Page 38 of Spark's Inferno

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It’s not like we were dating whenever they could be together.

Sure, we have a bit of charged banter, a few lingering glances, and some phenomenal sex, but that’s it.

I certainly don’t have any claim on him.

I’m pulled from my spiraling thoughts by strong arms wrapping around my waist and hauling me up and away from Sassy’s prone form.

I thrash against the hold, still spitting curses and clawing at the air. But it’s futile.

“Enough, Zoe!” Spark’s deep voice rumbles in my ear as he tightens his grip on me. “She’s not worth it.”

I sag in his arms, the fight draining out of me as quickly as it had exploded.

He’s right, damn him.

Sassy isn’t worth shit.

She certainly isn’t worth ruining my night over.

But Sassy, it seems, isn’t done with me yet.

She staggers to her feet, one hand cupping her bloody nose while the other points an accusing finger in my direction.

“You crazy bitch!” she screeches, her voice thick and nasally. “You broke my fucking nose!”

I bare my teeth at her in a feral grin, a surge of vicious satisfaction rushing through me. “You’re lucky that’s all I broke,” I snarl back.

Sassy’s eyes narrow to furious slits.

She takes a step toward me and Spark’s arms flex, his body tensing as if readying for another brawl.

But Sassy doesn’t lunge.

Instead, her split lips curl into a cruel sneer.

“Oh, your daddy isn’t gonna like this,” she taunts in a sing-song voice. “His precious little princess, getting hot and bothered by a prospect in his club.”

My blood runs cold and then hot, pounding in my ears as panic and rage war within me.

She wouldn’t dare.

She couldn’t possibly be stupid enough to involve my father in this. Could she?

But even as the question flits through my mind, I know the answer.

Of course she would.

Sassy is the type of girl who fights dirty, who aims right for the jugular.

And she knows that the threat of my dad’s disapproval is the sharpest weapon in her arsenal.

I suck in a sharp breath through my teeth, my fingers curling into impotent fists at my sides.

I want to scream at her that she has no idea what she’s talking about.

That my father will take my side, that he’ll see her for the manipulative skank she is.

But the words lodge in my throat, trapped under the weight of my own uncertainty.

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