Page 29 of War Mistress

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He flips me onto my belly and props up my hips. Excitedly, on shaking legs, I open for him, and feel him start to push inside me. He’s big. So big, I almost wonder if I can’t take him into my small body. But then he begins to thrum again and I choke out a laugh and curse.

“You vibrate here too? Oh, you wonderful,terribleorc. I’ll never forgive you for not taking me to bed sooner.”

“I’ll make it up to you,” he says, ever serious, and then he pushes all the way inside. I moan. I can’t help it. He pushes on everything inside of me and feels so good. I’ve never been wetter in my life as he pistons his hips, thrumming and vibrating. My blood feels thick and full of arousal, and soon I’m coming again on every thrust. I scream like a banshee, but Verrick only laughs.

“Take me, temptress,” he says. “Take all of me!”

Then he roars, coming into my pussy, and I reach my peak again. Then he is collapsing, falling onto the bed, but he pulls me with him, draping me over his heaving chest. I am more satisfied than I have ever been in my life. I drink in great gulps of air, feeling my over-stimulated flesh calm as we lay in silence, breathing together.

Then Verrick starts slightly and says, “I came inside you. I lost control. What if . . ?”

I place fingers on his worrying lips, smiling lazily in the aftermath of pleasure. “Worry not,” I raise up my hand, showing him the ring that glints on my right pinky. “I have a contraception charm that I wear here. You are safe to come in me as often as you like.”

I do not tell him the reason that I have the charm or why it is worn in such a surreptitious place. That I secretly acquired it when I was with Yorian, that I could not stand the thought of bearing the tyrant king a child, even as I knew Yorian wished for it. It is so small and light that I almost never think about it, wearing it out of habit. But now, at least, I have gotten to use it for my own purposes instead of just in fear.

Banishing the thought of Yorian, I remember what Verrick told me all those nights ago. That orcs havestamina.

I reach down with my hand, grip his already-hard cock and barely keep myself from giggling. A hand suddenly spanks my flank and I jump, the blow not hard enough to hurt, but shocking and arousing at the same time.

“Naughty temptress,” growls Verrick underneath me, before rolling so that I am under him. “Already so insatiable for your orc?”

I bite my lip and then smile at him. I wrap my legs around him, pulling my womanhood toward his pelvis. “Merely wishing to test your own words, My Warchief. You said orcs can go all night.”

He nods, a small smile playing at his normally severe mouth. Apparently, I’ve fucked the seriousness out of him. For now.

“Show me?” I ask, placing a teasing kiss at the corner of that smile.

And he does.


In the wee hours of the morning, I finally call out my surrender. My lust is nothing in the face of an orc’s stamina. I’ve had so many orgasms, I almost thought the pleasure would kill me.

I snuggle into Verrick’s side, replete and satisfied. Looking up at his face, I see that small smile on his mouth and smile back, triumphant. We lay in satisfied silence for a moment, a sleepy atmosphere taking hold, but it makes me wonder.

“Why did you push me away before?” I ask, breaking the silence. “Why couldn’t we have been here sooner?”

Verrick is silent, his muscles tensing beneath me. I worry that I should not have asked when he finally responds.

“I had a mate before,” Verrick murmurs. “A human woman named Lucy.”

Now it is my turn to tense. “Did she . . . did she die?” I ask, my heart in my throat. I don’t know that I want to compete with the ideal memory of a dead woman.

Verrick surprises me when he snorts. “I hope so. I don’t know, though, if she is dead or alive.”

I raise my eyebrows. “How could you say such a thing if she was your mate?”

He’s silent again, the quiet stretching into awkwardness. For a minute, I think that my new lover won’t answer me when he starts telling the story.

“When I first became a Warchief, I was still fairly young. Barely past the point of adulthood, really. One night, not long after I became the leader of my clan, a thief was caught trying to steal the clan treasures. It was a human woman. The sight of her . . . it woke my Mating Instinct.”

My breath catches and I feel light-headed listening to his words, but I dare not interrupt. He continues, “Like I said, I was young. Untried. Foolish. I released her from her captivity and offered to make her my mate. She agreed. I thought she was drawn to me at the time as well. Now I know that she just wanted to avoid the punishment for her attempted theft.”

He goes quiet again, his gaze far away, and I know he is lost in his memory of this thief. Lucy. I wait with bated breath for the rest of the story, but don’t push him to share faster than he is able. Finally, he begins again.

“We were together for a year. I was obsessed with her and did everything I could to make her happy. I showered her with silks and jewels. She was given the best mounts, the best food, the best of everything. Anything she asked for was hers. I expected nothing from her, just her presence. But she never was pleased for long. Nothing was ever good enough. I could never make her happy.”

My heart breaks for the strong male beneath me and I begin softly stroking the skin of his chest, silently comforting him, while getting angrier and angrier at this past mate of his. He saved her from the consequences of her own actions and she just kept using him, making him miserable?

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