Page 51 of Tracking Hearts

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Freddy shook his head, still grappling with his own emotions and the gravity of the situation. “I don’t know if I love her, Dad. I mean, I care about her a lot, and I’m grateful for what she did, but I don’t know if it’s love.” He felt the lie as it slipped pasthis lips. Sabrina was his one true love. He might not have much experience, and Freddy had certainly never fallen in love before, but that was the only word that felt right to describe his feelings for Sabrina. Still, it was scary. If he loved her, she could hurt him.

He glanced over at Sabrina, who was still talking with Heather, her face etched with worry and exhaustion. Freddy’s heart clenched at the sight, and he turned back to his father.

“Look, it doesn’t matter if I love her or not,” Freddy said, his voice firm. “What matters is that Sabrina saved me. She risked everything to get me out of there, and I don’t even know what’s going to happen to her now.” He would sort through feelings later. Right now, Freddy needed to protect her the way she’d protected him. She deserved that, even if she broke his heart later on.

Freddy watched his father’s face, searching for understanding. Nathan’s eyes softened as he squeezed Freddy’s shoulder.

“Son, it’s important to always support the ones we love, even when it means taking a big risk,” Nathan said, his voice low and earnest. “Sometimes, that’s what love is all about.”

Before Freddy could respond, Nathan winked at him and turned back towards the group. Freddy stood there, stunned, as his father strode over to where Heather and Sabrina were huddled together.

“Ms. Goodwin,” Nathan called out, his voice carrying a note of authority. “I need to inform you that I approved Sabrina’s use of our software to rescue Freddy.”

Freddy’s jaw dropped. He hadn’t expected his father to take such a bold step. He watched as Heather’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

Nathan continued, “Also, Brian Renner from Dynamic Solutions should be arriving shortly. He’ll confirm that DS approved Sabrina using the bots to find Freddy.”

Freddy’s mind reeled. How had his father orchestrated all of this so quickly? And why was Brian Renner involved? He stepped closer to the group, straining to hear more of the conversation.

As he approached, Freddy caught Sabrina’s eye. She looked confused and hopeful, her gaze darting between Nathan and Heather. Freddy wished he could reassure her, but he was just as bewildered by this turn of events.

Chapter 30: Sabrina

Sabrina’s jaw dropped as she heard Nathan vouched for her actions and learned that Renner, of all people, was on his way to do the same. She blinked rapidly, certain she’d misheard. Their support was unexpected, but a wave of relief washed over her.

Another car came tearing up to the warehouse before Brian Renner stepped from the driver’s seat. Sabrina watched as he approached their group, his brow furrowed with concern.

“Freddy, you look like hell,” Brian remarked, taking in the cuts and bruises marring Freddy’s face. “Is everyone alright?”

Nathan stepped forward, his expression grave. “Josh Jr. didn’t make it,” he said solemnly. “But we’re grateful that you allowed Sabrina to use the bots.” His gaze locked with Brian’s, a silent conversation passing between them.

Turning to Freddy, Sabrina hoped he knew what unspoken information the two men were exchanging, but he just shrugged and finally turned toward the paramedic who had been hanging around the fringe of their group waiting to check him over.

Before Brian could respond, Detective Brown strode towards their corner, her face set in a grim expression. Sabrina’s heart pounded in her chest as she braced herself for the detective’s words.

“It’s time to talk,” Detective Brown said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Ms. Goodwin stepped forward, her voice calm and authoritative. “Detective, I’d like to clarify that Sabrina Williams was acting under the explicit approval of both Nathan Taylor and Brian Renner when she utilized the bots and software to locate and rescue Freddy Taylor.”

Robyn’s eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t change the fact that Josh Baker is dead.”

Sabrina’s stomach lurched. She hadn’t meant for anyone to die. The weight of Josh’s death pressed down on her, threatening to crush her.

Heather tilted her head. “And what laws, exactly, did Ms. Williams break?”

The detective’s lips thinned. “Trespassing, for starters.”

“And?” Heather prompted, “That’s hardly worth anything considering Freddy was brought here against his will by two people who were also trespassing.”

Robyn squared her shoulders and pointed toward Sabrina. “I’m planning to charge her with manslaughter. Operating thosebots is akin to operating a vehicle. She’s responsible for the consequences.”

Heather shook her head. “I strongly disagree with that assessment, Detective. I suggest you consult with a judge before pursuing such charges.”

Sabrina’s heart raced. Manslaughter? She glanced at Freddy, seeking reassurance. His eyes met hers, filled with concern and something else she couldn’t quite identify.

Sabrina watched as Detective Brown stalked away, her phone pressed to her ear. She caught snippets of the conversation - “bots” and “murder” and “no precedent.” The knot in Sabrina’s stomach tightened. She’d never meant for anyone to get hurt, let alone killed.

Freddy’s hand found hers, his fingers lacing through hers. She clung to him, drawing strength from his presence, and glanced over at Ellie, who was still ranting and screaming incoherently as the police tried to corral her into a squad car. The woman’s eyes were wild, darting around erratically as she shouted about conspiracies and betrayals.

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