. “I’m sure she’ll be much more comfortable there.”

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