Page 49 of Tracking Hearts

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The paramedic stood. “It almost looks like a heart attack, but with whatever these are,” he held up a couple of the bots, “we can’t do anything but speculate.”

“Yeah, this should be an interesting autopsy,” the officer agreed before turning to greet to new arrivals in dress clothes with their badges hanging around their necks. “Detectives, this one’s DOA, but we don’t have COD.” He continued to share information, but Sabrina’s focus was pulled back to Freddy as he tensed beside her.

“It’ll be okay,” he said as if speaking to himself.

But that was when it hit Sabrina. She was responsible for Josh’s death. She’d killed him, and she’d used Taylor Industries technology to do it. She squeezed Freddy’s hand, unsure if she was offering comfort or seeking it. She couldn’t help but feel a mix of relief and guilt. She turned to Freddy, seeing her own conflicted emotions mirrored in his eyes.

“I... I didn’t mean for this to happen,” she whispered, her voice cracking. Freddy’s arm tightened around her waist, anchoring her as the world spun.

An officer approached, notepad in hand. “Ma’am, we need to take your statement.”

Sabrina swallowed hard, her throat dry. She briefly considered requesting a lawyer, but the thought dissipated as quickly asit had formed. She had no legal representation to call upon. A knot tightened in her stomach as she grappled with what to disclose. Every plausible response seemed to unravel into further complications. Perhaps silence would be her safest recourse, allowing her to gather her wits before uttering words that could potentially incriminate her.

The officer’s expectant gaze bore into her, demanding an account of events. Sabrina’s throat constricted further as indecision clouded her judgment, leaving her to navigate this treacherous path alone.

The band of Freddy’s arms around her squeezed through her internal panic.

“It’s okay. Let me have your phone, and I’ll make a few calls. We’ll get a lawyer here, just in case,” Freddy said.

One of the paramedics joined their huddle. “Sir, we need to check you out.”

Freddy’s gaze bore through Sabrina, like he was searching her soul. His eyes never left her, even as he responded. “I need a few minutes first. I’ll come find you in a little while.”

Then Sabrina felt his fingers on her ass as he pulled her phone from her back pocket. He handed it to her to unlock but turned to the detective to speak.

“I’m sure you understand, given everything that happened as she rescued me and saved my life, that she’d like to wait for her attorney before making a statement or answering any questions.”

“Of course, but I’m sure you understand that I’ll need to stay here with her until she’s ready to discuss the events.” Then the detective turned to Sabrina with a sickly sweet smile. “I’d be happy to give you a ride to the station so you can wait in the air conditioning with a cup of coffee.”

Yeah, Sabrina wasn’t that dumb. “I’ll stay here, thanks.”

Freddy had connected his first call and turned away from them to speak into the phone, but he still kept one hand on the small of Sabrina’s back with his thumb tucked into the waistband of her pants.

The detective cast a glance toward Freddy as he said to Sabrina, “Be sure he gets your lawyer here before we’re done processing the scene. After that, we all move to the station.”

“I understand,” Sabrina said before turning her back to him.

Sabrina focused on keeping her breathing steady as she watched Nathan and Katrina Taylor stride into the warehouse, their faces etched with concern. Katrina immediately wrapped her arms around her son, holding him tight as if afraid he might disappear. Nathan placed a comforting hand on Freddy’s shoulder, his eyes scanning his son for any visible injuries.

“Are you alright, son?” Nathan asked, his voice thick with emotion. “We were so worried.”

Freddy returned his parents’ embrace, his body relaxing slightly in their presence. “I’m okay, Mom, Dad. Just a little shaken up.”

Katrina pulled back, her hands still gripping Freddy’s arms. “Why haven’t you let the paramedics check you out? You could be hurt.”

Freddy shook his head, his gaze shifting to Sabrina. “I’m more concerned about Sabrina right now. I need to make sure she’s okay.”

Nathan followed his son’s gaze, his expression softening as he took in Sabrina’s tense posture. “Don’t worry, son. Our lawyer is on the way. She should be here in the next few minutes to help sort everything out. You know how Heather is. She knows exactly how to handle things for us.”

The way they spoke of their lawyer, rather than hers, sent a chill down Sabrina’s spine. Were they only looking out for themselves? For Freddy? Where did that leave her?

“Fill us in on all the details?” Katrina asked.

Freddy guided them to a quiet corner, away from the bustling officers and paramedics. Nathan’s gaze fixed on Sabrina, his expression unreadable. “What happened?” His tone was measured, but Sabrina couldn’t shake the feeling that he was assessing her, weighing her words against the potential consequences for his family.

She hesitated, her mouth dry. How much could she reveal without jeopardizing her own future? Freddy’s hand found hers, his fingers interlacing with her own. “She saved my life, Dad.” His words were firm, leaving no room for doubt.

Katrina’s eyes widened with surprise before she turned to her husband. “Nathan, do not upset her.” Then she looked at Sabrina. “Oh honey, I’ll never be able to express enough gratitude for what you’ve done.” Her voice was warm, genuine. “Whatever you need, we’re here for you. Legal fees, support, anything at all. You’re part of this family now, and we protect our own. If Nathan sounds gruff, please know it’s only because he’s thinking through a thousand options that all have the same goal–we’ll not let anything bad happen to you because you were brave and quick enough to save our son.”

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