Page 1 of War Mistress

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Chapter 1


It was a mistake to agree to be the regent. The thought comes to me unbidden. Though it is true that I agreed to the task to help a friend, as I sit through my fifth mind-numbing meeting of the day I can’t help but think, Is this all ruling is?

I suppose I can’t say that I am ruling in truth. It is more about stewarding the nation while its true rulers reside in another kingdom, but so far that stewarding seems to be listening to a lot of bickering by nobles I can barely stand. One of them says, “—and if the Kimbers would pay a more fair share of the tribute then mayhap then we could pay more towards the rebuilding effort, but—”

“You offend my honor, sir!” snaps Duchess Kimber, dressed as usual in men’s garments. “The Kimber lands took in more refugees from the south than any other province! We are paying what we can toward the tribute, while not unduly taxing the people. Winter is coming and—”

And blah, blah, blah, I say internally. I know that we need to be concerned about the people and how they will be able to make it through the winter, but I also know that Stella Kimber has never been concerned about the people or if they are unduly taxed in her life. She, just like everyone else in this room, isconcerned with power, the gaining and keeping of it.

Except me. I couldn't care less about the intrigue and the in-fighting. I am adept in their ways. I can navigate it with my eyes closed, I have since I was a child and first met the now-dead king Yorian. In order to stay alive I had to agree to everything he said and never step on any toes. I learned to smile and nod and never say what I mean. I learned to lie and go to bed with a man I hated, who cared less about my pleasure than the appearance of it. Faking how I felt in and out of bed became second nature to me. So yes, I can do politics with the best of them. I just don’t care to do so, if I can help it. I am no longer held hostage by a man more powerful than myself and I have a new goal in mind: find someone to warm my bed who is my choice.

Not just anyone. There are plenty of men who fit Yorian’s unimpressive mold. No, I want someone that will keep me satiated with pleasure, while staying interesting enough that I don’t want to kick them out of bed immediately after they have done their duty.

No, I want an orc. One of our new overlords, for all that the nobles in this room are still pretending they are the ones in power. They only operate at the discretion of the kingdom of Orik and the treaty that was forged by the marriage of our queen to the orc king.

The same treaty that has me in place as the human Regent of Adrik, acting in proxy for Queen Adalind. But there is also an orc regent, to act in proxy of the orc king Rognar. The king that has my friend Queen Adalind well-pleased in bed and gave me the idea of an orc lover in the first place.

As if my thoughts summoned him, the orc, Regent Verrick, enters the room, the doors booming open with his entrance, and my breath catches slightly.

He’s justsomale. Tall and strong, with rippling green-gray muscles. He is not what would be called handsome, true, with tusks jutting from his lip and tattoos on his forehead and body with obsidian eyes. It does not matter to me. Even his harsh face attracts me. There’s something about the constant frown that hesports that calls to me. I want to make him smile or even laugh. Even though both things I cannot quite picture.

The rest of the room goes silent, and studiously ignores him, as if they can make him disappear by not acknowledging his presence.

Unfortunately for all present, I have no desire for Verrick to leave.

“Warchief Verrick!” I greet him, smiling in welcome, making him frown deeper. Hmm, this amuses me, so I smile even wider, perhaps even a little flirtatiously.

“So good of you to arrive. Is all well with the orcs?”

He nods, his expression staying exactly as unwelcoming as before, and glowers around the room. “The orcs are doing well. Two matings have just occurred at the Garden Manor, one of which is from my clan.”

Garden Manor, where willing women can go to meet and match with orcs to mate. The women that go there have lately acquired the nickname among the masses of the War Brides since their willingness to bind themselves to orcs is what stopped the war between Adrik and Orik. I was the coordinator at Garden Manor before I became regent. A murmur runs through the court like lightning. Most of the humans don’t like to think of those that are choosing to mate with the orcs. They see it as demeaning.Fools.

I clap my hands and say, “How delightful! I’m sure the king and queen will be happy to hear their treaty is already a success.”

This silences the murmurs like I knew it would. No one wants to get on the bad side of the queen who saved us all and the king who is very willing to kill anyone who threatens his bride. The House Grimble has already fallen into ruin from trying to go against our rulers. Their lands are currently in holding, waiting to be bestowed upon a deserving noble, which is something else the gossips have been speaking of.

Verrick comes to sit next to me and I give him a little wink as he sits down. This causes him to stumble slightly. The action is so subtle that someone would have to be looking very closelyto see his reaction. Which I am.Adorable. He is not as immune to me as he pretends.

I continue, “Now that Warchief Verrick is present, let us continue with the matters at hand. The remaining amount of the tribute, where will it come from again?”

The argument erupts once more, the debate raging on. I settle back in my seat, no longer bored now that the object of my interest is next to me. The same could not be said for Verrick, however. He grows more and more tense the more the talking rages on. Under his breath I hear him mutter, “They should just draw swords and be done with it.”

“A singular notion,” I whisper back, even though he was not speaking to me. “Shall we place bets on who would win? Count Zaimar is quite deft with a blade, but Duchess Kimber can match him easily with rage.”

The orc looks at me as if I am a strange thing, a puzzle he cannot solve. I suppose a human has never flirted with him before, but he’ll just have to get used to it.

He opens his mouth as if to answer, his pointed ears growing a bit darker, then closes his mouth, stands up as if he did not just sit down, and announces to the room, “I will support whatever Regent Santir decides. Excuse me.”

With that, he leaves the room as quickly as he entered, the room staring at me. But I am not thinking of them as I stare at the broad, well-built back exiting the room.

It’s already decided. I wanted a lover of my choice and I’ve found one.


Chapter 2

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