Page 45 of Tracking Hearts

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TruthYeller:I’m honestly not sure; That’s what I need you to find out.

Sabrina:If I can figure that out, why would I tell you instead of the police?

TruthYeller:Don’t be stupid. You’ll get him killed.

TruthYeller might be right, but he or she was also obviously involved somehow. Giving them more information and access felt wrong on every level. She might not know what to do to save Freddy, but her gut was screaming that it could not involve TruthYeller. With her heart in her throat, Sabrina closed out of the forum and shut down her computer without responding. A man could only want what he didn’t already have. TruthYellerwas a problem, but he didn’t have Freddy, nor did he have access to whatever it was he wanted. Sabrina wasn’t going to be the one to change that.

Chapter 25: Freddy

Freddy took the punches without flinching, knowing Josh couldn’t really hurt him. Years of being Gabe’s punching bag had taught him how to take a hit. Josh’s form was sloppy, his fists connecting with more of a thud than a crack. It was almost laughable, really. If Freddy weren’t strapped to a chair in the middle of God knows where, he might have even offered the kid a few pointers.

But as it was, Freddy just sat there, letting Josh wear himself out. He could see the frustration building in the younger man’seyes with each failed attempt to break him. Ellie watched from the sidelines, her lips pressed into a thin line of disapproval.

“You’re not gonna get what you want this way,” Freddy said, his voice steady despite the ache in his jaw. “I already told you, I don’t have access to the code.”

Josh paused, his chest heaving with exertion. He looked to his mother for guidance, but she just shook her head.

“He’s lying,” she said, her tone sharp. “Keep going.”

Josh hesitated for a moment before drawing back his fist once more.

Freddy’s head snapped back as Josh’s fist connected with his jaw. The pain blossomed, sharp and immediate, but he refused to give them the satisfaction of crying out. Instead, he worked his tongue around his mouth, checking for loose teeth.

“You know, Nathan always thought he was better than everyone else,” Ellie spat, her voice dripping with venom. She paced behind Josh, her eyes never leaving Freddy’s face. “Your father ruined everything we worked for.”

Josh paused, his arm cocked back for another swing. Freddy used the moment to catch his breath, tasting copper in his mouth.

“He stole our company,” Ellie continued, her words punctuated by Josh’s renewed assault. “Left us with nothing while he built his empire.”

Freddy’s mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of history he knew. His father had never mentioned any of this. Was there truth to Ellie’s accusations, or was this all a deranged fantasy?

“And then,” Ellie’s voice dropped to a near whisper, “he had Joshua killed.”

The words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. Freddy’s eyes widened in disbelief. Murder? That couldn’t be right. His father was many things, but a murderer?

“You’re wrong,” Freddy managed to croak out between punches. “Dad would never—“

“Shut up!” Ellie screamed, her face contorting with rage. “You don’t know anything!”

Josh’s fist slammed into Freddy’s stomach, driving the air from his lungs. As he gasped for breath, Freddy tried to make sense of it all. The accusation of murder seemed far-fetched, but the raw pain in Ellie’s voice was undeniable.

Still, murder or not, it didn’t change his current predicament. Freddy knew he needed to focus on finding a way out, not unraveling decades-old grievances. He steeled himself for the next blow, his mind racing for any possible escape.

“Keep going,” Ellie snarled at Josh while pointing at Freddy.

Freddy braced himself for the next impact, but it never came. Instead, Josh let out a frustrated growl and turned away, running his hands through his hair.

“No, this is useless,” he muttered. “We need a new plan.” He glared back at Ellie.

Ellie’s eyes narrowed as she considered their options. Freddy could practically see the gears turning in her head, calculating their next move. He knew he needed to find a way out of this before they resorted to more drastic measures.

But for now, all he could do was sit there and wait, hoping that someone would realize he was missing before it was too late.

Freddy’s head throbbed as he tried to focus on the conversation happening in front of him. Ellie and Josh were arguing again, their voices rising and falling in a dizzying cacophony. He strained to make out their words, hoping to glean some insight into their plans.

“I’m telling you,” Freddy said, his voice hoarse from dehydration, “I don’t have access to the code. I’m not a developer.”

Ellie’s eyes snapped to him, her gaze sharp and assessing. For a moment, Freddy thought she might lash out again, but instead, she turned back to Josh.

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