Page 19 of War Mistress

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My words land on deaf ears as he tears from the tent like the hounds of the Nether were behind him, and I am suddenly left alone.

What in the world?

Chapter 10


“My lord,” says Ache, entering the ritual chamber. “Another falcon has arrived with the message from Sting.”

I pause my efforts, the runes drawn in the blood of my victims standing in stark relief on the stones. They tortured the last innocent to death the night previous, and she bled overnight so that her blood could be used in the preparations. It is tedious, finicky work to draw out the runes and I must work quickly, while the blood is still fresh and wet. Would that I could command someone else to do it, but the ritual insists that it must be me, so draw I do.

“Give it here,” I command, standing up and taking the scroll from my subordinate. I break the wax seal and quickly peruse the note.

They are on the move. In Aquilar now, in point of fact. The orc is conducting his investigations, none the wiser that he is being led right into our trap. Our agent reports Pellia is doing exactly what we asked her to, seducing the orc and leading him this way and that. Good. I will reward her faithful service and her sacrifice of taking the orc under her skirts.

I find that I cannot wait anymore. Preparations for the ritual are nearly complete here and the boredom is getting to me. The anticipation is too much and I have never been good atdepriving myself of anything.

“Send a reply,” I order Ache, kneeling back down to finish my work, “When they get to Kingsbury have them greeted in an . . . explosive way. The orc needs something to do with his investigation.”

Ache bows and leaves the room. I pick up my brush and dip it in the crimson fluid. I’ll finish here and then ride out for Kingsbury.

Perhaps it is time to tell an old friend “Hello.”

Chapter 11


That was too close. Too tempting. Too everything. How can I keep my distance when she offers herself up like that, with a smile and heat in her eyes?

I tear through the encampment, all the way to where the watch stands ready. My orcs look surprised to see me scrambling to place their fists over their chests.

“Warchief . . .”

“You are dismissed,” I say sharply. “I will take this watch.”

The scouts know better than to argue with me, merely nodding and clapping their fists to their chests again before leaving. And I am alone. Good.

What was I thinking? We are meant to play the parts of lovers, but never can I actually take Pellia in my arms. Humans cannot be trusted. How often do I need to remind myself of this? Did Lucy not make a most thorough and sadistic teacher?

But for the first time in a very long time, I wanted it. Gods how I wanted it. I wanted her lips and her moans and the sweetness of her cunt. I wanted her on her back and on her knees and every way in between. And I didn’t want her because she would be a convenient hole to find relief. I wanted her because she is Pellia. Smiling, beautiful, clever, brave Pellia.

Gods.Fuck.I’m in trouble. The Mating Instinct that has been long dormant in me is stirring again. Rumbling awakelike an ancient, powerful beast. How am I to fight it, especially with my little temptress throwing herself at me? Telling me so frankly that she wants me? Smelling like a fucking dream? But I must, because I know that, like all women, when she has gotten what she wants from me, she will throw me away. Like my mother did my father. Like Lucy did with me.

So I must resist. Imust. The only possible ending is pain and I am not sure that I could survive the blow again, especially at Pellia’s hands.

I stare into the burnt fields, at high alert and resolved to avoid the tempting little beauty for as long as I can. If I can’t then I will not be able to control my actions, of that I am sure.

Except, we have to play lovers and I can't avoid her. I curse silently to myself as the moon rises, cresting over the roofs of Aquilar. How will I keep my sanity staying in the same tent with Pellia, riding next to her, breathing her same air? My Mating Instinct growls at me, biting and demanding that I return to my mate’s side, already convinced that I am owned by that small human, my heart in her delicate hands.

But she isnotmy mate and how can I, when I can’t even let myself trust her? If I let her into my bed, I will let her into my head and heart as well.

Except already she is in my head, seizing control of all my waking thoughts, my being turning towards her like a plant to sunlight.This has all been a mistake.This plan must end. I can follow Pellia into the trap at Grimblton without pretending to be smitten by her.

I shift in place, knowing that I am lying to myself. I know I am already smitten. I do not know when exactly it happened, but it is a disaster, nonetheless.

I must avoid her as much as I can. I don’t know how much longer I resist her charms. Was it not just last night that I told her that getting involved would be foolish, only to kiss her merely a day later? She is dangerous.

I have never run from danger, but now I must.

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